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TotalTemp Technologies:
Optimized Methods for Achieving Thermal Testing Needs

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TotalTemp Technologies - RF Caf


TotalTemp Technologies C460 Environmental Chamber Stack - RF Cafe

TotalTemp Technologies C460 Cryogenically Cooled Temperature Chamber

TotalTemp Technologies VmSD144−N Thermal Platform Vacuum Chamber - RF Cafe 

TotalTemp Technologies VmSD144-N Thermal Platform Vacuum Chamber

San Diego, California – May 14, 2024 - TotalTemp Technologies offers advanced and innovative methods for meeting and optimizing your thermal testing requirements. We specialize in benchtop thermal testing because small batches are typically the most cost- effective approach. We offer heat transfer by conduction with thermal platforms, forced convection as in traditional temperature chambers, combined systems, and thermal vacuum for Space Simulation.

TotalTemp Technologies Synergy Nano Controller - RF CafeThe advanced Synergy Nano controller has many time saving features that make the job easier:

  • Dual or Multi Zone control.
  • Advanced control by reading DUT temperatures.
  • Capable logging features including Network Plotting /Printing and Multi sensor readings.
  • Local and remote control/monitoring with RS-232, Ethernet, GPIB option and more.
  • Ramp and dwell, inputs and conditional outputs, configurable including text and email alarms.
  • Cloud Storage capable

We offer refrigerated platforms for applications where expendable cryogenic cooling is not possible.

TotalTemp Technologies offers optimized methods for achieving thermal testing needs.

Our wide range of thermal platforms offer heat transfer by conduction for maximum performance. Our mini chambers and stacked chamber configurations save valuable lab space. Synergy Nano - Advanced temperature control with logging and reporting capabilities. Best support in the industry. Accessible application notes and human support.

About TotalTemp Technologies

The primary goal for TotalTemp is to maximize the combined 40 years experience we have in this highly specialized field and create a new, alternative, "Next Generation" Thermal Platforms and Temperature Testing equipment. Our Mission is to offer thermal testing equipment that best suits or customers' requirements. For several decades there were only two real manufacturers for thermal platforms. It was no secret that the market demanded a new alternative with better service and lower costs. We heard you loud and clear and TotalTemp is here to fill that need.



TotalTemp Technologies
3630 Hancock Street A
San Diego, CA  92110
Phone:  1-888-712-2228

E-Mail:  Sales@TotalTempTech.com

Web:  www.totaltemptech.com



Posted May 14, 2024

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe