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Kluge Electronics Company
February 1946 Radio News

February 1946 Radio News
February 1946 Radio News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

I don't know when then term "kluge" (aka "kludge") came to mean compilation of assorted components to assemble a make-shift type of device that, while performing the intended task, is really a poor attempt at a solution. The typical kludge barely gets the job done, is unreliable and/or dangerous, and does not last long. Whether or not the term was in common use when this promotion for Kludge Electronics appeared in a 1946 issue of Radio News magazine, the family was obviously proud enough of its name to warrant using it for the company's title. The full-page ad proclaimed "Soon ... A New 'Ham' Era," as a prelude to is soon-to-be-release line of amateur radio products featuring "advanced electronics and ultra-modern principles of design." Many companies were promising great new equipment based on lessons learned from the recently ended Word War. Here is another advertisement from Kludge Electronics from a month earlier in Radio News, where I dug a little into the etymology of the word.

Kluge Electronics Company Ad

Kluge Electronics Company, February 1946 Radio News - RF CafeSoon ... A New "Ham" Era

The curtain is rising on a remarkable "new era" development for the "hams" and potential hams of the world! It's so logical ... so ingenious, in its use of advanced electronics and ultra-modern principles of design that we have kept the secret for showings in all parts of the country, at the same time. Dealers will be ready soon. Don't miss their Kluge "Premieres" ... It won't be long!

Kluge Electronics Company

1031 North Alvarado Street, Los Angeles 26, California



Posted May 30, 3022

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