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Frequency  ‹―›  Wavelength Calculator



Relative Dielectric Constant



Disclaimer: This calculator has been tested and is believed to be accurate to 6 significant figures. User assumes all risks for its use.

Here is a simple JavaScript routine that converts between frequency and wavelength in the electromagnetic field realm. Wavelength and frequency are related by the following formula:

c = λ * ν * √εr

where  c = speed of light

            λ = wavelength

            ν = frequency

            εr = relative permittivity

Frequency Units Wavelength Units
G = GHz

M = MHz

k = kHz

H = Hz

k = kilometer

m = meter

cm = centimeter

mm = mm

nmi = nautical mile

mi = statute mile

yd = yard

ft = foot

in = inch

mil = 1000ths of an inch

A table of calculated values can be found here: Frequency - Wavelength Conversion Table

Here are some familiar objects and their equivalent wavelength-related frequencies in air:

Hummer H2 (189.8 in) wavelength = 62.2 MHz - RF Cafe

Hummer H2 (189.8 in) = 62.2 MHz

Golden Gate Bridge (6,450 ft) wavelength = 153 kHz - RF Cafe

Golden Gate Bridge (6,450 ft) = 153 kHz

Earth Equatorial Diameter (7,926 mi) wavelength = 23.5 Hz - RF Cafe

Earth Equatorial Diameter (7,926 mi) = 23.5 Hz

0402 Surface Mount Capacitor (0.040 in) wavelength = 295 GHz - RF Cafe

0402 Surface Mount Capacitor (0.040 in) = 295 GHz

Ticonderoga #2 Wooden Pencil (7.5'') wavelength = 1.57 GHz -RF Cafe

Ticonderoga #2 Wooden Pencil (7.5") = 1.57 GHz

Meter Stick (1 m) wavelength = 300 MHz - RF Cafe

Meter Stick (1 m) = 300 MHz

Boeing 747-400 (231'10'') wavelength = 4.24 MHz - RF Cafe

Boeing 747-400 (231'10") = 4.24 MHz


Channel Tunnel, 'Chunnel' (37 km) wavelength = 8.10 kHz -RF Cafe

Channel Tunnel, "Chunnel" (37 km) = 8.10 kHz

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 - RF Cafe
ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe