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SOLiD Adopts Picocom for Next-Generation Open RAN Products

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PC802 System-on-Chip and 5G NR software to power SOLiD Radio Units

Picocom PC802, 5G Open RAN Radio Units (O−RUs)

Picocom PC802, 5G Open RAN Radio Units (O-RUs)

Bristol, UK - November 16, 2022 - Picocom, the 5G Open RAN baseband semiconductor and software specialist, today announced that SOLiD, a global leader in cellular in-building mobile coverage, has selected Picocom silicon and software to power its next generation of 5G Open RAN Radio Units (O-RUs).

"SOLiD is at the forefront of, and continues to be committed to, being a worldwide leader in in-building cellular technology. Partnering with Picocom to purchase PC802 devices and license its 5G NR O-RU software gives us the confidence that SOLiD will maintain the edge over our competition. This agreement will enable us to be competitive in the ever-evolving Open RAN market with our next-generation O-RUs," said HyunChae Kim, Vice President at SOLiD.

"It's fantastic to be working with SOLiD, and I'm honoured that our silicon and software will be at the heart of future SOLiD Open RAN products. This positive news comes on the eve of PC802's launch anniversary. We're very pleased with the traction we are seeing and having SOLiD backing us publicly is a testament to that," said Peter Claydon, President of Picocom.

PC802 is shipping in mass production quantities together with mature software for Open RAN Distributed Units (O-DU) and Radio Units (O-RU), as well as integrated small cells. In addition, PC802 supports both 4G LTE and 5G NR.

For more information on Picocom's PC802 5G small cell SoC, visit picocom.com/products/socs/pc802.

For more information on SOLiD, visit solid.com.


About  Picocom

Picocom, the 5G open RAN baseband semiconductor and software specialist, is a semiconductor company that designs and markets open RAN standard-compliant baseband SoCs and carrier-grade software products for 5G small cell infrastructure. The company is privately venture capital-funded with offices in Bristol, UK, and Hangzhou and Beijing, China. Picocom founding members have extensive experience in leading teams in wireless baseband for infrastructure design.


About SOLiD

For more than twenty years, SOLiD's innovative distributed antenna systems (DAS) have extended cellular network coverage into the world's best-known and most challenging venues. The importance of reliable in-building mobile coverage is hard to overstate. Mobile devices enable practically everything we do in our business and personal lives. And since 80% of cellular calls originate inside buildings, in-building mobile coverage is considered the fourth utility, as important as electricity, water, and HVAC.


Contact Info


DeskLodge House
Redcliffe Way
Bristol BS1 6NL UK
+44 117 251 0224
E-Mail: info@picocom.com



Posted November 16, 2022

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