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Stanford Students Demonstrate NFC App for Television
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 - RF CafeNear Field Communications (NFC) is still a fairly fledgling technology in term of adoption its capabilities. On nearly a daily basis, I search tech websites for news that includes noteworthy articles on NFC. One such website is NFC World, which is where I found this item. In it, two students from Stanford University's MobiSocial project give a live presentation of the way near field communications can be used to adapt appropriately equipped appliances for use. Linking of devices is accomplished by placing two or more within the coupling range of the NFC coils (using magnetic induction between loop antennas), then software allows communications between, and manipulation of the devices. NFC operates at 13.56 MHz, with data rates from 106 kbit/s to 848 kbit/s. There are already many commercial applications that have already adopted NFC, including ticketing, vending machine payment, P2P software apps, and even some personal identity cards.

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Videos for Engineers - RF CafeThis archive links to the many video and audio files that have been featured on RF Cafe.

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Posted March 22, 2011

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