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Teledyne e2v HiRel Announces Radiation Tolerant
Integer-N PLL for LEO Space Applications

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New product provides the Space RF engineering and design community with a non-hermetic off-the-shelf, Integer-N synthesizer for challenging high-reliability space applications.

Teledyne TPL97240 Phase-Locked-Loop QFN Package - RF Cafe

Teledyne TPL97240 Phase-Locked-Loop QFN Package

Teledyne TPL97240 Phase-Locked-Loop Block Diagram - RF Cafe

Teledyne TPL97240 Phase-Locked-Loop Block Diagram

Hawthorne, CA, May 4, 2023 - Teledyne e2v HiRel, a leading provider of high-reliability semiconductor solutions, is proud to announce the release of a new space COTS (Commercial-Off-The-Shelf) phase locked loop (PLL) designed to deliver exceptional performance and reliability in space applications.

The TDPL97240 is packaged in a small, 7x7 mm, non-hermetic, epoxy sealed, ceramic quad, no-leads, (QFN) flat package that offers 75% board size reduction vs. the standard space grade ceramic part. It is radiation tolerant to 100 krad (Si) total ionizing dose (TID) and built on silicon-on-sapphire (SOS) technology. This gives the PLL natural radiation tolerance and immunity to single-event latch-up (SEL) effects. It also has a lock frequency range of 50 MHz-5 GHz, dual modulus prescaler (5/6 & 10/11) for greater frequency flexibility and capability of either serial interface or direct pin programming.

"We are thrilled to offer our customers a cost-effective solution that delivers the high-reliability and high-performance needed for space applications," said Mont Taylor, Vice President of Marketing and Product Management at Teledyne e2v HiRel. "Our new space COTS PLL is the ideal solution for LEO applications that also require radiation performance."

The device is qualified in accordance with the NASA EEE-INST-002 specification and undergoes rigorous testing and validation to ensure that it meets the necessary space requirements. The cost-effective nature of the space COTS solution opens new opportunities for customers who may have previously been unable to afford more expensive traditionally qualified solutions.

For more information on all of Teledyne e2v HiRel’s space offerings, review our portfolio of semiconductors, converters and processors, and related services here on the Teledyne Defense Electronics website.

Devices are available for ordering and shipment today from Teledyne e2v HiRel or an authorized distributor. They are shipped from our DoD Trusted Facility in Milpitas, California.

About Teledyne Defense Electronics

Serving Defense, Space and Commercial sectors worldwide, Teledyne Defense Electronics offers a comprehensive portfolio of highly engineered solutions that meet your most demanding requirements in the harshest environments. Manufacturing both custom and off-the-shelf product offerings, our diverse product lines meet emerging needs for key applications for avionics, energetics, electronic warfare, missiles, radar, satcom, space, and test and measurement.



Sharon Fletcher
Teledyne Defense Electronics
Phone: +1 323-241-1623

E-Mail: sharon.fletcher@teledyne.com

Web: www.teledynedefelec.com



Posted May 8, 2023

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