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Howard W. Sams & Co. Advertisement
March 1958 Radio News

March 1958 Radio & TV News
March 1958 Radio & TV News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

I'm guessing most RF Cafe visitors who are more than 50 years old are familiar with, and even have seen, the Sams Photofacts packages of documentation for consumer electronics appliances that include televisions, radios, phonographs, clock-radios, tape recorders/player, amplifiers, etc. Most electronics service shops couldn't have existed with them since many manufacturers did not distribute technical and service data to anyone who was not a certified, sanctioned dealer. Howard Sams, the company's founder, did the equivalent for electronics of what Chilton did for cars and trucks. They basically reverse engineered models bought off a showroom floor and documented them to where almost anyone with a familiarity with the technology could successfully troubleshoot, repair, and align the system. This particular full-page advertisement from a 1958 issue of Radio & TV News magazine features the man himself, Howard W. Sams, so now you'll recognize him if you pass him on the street.

Here are a few PhotoFact ads from vintage electronics magazine: Sams PhotoFact 5/56,  Sams PhotoFact 11/62,  Sams PhotoFact 4/48,  Sams PhotoFact 3/58,  Sams PhotoFact May '48,  Sams PhotoFact 8/46, TV Colorgrams

Howard W. Sams & Co. Ad

Howard W. Sams & Co. Ad, March 1958 Radio News - RF Cafe

Free! from Howard W. Sams ...

these valuable all-steel file cabinets with your purchase of

Photofact the world's finest TV-Radio Service Data

Now - For Photofact Subscribers! You can get these File Cabinets Absolutely Free from Howard W. Sams if you are a regular subscriber to Photofact and buy each Set as issued monthly ...

Now - for Photofact Library Purchasers! You can get Free File Cabinets as you complete your Photofact Library. What's more, you can own the Photofact Library the New Easy-Buy Way: There's no interest. There's no carrying charge. And Howard W. Sams will give you Absolutely Free all the steel file cabinets you'll need for your Library.

Take advantage of this money-saving opportunity. See your Sams Distributor today, or write to Howard W. Sams for full details ...

Free file cabinets

New easy-buy plan

Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.

2203 E. 46th St., Indianapolis 5, Indiana

__ Send me full details on your Free File cabinet offer and Easy-Buy Plan.

__ I'm a Service Technician: __ full time; __ part time

My Distributor is: ________________________________

Shop Name: ____________________________________

Attn.: _________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________

City __________________ Zone _______ State ____________________



Posted January 20, 2020

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe
LadyBug RF Power Sensors

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

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