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withwave microwave devices - RF Cafe

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products (IPP) RF Combiners / Dividers

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Innovative Power Products (IPP) Baluns & Transformers

Please Help Sponsor RF Cafe for as Little as $40/Month
*** See Newest Banner Advertising Option for Multiple Companies ***

RF Cafe typically receives 10,000-15,000 website visitors each weekday and about half that on weekends (see chart) - currently averaging nearly 4 million pageviews per year! RF Cafe is a favorite of engineers, technicians, hobbyists, and students all over the world. With more than 17,000 unique pages in the Google search index, RF Cafe returns in favorable positions on many types of key searches, both for text and images. New content is added on a daily basis. Here is some SEMRush comparison data.

9/17/2023 Update: The 160x600-px banners have been changed to 120x450-px, and now there are three in each border rather than two. This increases the likelihood of your Banner being seen.

New Banner Advertising Plan (screenshot 9/17/2023) - RF Cafe RF Cafe Banner Advertising scheme (8/6/2022)

NOTE: I reserve the option to refuse ads which I do not feel are appropriate for the RF Cafe mission.

RF Cafe on a Samsung S4 Smartphone

RF Cafe on a Samsung S4 smartphone. At the time of this writing, RF Cafe scores an "Awesome! This page is mobile-friendly" on Google's Mobile-Friendly Test.


Website Traffic Trend 10/2023 - 3/2023 Web Statistics October 2022 - March 2023

Banner Ad Impressions 12/21/2022 through 6/20/2023 - RF Cafe

The above chart shows Banner Ad impression rates for the 6-month period of 12/21/2022 through 6/20/2023. The average is around a quarter million per year (2 x 113.5k). Not included are the Highlighted Ads that appear on Vendor pages.

Things are looking up for website statistics. The trend lines for Page Views, Visits, and New Visits all have a positive slope. I have put a lot of effort into making pages compliant with Google's "Mobile Friendly" requirements, so that probably has something to do with it. Also, you may have noticed that I have been modifying and re-publishing some of the earlier RF Cafe webpages. That involves updating the narrative, verifying hyperlinks (many go dead over time), and cleaning up older graphics. Much has changed in expectations from visitors - especially from the early days in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Competition for visitors is fierce. As always, thank you for your visitorship and stewardship.

Here is a real-time view of the Banner Ads in all eight positions.

Three plans are available. Please contact me, Kirt Blattenberger, with any questions.

  • Banner Plan: Hyperlinked graphical Banner Ads in page borders + Highlighted Ad(s) on Vendor Pages + thumbnail logo in right border | $300/month
  •  - RF CafeStandard Plan: Hyperlinked Highlighted Ad on Vendor Pages + text listing in right border  |  $40/month
  • Self-managed Google AdSense.
  • New: Hyperlinked thumbnail ads displayed in Espresso Engineering Workbook™ at no extra charge!

All Banners will be randomly displayed in any of the six (8) page border positions (see screen capture), so every company's Banner will have an equal chance of appearing.

A random number generator determines which company's Banner Ad will go in a particular position*. I wrote the code myself and it is very simple and foolproof.

You provide a pair of industry-standard Banner graphics are needed for page border impressions - one 120x450-px graphic for the vertical format and one 728x90-px graphic for the horizontal format, and also, a 330x400-px graphic for the Highlighted Ad impressions on Vendor pages. See Newest Option.

  • Contract Length = 3 months
  • Price: A flat price of $300 per month is charged, with a standard 3-month term ($900/term).
    • Additional Banner Pairs* (up to a maximum of 3) may be purchased at discount rates to increase the odds that your company's Banner Ad will be displayed:
      • 1 Banner Pair  = $300/month
      • 2 Banner Pairs = $300 + $150 = $450/month
                                  (= $225/month/Banner Pair)
      • 3 Banner Pairs = $300 + 2*($150) = $600/month
                                  (= $200/month/Banner Pair)
      • 4 Banner Pairs =  $300 + 3*($150) = $750/month
                                  (= $187.5/month/Banner Pair)
    • * Each Banner Pair option adds another set of Banner Ads (120x450-px and 728x90-px) into the random display engine, thereby doubling your likelihood of being displayed. Unique Banner Ad designs and hyperlink URLs can be provided with each additional Banner Pair.
    • If your company is a parent to other related companies, the above additional Banner Pairs can be applied for each company, up to a total of three (3).
  • Banner Ad Specifications:

    728x90 - Width = 728 px, Height = 90 px

    120x450 - Width = 120 px, Height = 450 px

    File Format = JPG, GIF, or PNG (static, no animation)

    File Size = 45 kBytes (maximum)

    Hyperlink = Points to your company website

    A separate URL may be provided for each of the 2 Banners.
    Content = Text & graphics
  • Highlighted Vendor Page Ad Specifications:

    Width = 330 px, Height = 400 px

    File Format = JPG, GIF, or PNG (static, no animation)

    File Size = 45 kBytes (maximum)

    Hyperlink = Points to your company website

    Content = Text & graphic

  • NEW OPTION: You may promote as many websites as you want with each set of 728x90-px and 120x450-px Banners for only $300/month. However, only one hyperlink URL can be accommodates for each of the two Banners.

    • a. The 728x90-px Banner can display information about one or more websites, but only one hyperlink URL.
    • b. The 120x450-px Banner can display information about one or more websites, but only one hyperlink URL.
    • c. The websites can be distributed any way you want between the two Banners, keeping in mind that my system can only use one hyperlink URL per Banner.
    • d. For instance, Company A could be on the 728x90-px Banner with a hyperlink to its website, and Company B could be on the 120x450-px Banner with a hyperlink to its website. Or, you could have Company A on one of the Banners along with Company C or Company D, and Company B on the other Banner along with Company E or Company F.
    • e. With this option, you can cover all websites with a single $300/month plan if having a single hyperlink URL for each Banner is acceptable.
    • f. A new set of Banners and URLs can be provided at the beginning of each new 3-month period.

    Vendor Page Placement = Up to 5 pages related to your products and/or services. Please review the Vendor Page list to determine where you would like to be (must pertain to your business). Additional pages are $5/page/month.

  • A unique Highlighted Ad graphic and hyperlink URL may be provided for each Vendor Page on which it is displayed.

Standard Highlighted Ad Pricing:

  • Price: $40/mo. for up to 3 Vendor pages on RF Cafe, and $3/mo. for each additional page.
  • These ads appear only on Vendor listing pages.
  • Ads contain textual content and a company logo.
  • Contract Length = 6 months
  • Highlighted Vendor Page Ad Specifications:

    Width = 330 px, Height = 200 px

    File Format = JPG, GIF, or PNG (static, no animation)

    File Size = 35 kBytes (maximum)

    Hyperlink = Points to your company website

    Content = Text & graphics

    Vendor Page Placement = Up to 3 pages related to your products and/or services. Please review the Vendor Page list to determine where you would like to be (must pertain to your business). Additional pages are $3/page/month.

  • See Important Notes below.

Important Notes:

  • Pixel dimensions and maximum file sizes listed are firm. If you have trouble meeting the file size, I will be glad to help - there has never been an ad I couldn't fit into 45 kBytes.
  • You may provide an in industry standard 160x600-px Banner graphic, which will automatically be rendered in the 120x450-px format. File size of 45 kB still applies.
  • I do not collect page traffic or link click statistics for advertisements. Your website server statistical analysis is a much better reporter of inbound links from RF Cafe than I or anyone else can provide.
  • To the best of my knowledge the page layouts shown are representative of all pages on RF Cafe.
  • I make page layout changes from time to enhance performance.
  • The rel="sponsored" tag is inserted into all coded hyperlinks.
Innovative Power Products (IPP) Baluns & Transformers
Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)