Featured Product Archive
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vintage Heathkit HD-1481 Remote Coax Switch kit is one the latest unbuilt
Heathkit kits which appeared on eBay. I have been saving the images in order
to preserve the history. The constantly growing list is at the lower right.
The first instance I could find for HD-1481 being offered for sale was in the
Fall 1984 Heathkit catalog, at a cost of $89.95 ($230.61 in 2021 money per the
BLS). A comparable remote coaxial switch today is the
Ameritron RCS-4 at $199.95,
so the price has remained fairly constant.
Use a single feedline to select from up to four antennas.
The Heathkit HD-1481 Remote Coaxial Switch is a tower or mast-mounted RF coaxial
switch that you can conveniently control from inside your house. the Switch consists
of a remote unit - outdoor switching network - and an indoor control unit.
The remote unit if rain tight and contains the RF switches that permit selecting
the desired antenna. The unit is easily mounted with a single clamp. The control
unit contains the power supply and provides switching signals to the remote unit.
A front panel switch permits selecting the desired antenna. The Remote Coax Switch
will handle 2000 watts PEP with a VSWR of 1.15:1 or less below 300 MHz.
Kit HD-1481, Shpg. wt. 5 lbs. .............89.95
Here is the HD-1481 owner's Manual
with building and operating instructions.
Heathkit HD-1481 Remote Coax Switch Kit Parts (eBay photo)
Heathkit HD-1481 Remote Coax Switch Assembled (eBay
Heathkit HD-1481 Remote Coax Switch Documentation
(eBay photo)
Heathkit HD-1481 Remote Coax Switch Documentation
(eBay photo)
Heathkit HD-1481 Remote Coax Switch Schematic (eBay
Heathkit Christmas 1987 Catalog Cover (worldradiohistory.com
Heathkit HD-1481 Remote Coax Switch Schematic
(eBay photo)
Heathkit HD-1481 Remote Coax Switch Documentation
(eBay photo)
Heathkit HD-1481 Remote Coax Switch Documentation
(eBay photo)
Heathkit HD-1481 Remote Coax Switch Documentation
(eBay photo)
Heathkit products were well known for the completeness of
its instruction manuals, with clearly illustrated instructions. During the writing
and editing process, Heathkit employees were given pre-production kits to take home
and build, while annotating any difficulties or errors encountered. Doing so helped
minimize the situation where the writer inadvertently assumes his own familiarity
with the process is shared by the customer. Having built a few Heathkit products
myself in the 1970s when I did not have a lot of experience with electronics assembly,
I can attest to the user friendliness of the instructions.
still sells many of its vintage manuals for around $15, which is what you would
pay on eBay.
Contact Info
Heath Company (Heathkit) Operations: PO Box 15, Ottsville, PA 18942 R&D/Mfg:
PO Box 3115, Santa Cruz CA 95063 Phone: +1 (831) 480-4368 E-Mail:
Posted June 11, 2021