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RF & Connector Technology - RF Cafe

Contact Info

RF & Connector Technology (RFCT)
#215, Pyung-ik Bldg. 998-1
YoungTong Suwon, S. Korea
Tel: +82-505-274-0002; +82-31-221-8370
Fax: +82-505-274-0003

Email: info@rf-ct.com

Web: www.RF-CT.com


About RF & Connector Technology (RFCT)

Providing full solution service is our motto, not just selling goods. We, RF & Connector Technology, have persistently pursued a management policy stressing quality assurance system and technological advancement. From your very first contact, you will be supported by competent RF specialists; all of them have several years of field experience in this industry allowing them to suggest a fundamental solution and troubleshooting approach. Practically, we put priority on process inspection at each step of workflow as well as during final inspection in order to actualize "Zero Defects."

RF & Connector Technology (RFCT) - RF Cafe

RF & Connector Technology shall compete with quality not just price. All the ordered goods shall be manufactured by automated machines and skillful technicians and tested by advanced test equipment, issuing the test report as a form of customized requirement. Our goal is to be considered as an "old friend" who you will talk to first for your inquiry because we understand your needs and can be empathetic to you.

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Please Thank RF & Connector Technology for Their Support

RF & Connector Technology - RF CafeProviding full solution service is our motto, not just selling goods. RF & Connector Technology has persistently pursued a management policy stressing quality assurance system and technological advancement. From your very first contact, you will be supported by competent RF specialists; all of them have several years of field experience in this industry allowing them to suggest a fundamental solution and troubleshooting approach. Coaxial RF connectors, cable assemblies, antennas, terminations, attenuators, couplers, dividers, and more. Practically, we put priority on process inspection at each step of workflow as well as during final inspection in order to actualize "Zero Defects."

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RF & Connector Technology (RFCT)

RF & Connector Technology (RFCT)

RF attenuators, terminations, dummy loads, DC blocks, power couplers, power dividers & splitters, surge arrestors, RF coaxial connectors, RF coaxial cable & cable assemblies, and compact antennas.
Innovative Power Products Couplers
Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe

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