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Radio WittiQuiz
November 1937 Radio-Craft

November 1937 Radio-Craft

November 1937 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Mixing a little fun with learning has always been a good motivation for students. I have written in the past about a particular electronic circuits professor I had that liked to play practical jokes during lessons and exams. Including gag options on a multiple choice test is a great way to inject a bit of tension-easing levity while at the same time eliminating one or more opportunities to guess at a wrong answer (although no relief for the truly clueless). I sometimes do that on the RF Cafe Quizzes that I generate. Radio-Craft printed a large bunch of such quiz questions under the title "Radio WittiQuiz," where the questions and answers were provided by readers. Here is one from November 1937. 

Other Radio WittiQuizzes: November 1937 | December 1937 | October 1938

Radio WittiQuiz

Radio Wittiquiz, November 1937 Radio-Craft - RF CafeFree - A 1-year subscription to Radio-Craft to each person who submits a WittiQuiz that in the opinion of the Editors is suitable for publication in Radio-Craft. Read the following WittiQuizzes; can you spot the correct answers? Now send in your idea of one or more good WittiQuizzes.


(19) A transformer is-

(a) An apparatus for converting telegraph into wireless.

(b) An ex- cross-country runner.

(c) A device for coupling electrical circuits.

(d) A device for altering the form of electrical energy between circuits.

(e) A toupée or wig.

- W. Ward


(20) Any person who is "up" in his radio knows that Radio-Craft is-

(a) Any sailing vessel which is especially equipped so that it can be con- trolled by radio.

(b) Newly developed acoustic paper used for cones in the better loudspeakers.

(c) A police cruiser having both radio transmitting and receiving facilities.

(d) Radio's livest magazine.

(e) The radio servicing profession.

- E. J. Sampson


(21) A mixer tube is usually one in which -

(a) Alternating current is changed to pulsating current.

(b) Concrete for building purposes is produced.

(c) The desired beat frequency is obtained by combining the carrier signal frequency with the locally -generated frequency.

(d) One in which the bass and treble notes are harmoniously mixed in order to produce a hi- fidelity tonal output.

- L. A. Webster


(22) A Wheatstone bridge is-

(a) A traffic bridge designed by Mr. Wheatstone.

(b) A device used to measure resistance.

(c) A stone used to grind wheat.

- Victor Richard


(23) A photoelectric cell is-

(a) One of those new-fangled, escape-proof contraptions in Alcatraz prison.

(b) A device for rushing photos back and forth in busy newspaper offices.

(c) A vacuum tube in which electron emission is produced by the illumination of an electrode.

- Carl Graham


(24) It is generally known that an indoor antenna is a type of antenna -

(a) Built in a door.

(b) Used to decrease the sensitivity and to increase the effects of static.

(c) One that needs no insulation.

(d) Strung up in a room or attic.

- Lyle C. Ragan


(25) All good amateurs know that an ohm is-

(a) A domesticated animal of South America.

(b) Equal to 40 W.

(c) A unit of electrical resistance.

(d) A new type of fixed condenser.

- Clarence E. Maw


(26) A grid cap is used -

(a) To keep the grid warm.

(b) As a shield.

(c) To prevent removal of the grid.

(d) To provide electrical connection to the grid.

- George Gellaty


(27) Those of us who dabbled in radio prior to the World War would refer to a loose coupler, meaning -

(a) A defective connection between earth and ground.

(b) An amateur who would not stay on his assigned frequency.

(c) A Justice of the Peace who performed marriage ceremonies.

(d) An R.F. receiving transformer.

- P. A. Flanagan


<answers below>

















(19)   (e)

(20)   (d)

(21)   (c)

(22)   (b)

(23)   (e)

(24)   (d)

(25)   (e)

(26)   (d)

(27)   (d)



Contest Rules (this, of course, does not hold anymore since Radio-Craft is out of publication)

(1) An award of a 1-year subscription to Radio-Craft will be given, each month, to each person who submits one or more Wiitiquizzes that the Editors consider suitable for publication in Radio-Craft.

(2) Wiitiquizzes should preferably be typed; use only one side of paper.

(3) Submit as many Wiitiquizzes as you care to - the more you submit the more chance you have of winning - but each should be good.

(4) Each Wiitiquizz must incorporate humorous elements, and must be based on some term used in radio, public address or electronics. Each Wiitiquizz may have 4 "answers," only one of which of course will be correct; and, only 1 of which is non-radio.

(5) All answers must be grouped, by question number and correct-answer letter, on a separate sheet of paper.

(6) All contributions become the property of Radio-Craft. No contributions can be returned.

(7) This contest is not open to Radio-Craft employees or their relatives.



Posted November 28, 2019
(updated from original post on  9/14/2014)

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