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Withwave Intros Vertical Launch Connectors for DC to 110 GHz

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Withwave Intros Vertical Launch Connectors for DC to 110 GHz - RF Cafe

Withwave Intros Vertical Launch Connectors for DC to 110 GHz. 

May 8, 2023 - Withwave is a leading designer and developer of a broad range of RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave test solutions and subsystems with a focus on electromagnetic field analysis and signal processing. Withwave's new line of Vertical Launch Connectors are specially designed for solderless vertical PCB launch on test & measurement boards. These connectors have excellent electrical transition performance up to 26.5 GHz (SMA), 40 GHz (2.92 mm), 50 GHz (2.4 mm), 67 GHz (1.85 mm), and 110 GHz (1.0 mm), in both male and female configurations, and reduce installation time by eliminating soldering. Low VSWR on properly designed substrate. Applications include test and measurement, high speed digital test boards, and characterization boards. 3D models for mechanical layout (STEP file), and ANSYS HFSS models  for 3D electromagnetic simulation are available.

A short Withwave Product Presentation video has been produced and posted on YouTube which provides quick overview of their offerings. As seen in the thumbnail screenshots, it shows real examples of product lines rather than just CAD drawings. Other videos can be viewed on Withwave's YouTube channel.


About Withwave

Withwave is a leading designer, developer of a broad range of RF & MW Test Solutions and subsystems with a focus on Electromagnetic field analysis and RF & Microwave Signal processing.

Withwave's extensive product portfolio serves four primary target markets: Wireless communications, Test & Instrumentation, Automated Test Equipment, Network Systems.

Applications for our products in these target markets include cellular phones and base stations, data networking, Semiconductor and telecommunications equipment and  factory automation.

Withwave maintains its competitiveness by continuously innovating products and services in an environmentally beneficial and sustainable manner. We add new technologies and abilities to our portfolio of competences to ensure our long-term success.

Contact Info

Richard Song
329, Saeun-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si
Gyeonggi-do, 17078,  South Korea

Website: https://www.with-wave.com

E-mail : bwsong@with-wave.com

Mobile Phone : +82-10-9781-3019

Direct Phone : +82-70-7118-0705  



Posted May 10, 2023

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