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Contact Information

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Contact Info

Wireless Telecom Group
25 Eastmans Road
Parsippany, NJ  07054 U.S.
Phone: +1 (973) 386-9696

Web: wirelesstelecomgroup.com

E-Mail: info@wtcom.com

About the Wireless Telecom Group

The Wireless Telecom Group, Inc., is comprised of Boonton, Holzworth, and Noisecom, is a global designer and manufacturer of advanced RF and microwave components, modules, systems, and instruments. Serving the wireless, telecommunication, satellite, military, aerospace, semiconductor and medical industries, Wireless Telecom Group products enable innovation across a wide range of traditional and emerging wireless technologies. With a unique set of high-performance products including peak power meters, signal generators, phase noise analyzers, signal processing modules, 5G and LTE PHY/stack software, noise sources, and programmable noise generators, Wireless Telecom Group enables the development, testing, and deployment of wireless technologies around the globe. Wireless Telecom Group is headquartered in Parsippany, New Jersey, in the New York City metropolitan area, and maintains a global network of Sales and Service offices for excellent product service and support.

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Here is what ChatGPT has to say
about Wireless Telecom Group:

The Wireless Telecom Group, Inc., along with its subsidiaries Boonton, Holzworth, and Noisecom, offers a wide range of products and services related to the wireless communication industry.

Here is an overview of the types of products and services they were known for:


RF Power Meters: High-precision power measurement instruments used to measure the power of RF and microwave signals. RF Voltmeters: Instruments used to measure the voltage of RF and microwave signals. USB Power Sensors: Compact and portable power measurement solutions that connect via USB to a computer or device. Modulation Analyzers: Instruments for analyzing modulated signals and measuring various modulation parameters. Impedance Analyzers: Devices used to analyze and measure the impedance of RF components and circuits. RF Peak Power Analyzers: Instruments specialized in measuring peak power levels of RF signals.

Holzworth Instrumentation:

RF Synthesizers: High-performance RF signal generators capable of producing stable and precise output frequencies. Phase Noise Analyzers: Instruments used to measure and analyze the phase noise of RF and microwave signals. Signal Generators: Broadband RF signal sources used for various testing and development applications.


Noise Generators: Devices that generate various types of noise signals used for testing and calibration purposes. Noise Diodes: Semiconductor devices that produce random noise for various applications. Precision Noise Modules: Compact modules that produce precise noise sources for testing and research. Additionally, Wireless Telecom Group and its subsidiaries likely provided a range of related services, such as technical support, calibration services, and custom solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of their customers in the wireless, telecommunication, satellite, military, aerospace, semiconductor, and medical industries.

It's important to note that the product offerings and services of these companies may have changed or expanded beyond what was listed here since my last update in September 2021. For the latest information, I recommend visiting their official websites or reaching out to them directly.

Thanks to Wireless Telecom Group for Their Support!

Wireless Telecom Group (RF power and noise measurement) - RF CafeThe Wireless Telecom Group, comprised of Boonton, Holzworth, and Noisecom, is a global designer and manufacturer of advanced RF and microwave components, modules, systems, and instruments. Serving the wireless, telecommunication, satellite, military, aerospace, semiconductor and medical industries, Wireless Telecom Group products enable innovation across a wide range of traditional and emerging wireless technologies. A unique set of high-performance products including peak power meters, signal generators, phase noise analyzers, signal processing modules, 5G and LTE PHY/stack software, noise sources, and programmable noise generators.

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Wireless Telecom Group - RF Cafe

Wireless Telecom Group

Boonton, Holzworth, and Noisecom, part of the Wireless Telecom Group, are global designers and manufacturers of advanced RF and microwave power and noise measurement equipment, including power meters & sensors, analyzers, and noise & jitter sources.

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