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Katie Couric & Bryant Gumbel Clueless About Internet

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RF Cafe Video for Engineers - Katie Couric & Bryant Gumbel Clueless About InternetThe self-proclaimed wizards of smart in the lamestream news media have once again been exposed. Off-air gaffes and brazen displays of bias are de rigueur with these idiots who pretend to be intellectual, objective, and neutral while on air. When they think the cameras and microphones are off, caution is tossed to the wind, the outer skin is shed, and the true nature comes out. Here we see a pre-show segment of NBC's Today show where clueless Katie Colic and Bryant Gumball wondering what is this newfangled thing called the Internet, and in particular, what is the meaning of that funny "@" symbol. Gumball wonders if it means "about." Colic correctly suggests "at." Sure, it was 1994 and most people had never heard of the Internet, but then most people don't pretend to be the smartest person in the room. In all fairness, Algore had not yet stated on CNN in 1999 that he had invented the Internet. Even today most people probably don't know what the "@" symbol means, and never tell anyone to type a tilde or you'll spend a few minutes directing them on the keyboard.

Oh, in the spirit of NBC's philosophy of tolerance and bringing the results of investigative reporting to the world, as it ostensibly does with shows like Dateline, it summarily fired the guy who leaked this video. The hypocrisy of the elite continues to amaze.

Katie Coric and Bryant Gumbel Wonder What Is the Internet?

Al Gore (aka Algore) claims he "Took the initiative in creating the Internet"

(begins at 50 seconds)

Posted February 8, 2011

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