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High Throughput Satellites

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Communication Mission Requirements, Evolution of Current HTS Payload Architectures, HTS System Analysis

High Throughput Satellites (Artech House) - RF Cafe

High Throughput Satellites

By Hector Fenech

Artech House 2021

Print ISBN: 9781630818258

Price: £138  ($159)

New Release Price: $119

April 2021 -- London -- Artech House today announced the publication High-Throughput Satellites, by Hector Fenech. This exciting new book discusses the motivation for the evolution of a new breed of High Throughput Satellites (HTS) that have emerged from traditional communications satellites. It explores the commercial sectors and technical context that have shaped HTS. The historical underpinnings of HTS are provided to highlight the requirements that dimension these satellites. A survey of operational GEO HTS systems is also included. Readers will understand the technical, operational and commercial context of HTS systems, as well as the performance of the current HTS system.

This initial breed of satellites was limited to geostationary satellites, but it is quickly projecting into low earth orbit (LEO) constellations, often referred to as mega-constellations. The industrial and operational facets of LEO constellations are challenging. The characteristics of GEO and LEO systems are presented to understand the differences between the two systems. The book also explores the evolution of the current HTS payload architectures, as well as theoretical methodology is presented for the capacity estimation for both the FORWARD link and RETURN link, which can be used for preliminary HTS dimensioning and can be adapted to practical scenarios.

High-Throughput Satellites is available now from Artech House, a leading publisher of books for professionals in high-technology industries.



Diana Cristea

Artech House Order Department

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Posted May 3, 2021

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