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Material measurements for applications in electromagnetic materials

Artech House: Wideband Microwave Materials Characterization - RF Cafe

Wideband Microwave Materials Characterization

By John W. Schultz
Artech House 2023
Print ISBN: 9781630819460
Retail Price: $159
Digital Download Price: $119

March 2023 - John W. Schultz's latest book from Artech House, "Wideband Microwave Materials Characterization," is a practical engineering guide to microwave material measurements for both laboratory and manufacturing/field environments, including nondestructive inspection (NDI) and nondestructive evaluation (NDE). The book, published by Artech House, covers topics including Electromagnetic Materials Properties, Free Space Methods, Microwave Non-Destructive Evaluation, Focused Beam Methods, and more!

This book is a practical engineering guide to microwave material measurements for both laboratory and manufacturing/field environments, including nondestructive inspection (NDI) and nondestructive evaluation (NDE). It provides the necessary equations and algorithms for calibrating measurement fixtures and then extracting dielectric/magnetic material properties from wideband methods (free space and waveguide fixtures). With guides on the design of wide bandwidth material measurement methods (such as details for designing microwave focusing lenses) and descriptions of techniques for adapting these methods to manufacturing and other non-laboratory environments.

This book is an excellent resource for Engineers/scientists conducting or analyzing RF/Microwave/MMW material measurements for applications in electromagnetic materials, as well as those who are developing or applying microwave non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods to their manufacturing problems.



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Posted April 26, 2023

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