1. Amateur Teleprinter Over Radio (abbr.) 6. __ + 18 Across is this website's title 7. Nikola
_____ 13. Antenna capacitive element (2 wds.)* 15. Ground enhancing wire used at the base of an
antenna* 17. Modulation type (abbr.) 18. 6 Across + ____ is this website's title 21. Unit of
length (abbr.) 22. Radio Direction Finding (abbr.) 24. Type of high speed Internet service (abbr.)
26. Home state of Los Alamos lab (abbr.) 27. The UK's largest defense electronics contractor (abbr.)
28. Peak Inverse Voltage 30. Chemical symbol for tantalum 32. 1e3 uV 34. Chemical symbol for
gold 36. Test equipment (abbr.) 37. Network department (abbr.) 38. "Calling any amateur radio
station" 40. Recording onto magnetic media 43. A measure of receiver quality (abbr.) 44. Chemical
symbol for erbium 45. Filter type with high rate of out-of-band attenuation (aka 'elliptic') 47.
Chemical symbol for radon 48. Greek letter, used to indicate summation 50. Compressed image file
format 53. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania region (abbr.) 54. FCC Part 15 rules apply
in this band (abbr.) 56. Opposite of O.D. 58. Parabolic antenna-to-waveguide interface component*
61. Stock symbol for Boeing 62. Transportation accident investigation agency (abbr.) 63. Key feature
in a high level overvoltage protection device (pl.) 65. Straight line emanating from a point source
(pl.) 66. Element in front of the driven element in a Yagi or Quad antenna* 70. Type of antenna
with an element made of a single, flexible rod or tube* 72. PC follower 73. Semiconductor and
calculator company (abbr.) 74. Chemical symbol for gadolinium 75. Chemical symbol for thallium
77. 1e-6 mA 78. 2-element, 1/2 wavelength antenna fed at the center* 81. Type of multi-element,
directional antenna* 83. 60/40, PbSn, for example 86. Opposite of a LO 87. Related to FM by
a differential 88. Chemical symbol for silver 90. Connected devices in series 95. Logarithmic
ratio (abbr.) 96. Time delay (abbr.) 98. Chemical symbol for praseodymium 100. Chemical symbol
for cobalt 101. Television Interference (abbr.) 103. Type of antenna with four-sided loops*
105. Ovenized crystal oscillator (abbr.) 107. What an unbalanced transmission line becomes, inadvertently*
108. Horizontal Cartesian coordinate |
1. PC follower 2. Chemical symbol for molybdenum 3. Attenuator topology (hyph.) 4. Unit of
resistance (pl.) 5. Chemical symbol for radium 7. Chemical symbol for tantalum 8. Erbium Doped
Fiber Amplifier (abbr.) 9. Real estate where equipment is located 10. Chemical symbol for lanthanum
11. Chemical symbol for aluminum 12. A simple type of antenna* 14. Coefficient of temperature
(abbr.) 15. One component of a complex number (abbr.) 16. Type of long wire antenna named after
its inventor (i.e., eponymous) 19. Army-Navy specification prefix 20. Type of modulation (abbr.)
23. Digital intelligence 25. Stock symbol for Lockheed Martin 27. A semi-automatic mechanical
code key 29. Thing in a bill of material 31. Current-voltage phase mnemonic 33. Unit of apparent
power (abbr.) 34. Army-Navy specification prefix 35. Ground fault interrupter (abbr.) 39. Ham's
code for "Are your receiving me badly?" 41. Another name for a test lead 42. Foot/12 43. Stock
symbol for National Semiconductor 46. 1 49. What mathematical device is defined as the collection
of points whose coordinates satisfy a given relation 51. Unit of capacitance (abbr.) 52. Electronics
manufacturer with "meatball" logo 54. Infrared (abbr.) 55. Chemical symbol for tin 57. Satellite
TV system 59. Resistive component of a capacitor's lumped element model (abbr.) 60. One port of
an amplifier 61. Bulk Acoustic Wave 62. Stock symbol for National Instruments 64. Trigonometric
function equal to the ratio between the side opposite a given angle, and the hypotenuse 65. Antenna
driven element* 66. Singulated piece of IC wafer 67. Enhanced Graphics Adapter 68. CDMA Development
Group (abbr.) 69. A common RS-232 serial bus command (abbr.) 71. High gain, directional antenna
type* 73. Chemical symbol for thallium 76. Local Oscillator (abbr.) 79. Unit of inductance
(abbr.) 80. Output intercept point (abbr.) 81. 36 in. (abbr., pl.) 82. Intermodulation distortion
(abbr.) 84. Filter type that blocks upper frequencies (abbr.) 85. Decimeter (abbr.) 89. Chemical
symbol for gadolinium 91. Analog-to-Digital (abbr.) 92. Intel 8086 or Motorola 6800 (abbr.)
93. Amateur Radio Association (abbr.) 94. Equalizer (abbr.) 95. Type of current 97. Large unit
of apparent power (abbr.) 99. U.S. Spectrum allocation agency 101. Semiconductor and calculator
company (abbr.) 102. Network department (abbr.) 103. Type of matrix barcode used with laser scanning(abbr.)
104. 10E1 numerical prefix 105. Unix, Linux or Windows (abbr.) 106. Greek letter |