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Cafe Press

Curiosa in Radio
June 1935 Radio-Craft

June 1935 Radio-Craft

June 1935 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

I usually try to post something a little less serious and technical on Fridays to help everyone wind down from the long week just passed. It could be a Carl & Jerry or a Mac's Radio Service Shop story, an electronics quiz, or even something I found out on the Internet. This time it is a "believe-it-or-not" type feature in a c1935 Radio-Craft magazine entitled "Curiosa in Radio," about radio manufacturing, operating, and infrastructure. One factoid claims "Only 1.1% of set manufacturers in business in 1924 are building sets today." It could due to being in the middle of the Depression Era so almost nobody was making / buying radios, but more likely it reflects the reality of the many people who jumped into the fledgling radio industry early on and then could not gain market share. I took the liberty of colorizing the drawings. Enjoy.

Curiosa in Radio

Curiosa in Radio - RF CafeThe well-known saying that "truth is stranger than fiction" is amply demonstrated by some of the strange facts which have been collected here from all parts of the world. These bits from here and there add zest to radio study.



Posted June 21, 2024
(updated from original post on 8/5/2016)

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