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TotalTemp Technologies Now Offers Larger Thermal Platforms

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TotalTemp Technologies - RF Caf

The Next Generation Thermal Test Performance

TotalTemp Technologies Model SD450 Thermal Testing Platform

TotalTemp Technologies Model SD450 Thermal Testing Platform

  • Competitive purchase price
  • Even heating and cooling or dual zone option
  • Extremely fast temperature transition rates
  • Hard plated anodized surface for durability
  • Excellent access to DUT
  • Rugged Stainless Steel chassis
  •  High accuracy temperature sensors
  • Threaded holes for adapter plate, vacuum hold down plate or clamp set mounting

San Diego, California – May 12, 2020 – TotalTemp Technologies has introduced a new, larger model of their industry-leading thermal testing platform line. The SD450-N Thermal Platform offers 450 square (18" x 25") inches of even, wide range, precise thermal testing from 200°C to -100°C. Extended range options, safety features and alternate cooling methods available. New design allows more accessibility, custom fixturing and clamping choices. Great for MPUs, amplifiers, radios, and other large devices with a flat thermally conductive surface. Advanced programmable Synergy Nano temperature controller can monitor and log one or many points on the device(s) allowing advanced temperature control optimization. We have many new custom covers and other options.

TotalTemp Technologies Thermal Testing Accessories - RF CafeSix Standard Sizes Mode of Thermal Platform Models:

  • Model # SD14 3.75" x 3.75" usable surface area (14 sq. in / 90 sq cm)
  • Model # SD49 6.5" x 7.5" usable surface area (49 sq in / 316 sq cm)
  • Model # SD98 6.5" x 15"usable surface area (98 sq in / 632 sq cm)
  • Model # SD144 12" x 12" usable surface area (144 sq in / 929 sq cm)
  • Model # SD288 12" x 24" usable surface area (288 sq in / 1858 sq cm)
  • Model # SD450 18" x 25" usable surface area (450 sq in / 2900sq cm)

Coolant Choices:

  • L-N2 -100°C , High or Low Pressure
  • L-CO2 -65°C , High or Low Pressure
Refrigeration Compressor:
  • -40°C with Single Stage
  • -65°C with Dual Stage (Cascade)

About TotalTemp Technologies

The primary goal for TotalTemp is to maximize the combined 40 years experience we have in this highly specialized field and create a new, alternative, "Next Generation" Thermal Platforms and Temperature Testing equipment. Our Mission is to offer thermal testing equipment that best suits or customers' requirements. For several decades there were only two real manufacturers for thermal platforms. It was no secret that the market demanded a new alternative with better service and lower costs. We heard you loud and clear and TotalTemp is here to fill that need.



TotalTemp Technologies

3630 Hancock Street A

San Diego, CA  92110

Phone:  1-888-712-2228

E-Mail:  Sales@TotalTempTech.com

Web:  www.totaltemptech.com



Posted May 13, 2020

Temwell Filters
Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe

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