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Package Outlines - Dual Inline Package (DIP)

DIP 8 package drawing - RF Cafe

8-Pin Dual Inline Package (DIP)

DIP 14 package drawing - RF Cafe

14-Pin Dual Inline Package (DIP)

DIP 16 package drawing - RF Cafe

16-Pin Dual Inline Package (DIP)

DIP 18 package drawing - RF Cafe

18-Pin Dual Inline Package (DIP)

DIP 20 package drawing - RF Cafe

20-Pin Dual Inline Package (DIP)

 - See Full List - 

Dual Inline Package - RF CafeDual Inline Package

A Dual Inline Package (DIP) is a type of electronic component packaging used for integrated circuits (ICs) and other electronic devices. DIPs were widely used in the electronics industry for several decades, but they have largely been replaced by surface-mount technology (SMT) packages in recent years. Here's a brief history of the DIP:

  • Invention and Early Adoption: The DIP was first introduced in the 1960s. It consisted of a rectangular plastic or ceramic package with two parallel rows of pins along its sides. This design allowed for easy insertion and soldering of the package onto a printed circuit board (PCB).
  • Proliferation in the 1970s and 1980s: DIP packages became the standard for many types of ICs during the 1970s and 1980s. This era saw the rise of microprocessors, memory chips, and various other digital and analog ICs packaged in DIPs.
  • Variants and Sizes: DIPs came in various sizes, with the most common being the 14-pin, 16-pin, 18-pin, 20-pin, and 40-pin varieties. Smaller DIPs, like the 8-pin and 10-pin versions, were also used for simpler devices.
  • Decline in Popularity: As electronic devices became smaller, lighter, and more compact, there was a growing need for smaller and more densely packed components. This led to the decline in popularity of DIP packages. Surface-mount devices (SMDs) became the new standard due to their smaller footprint and ability to be densely packed on PCBs.
  • Legacy Use: While DIPs are no longer the primary choice for new electronic designs, they are still used in some legacy systems and for hobbyist projects. Additionally, DIP sockets (which allow for the easy replacement of DIP ICs) are sometimes used in prototyping and testing.
  • DIP vs. SMT: The transition from DIP to SMT packaging brought advantages like reduced size, improved manufacturing efficiency, and better electrical performance due to shorter lead lengths. However, SMT components can be more challenging to hand solder and repair compared to DIPs.
  • Obsolete for Modern Applications: In modern electronics, especially for portable devices and miniaturized products, you'll rarely find DIP packages. SMT and other advanced packaging technologies have largely replaced DIPs in these applications.
Here are the primary package and pin spacing dimensions for some of the most common DIP (Dual Inline Packages).

For detailed PCB layout drawings click here to go to the Semiconductor Vendor Links page on RF Cafe.

DIP 24 package drawing - RF Cafe

24-Pin Dual Inline Package (DIP)


DIP 28 package drawing - RF Cafe

28-Pin Dual Inline Package (DIP)

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe
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RF Cascade Workbook 2018 by RF Cafe

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)