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Modelithics Releases COMPLETE Library v23.2 for Sonnet Suites

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Modelithics Releases COMPLETE Library v23.2 for Sonnet Suites - RF Cafe

Modelithics Releases COMPLETE Library v23.2 for Sonnet Suites


Tampa, Florida (June 28, 2023) – Modelithics is pleased to announce the release of version 23.2 of the Modelithics COMPLETE Library™ for Sonnet Suites. This new release adds 45 new models and is compatible with the latest version of Sonnet (v18.56). With this release, the Modelithics COMPLETE Library for Sonnet Suites now represents highly-accurate models for over 26,000 components. The addition of Modelithics COMPLETE Library models to Sonnet allows designers to combine the accuracy of full-wave analysis of arbitrary interconnect structures with accurate equivalent circuit models for active devices and lumped element components that scale variously with substrate, temperature and bias conditions.

With the release of version 23.2, the Modelithics COMPLETE Library for Sonnet Suites now includes Modelithics extensive collection of Microwave Global Models™ for capacitor, inductor, and resistor part series. The library also includes models for other components like attenuators, splitters, and couplers. Version 23.2 adds to the library new models for components from vendors such as AMOTECH, Coilcraft, Kemet, Kyocera-AVX, Smiths Interconnect, Vishay, and others. Among the new additions are Microwave Global Models for AMOTECH’s A60S, A60F, and A80B capacitor part series. Version 23.2 also includes new models for several broadband capacitors from AMOTECH validated to 70 GHz.

Also added in version 23.2 are new models for various Kyocera-AVX broadband capacitors, including models for the 550W103, 550Z103, 550Z104, 550Z224, and 550U capacitors that are validated all the way to 110 GHz. The release also includes a new model for the Kyocera-AVX UBR0402 resistor series. Also introduced in version 23.2 are models for several resistors from Vishay and one capacitor from Würth Elektronik. Other new models include models for three resistors and three attenuators from Smiths Interconnect and models for two MACOM components (one coupler and one splitter).

Full details regarding the release of the Modelithics COMPLETE Library v23.2 for Sonnet Suites are outlined within the release notes. Those interested in requesting a free trial can visit the Sonnet MVP landing page on the Modelithics website (www.Modelithics.com/MVP/Sonnet). For more information, visit www.modelithics.com or contact sales@modelithics.com.


About Modelithics, Inc.

Modelithics, Inc. (www.Modelithics.com) was formed in 2001 to address the industry-wide need for high-accuracy RF and microwave active and passive simulation models for use in Electronic Design Automation (EDA). Modelithics' premium product is the Modelithics® COMPLETE Library, which includes the CLR Library™, containing measurement-based Microwave Global Models™ for a multitude of commercially-available passive component families, as well non-linear diode models, non-linear transistor models, and system level component models. Modelithics' services also address a wide range of custom RF and microwave measurement and modeling needs. Modelithics product offerings also include the Modelithics mmWave & 5G Library, Modelithics System Components Library™ the Modelithics COMPLETE+3D Library. Modelithics® is a registered trademark of Modelithics, Inc. Microwave Global Models™, System Components Library™ and CLR Library™ are also trademarks of Modelithics, Inc. The Modelithics Vendor Partner (MVP) Program allows for collaboration and open communication during the development of advanced data sets and models for commercially available microwave components and devices, with flexible sponsorship and distribution arrangements for the resulting data and models. An example of such an arrangement is the Modelithics Qorvo GaN Library, a fully sponsored library distributed for free by Modelithics under sponsorship of Qorvo®. Modelithics also offers a Standard & Custom Test Fixture and Accessory Product Line, including legacy parts from J Micro Technology for a family of thin film Alumina substrate components.



Angie Rogers
Vice President, Marketing & Sales
Modelithics, Inc.
3802 Spectrum Boulevard, Suite 130
Tampa, Florida  33612
Phone: 813.866.6335
E-Mail: sales@modelithics.com
Web: modelithics.com



Posted June 28, 2023

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