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Montgomery Ward Radio Catalog
February 1939 Radio News

February 1939 Radio News

February 1939 Radio News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Not long ago I posted a short bit on the 1924 Montgomery Ward Radio Catalog I found on the WWW. It was the only version of the actual catalog I could find. An advertisement for this 1939 edition of the Montgomery Ward Radio Catalog appeared in a copy of Radio News magazine. Like the earlier catalog, this one appeals to both professional servicemen and amateur radio hobbyists - often one and the same. Mail order and brick and mortar outlets like Radio Shack (founded in 1921) and Lafayette Radio Electronics (where I used to buy stuff in the 1970s, founded in 1931) had not come to most of America's towns yet, so electronics enthusiasts often procured their parts from Sears Roebuck, Montgomery Ward, and specialty catalogs or from hardware and drug stores that happened to stock components. Of course you could always walk into the local electronics repair shop and order parts if you didn't mind paying the mark-up. I remember this Bicentennial catalog from 1976 Lafayette Radio Electronics put out in the year I graduated from Southern Senior High School.

Montgomery Ward Radio Catalog

Montgomery Ward Radio Catalog, February 1939 Radio News - RF CafeAmateurs!! Servicemen!!

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Posted March 17, 2021

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