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Homepage Archive - October 2017 (page 2)

See Page 1 | 2 | 3 of the October 2017 homepage archives.

Friday 20

IEEE COMSOC Webinar - October 26

Meeting the Challenges of the Millimeter Wave Radio Frequency Environment for 5G - RF Cafe"Meeting the Challenges of the Millimeter Wave Radio Frequency Environment for 5G" Date: Thursday, October 26, 2017, Time: 2:00 PM ET. "One of the primary challenges of 5G testing is both capturing information on the millimeter wave radio frequency environment as well as just understanding its operation. Both industry and academic research is still at an early phase of this work and for it to progress work must be done on a number of fronts in terms of test and measurement. For instance, better models are need 

ViaSat Throws Tantrum over European In-Flight Connectivity

ViaSat Throws Temper Tantrum over European In-Flight Connectivity - RF Cafe"ViaSat has decided to throw a hissy-fit over the Ofcom decision to grant Inmarsat a license for its European Aviation Network, threatening legal action over the move. Ofcom must be sitting back and wondering if it is able to do anything right. Every decision it seems to make is met with a chorus of lawyers serenading the watchdog to the legal dance floor. Three is usually the one who complains it isn't getting more help despite not putting its hand "

Communications Satellites

Communications Satellites, March 1972 Popular Electronics - RF CafeAuthor Len Buckwalter states in this 1972 article from Popular Electronics that at the time, radio channels were so crowded in California that police were using spectrum in the TV broadcast band for communication. The FCC was denying recreational boaters channel space on favor of commercial operators. The problem could not be blamed in available frequency space, but rather on the lack of inexpensive electronic components that worked above a kHz or so. Nowadays when you read in the news about such desperate need of spectrum that network owners pay millions or billions of dollars for a few measly MHz of bandwidth, the cause is truly an overabundance of devices vying for space. Although truthfully, you could claim that exactly the same 

Mini-Circuits Mid-October News & Product Highlights

Mini-Circuits announces the availability of four new devices in its lineup of RF and microwave components. Included are an extra-long-life absorptive electromechanical SP4T switch for DC to 18 GHz, a 2.4 mm (female to male) adapter covers DC to 50 GHz for industry-leading value, a surface-mount bandpass filter for 95 to 105 MHz with excellent selectivity, and an ultra-high dynamic range MMIC amplifier providing +46.1 dBm IP3 from 0.03 to 2.7 GHz 

DT Claims Europe's 1st 5G Antennas in Berlin

DT Claims Europe's 1st 5G Antennas in Berlin - RF Cafe"Deutsche Telekom has got four of its radio cells in Berlin pumping out shiny New Radio goodness in a real-world setting, claiming a European first. Technically this is 'pre-standard 5G NR,' but the lack of a standard hasn't stopped everyone banging on about 5G for year and DT isn't about to miss out on all the gun-jumping fun. We're told this mini-network is managing a throughput of 2 Gbps so a single device and a latency "

Anatech Electronics Newsletter for October 2017

Anatech Electronics Newsletter for October 2017 - RF CafeAnatech Electronics, a manufacturer of RF and microwave filters, has published its October newsletter. In it, Sam Benzacar asks the question "Whatever happened to NFC?" He does a brief history on the big plans for near field communication (NFC) as well as what likely doomed it - at least as originally envisioned. Finally, Sam suggests a great application for NFC that, combined with contactless charging (my interjection), could prove to be a huge market to resurrect NFC fever. There are also a few news items relevant to Anatech Electronics' business (that would be RF filters) 

Thursday 19

Electrons Under Extreme Conditions Described for 1st Time

Electron Behavior Under Extreme Conditions Described for 1st Time - RF Cafe"Researchers have modeled the actions of electrons under extreme temperatures and densities, such as those found within planets and stars. The work could provide insights into the behavior of matter in fusion experiments, which may one day lead to a sought-after source of clean energy. Electrons are an elementary component of our world and determine many of the properties of solids and liquids "

Many Thanks to Nova Microwave for Continuing Support!

Nova Microwave circulators & isolatorsNova Microwave is a leader in technically differentiated electronic and radio frequency Ferrite Circulators and Isolators that connect, protect and control critical commercial and military wireless telecommunications systems. Our staff is dedicated to research and development of standard and custom design quality Ferrite Circulators and Isolators from 380 MHz to 26.5 GHz. Please visit Nova Microwave today 

The How and Why of the SCR

The How and Why of the SCR, November 1972 Popular Electronics - RF CafeDid you know that General Electric introduced the first silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) for commercial use? It was in 1957. The SCR was one of the first really high power devices in the semiconductor industry, not for its voltage and power gain, but for its ability to switch very large currents on and off while having a relatively low "on" voltage drop. This article gets into the basic theory, operation, and application of the SCR. The S-band airport surveillance radar that I worked on in the USAF originally used a vacuum tube thyratron to trigger the magnetron's pulse forming network, but that tube was replaced with a solid state SCR circuit that plugged directly 

Keysight Demos Simulation, Measurement at EPEPS 2017

Keysight Technologies will showcase the latest releases of its high-frequency simulation and measurement tools at the electrical performance of electronic packaging and systems 2017 () conference, the premier event for advanced and emerging issues in electrical modeling, analysis and design of electronic interconnections, packages and systems. Keysight will demonstrate the following new software capabilities at the event 

Hurricane Maria Scrambled Puerto Rico's Humacao Solar Plant

Hurricane Maria Scrambled Puerto Rico's Humacao Solar Power Plant - RF Cafe"After the destruction inflicted across the Caribbean by hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, renewable energy advocates are calling for a rethink of the region's devastated power systems. Rather than simply rebuilding grids that delivered mostly diesel generation via damage-prone overhead power lines, renewables advocates argue that the island grids should leapfrog into the future by interconnecting hundreds or thousands of self-sufficient solar microgrids"

Wednesday 18

Advanced Multipoint Radios Exceed Customer Capacity Expectations

Exceeding Customer Capacity Expectations with Advanced Multipoint Radios - RF Cafe"Over the last 10 years Comsol has grown from providing Integration solutions to providing fully managed wireless services. This new market offering has allowed our customers to no longer invest in specialized wireless infrastructure which creates strain on their balance sheet but, rather, to buy an all-in connectivity service from Comsol and build this into easily managed OPEX budgets "

Notable Tech Quote: H. Ward Silver

H. Ward Silver, Notable Tech Quote - RF Cafe"I don't know the last time you purchased some new coax, but it's sold by the foot and can cost an arm and a leg!" - H. Ward Silver, QST magazine, October 2017, Hands-on- Radio (p71). 

Automotive Radar Simulation Webinar

Hassan Chreim Automotive Radar Seminar - RF CafeOctober 26, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm EST. Presenter: Hassan Chreim. CST Webinar Series: Automotive radar is becoming increasingly important for car designers, due to the huge role it plays in securing and ensuring the driver's safety. In this webinar, we will show how CST STUDIO SUITE can be used to perform and study all of the design stages of automotive radars, starting from the basic element which is the antenna, through its integration inside a radome, to actually placing and calibrating the whole package 

Fuses for Electronics

Fuses for Electronics, July 1972 Popular Electronics - RF CafeDeciding which fuse to use as a replacement for a blown fuse is usually a simple matter - read the part number or electrical parameters (current, voltage) off the package and make sure of its type (fast or slow blow). Of course whenever a fuse blows, you usually have more or a problem than just a bad fuse. Deciding which fuse to use when designing a circuit which requires overcurrent protection requires a lot more consideration. This article from fuse making company Bussmann's Charles James gives a brief introduction to the kinds of parameters you need to factor into a selection. There's more to it in most cases - especially 

ConductRF RF Test Cables for Field Engineers

ConductRF RF Test Cables for Field Engineers 10/17/2017 - RF CafeConductRF's SiteFlex Range of ruggedized Field RF Test Cables are designed Field Test Engineers working in applications that require on site RF Testing. These cables are directly compatible with Hand-Held Network and Spectrum analyzers. Options include DC to 7 GHz through DC to 50 GHz. The ruggedized construction includes anti-torque connectors that are firmly attached to the cables external armor. Crush resistant SF series cable can withstand 1,200 lbs/sq.in 

Qualcomm Gets OK to Conduct 4.4-4.94 GHz 5G Tests in San Diego

Qualcomm Gets OK to Conduct 4.4-4.94 GHz 5G Tests in San Diego - RF Cafe"Qualcomm was granted FCC authorization to conduct experiments using a small 5G R&D development and demonstration network at 4.4-4.94 GHz in its hometown of San Diego. Specifically, the location is within a 0.5-mile radius of Qualcomm's campus in the Sorrento Valley area of San Diego. The authorization is effective until October 1, 2019. The application lists 30 mobile units and four base stations to be used in a test network that will use a single TDD 100 MHz channel "

Tuesday 17

Quantum Spin Current Detection Potential for Alternative Electronics

Spin Current Detection in Quantum Materials Potential Alternative Electronics - RF Cafe"A new method that precisely measures the mysterious behavior and magnetic properties of electrons flowing across the surface of quantum materials could open a path to next-generation electronics. Found at the heart of electronic devices, silicon-based semiconductors rely on the controlled electrical current responsible for powering electronics. These semiconductors can only access the electrons' charge for energy, but electrons do more than carry a charge. They also have intrinsic angular momentum "

Advertise on RF Cafe

Advertise on RF Cafe

RF Cafe typically receives 30,000-40,000 page views each weekday and about half that on weekends. RF Cafe is a favorite of engineers, technicians, hobbyists, and students all over the world. With more than 8,600 pages in the Google search index, RF Cafe returns in favorable positions on many types of keyword searches, both for text and images. New content is added on a daily basis. Advertising plans start at a mere $35 per month 

Printed-Circuit Kits for Short Runs

Printed-Circuit Kits for Short Runs, October 1969 Electronics World - RF CafePrinted circuit boards (PCBs), especially high density and many layered, were still a relatively new technology in 1969. Point-to-point wiring was still a large part of most products in the commercial, military, industrial, and aerospace worlds. Producing artwork and contracting for a lot of PCBs was rather expensive, especially in small quantities. Many people, including me, made quite a few single- and two-sided boards using photoresist pens and self-adhesive tape and pads, then bathing them in an etchant solution of ferric chloride. Through holes were made on a drill press and then traces and pads were tinned with flux and solder 

MILCOM 2017 - October 23-25, Baltimore, Maryland

MILCOM 2017 (October 23-25, Baltimore) - RF Cafe"Now in its 36th year, MILCOM continues to be the premier international conference for military communications. At MILCOM, global military communications professionals face command, control, communications, computing, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) challenges head on. They look at them from every angle and discuss them from end to end - research and development through future needs. The conference allows industry the opportunity to hear and understand the requirements, pace of change and state of play in a variety of C4ISR "

Nokia Plans to Conduct 90-96 GHz Tests

Nokia Plans to Conduct 90-96 GHz Tests - RF Cafe"At a time when much of the industry's attention has been on midband spectrum, Nokia is taking it up a notch by pursuing tests in the 90-96 GHz range. The vendor filed an application with the FCC asking for permission to conduct the tests over the course of two years at Nokia facilities in Murray Hill, New Jersey; Arlington Heights and Naperville, Illinois; and Sunnyvale, California. The application "

Many Thanks to Res-Net Microwave for Continuing Support!

Res-Net Microwave componentsRes-Net Microwave has a complete line of precision RF & microwave components including attenuators, terminations, resistors, and diode detectors for commercial, military, and space applications. Products range from the small flange type to large 2 kW connectorized power attenuators and/or terminations at frequencies up to 26.5 GHz. In-house photo etch and laser trim capability. Please check out Res-Net Microwave's website to see how they can help with your current project 

Monday 16

Teardowns Explore Bluetooth, Cellular IoT

Teardowns Explore Bluetooth, Cellular IoT - RF Cafe"TechInsights explored some of the Bluetooth and cellular IoT devices that it expects will dominate the Internet of Things for some time. Bluetooth 5.0 SoCs will be rapidly adopted by consumer IoT devices such as smartwatches and health and fitness products. Two emerging cellular IoT standards - narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) and Enhanced Machine-type Communications (eMTC) - will see wide applications in smart meters, bikes and other new emerging "

'Krack' Hack Attack Threatens Every Wi-Fi Network

'Krack' Hack Attack Threatens Every Wi-Fi Network - RF Cafe"Every Wi-Fi connection is potentially vulnerable to an unprecedented security flaw that allows hackers to snoop on internet traffic, researchers have revealed. The vulnerability is the first to be found in the modern encryption techniques that have been used to secure Wi-Fi networks for the last 14 years. The so-called 'Krack' attack has been described as a “fundamental flaw” in wireless security techniques by experts. Apple, Android and Windows software are all susceptible to some version "

First American Made Quartz Watch

First American Made Quartz Watch, March 1972 Popular Electronics - RF CafeThis Bulova Accuquartz wristwatch is not the first quartz-controlled wearable timepiece; however, it was the first to be manufactured in the U.S. Interestingly, it is not a fully electronic watch because the quartz crystal stimulates a mechanical tuning fork which ultimately drives the hands. Bulova's first tuning-fork-driven "Accutron" was introduced in 1960. It sported a 360 Hz tuning fork that was stimulated by a pair of electromagnets 

Many Thanks to everythingRF for Long-Time Support!

everything RFPlease take a few moments to visit the everythingRF website to see how they can assist you with your everythingRF products - RF Cafeproject. everythingRF is a product discovery platform for RF and Microwave Products and Services. They currently have 169,552 Products from more than 1040 Companies across 258 Categories in our database and enable engineers to search for them using their customized parametric search tool 

Keysight's Corporate HQ Damaged in California Wildfires

Keysight's Corporate HQ Damaged in California Wildfires - RF Cafe"The corporate headquarters of test company Keysight Technologies is shut down and suffered minor damage in the wildfires that have wiped out parts of Santa Rosa, California. Although a local news report claimed that the campus had been destroyed, the most recent update from the company said that as of Monday afternoon, 'all four main buildings are intact, although there appears to be some minor damage. Two modular structures and several automobiles suffered more extensive damage "

Sunday 15

RF Cafe Engineering Crossword Puzzle w/Weekly Headlines October 15

RF Cafe Engineering Crossword Puzzle w/Weekly Headlines October 15, 2017For the sake of avid cruciverbalists amongst us, each week I create a new technology-themed crossword puzzle using only words related to engineering, science, mathematics, chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc. At least 10 clues in this puzzle with an asterisk (*) are pulled from this past week's (10/9 - 10/13) "Tech Industry Headlines" column on the RF Cafe homepage (see the Headline Archives page for help) 

Friday 13

Wireless Temperature Sensor Having No Electrical Connections

Wireless Temperature Sensor Having No Electrical Connections - RF Cafe"Robust, flexible, wireless temperature sensor based on SansEC. NASA Langley Research Center has developed a robust, wireless temperature sensor that does not require an electrical connection. The temperature sensor is built on NASA's SansEC sensor platform, which takes advantage of measuring dielectric changes. The temperature sensor is damage tolerant, wireless, flexible, precise, and inexpensive. One promising application is for tire temperature "

Mac's Service Shop: Fix It or Junk It?

Mac's Service Shop: Fix It or Junk It?, September 1969 Electronics World - RF CafeThere are not too many honest-to-goodness electronics repair shops around anymore - those where the proprietor uses multimeters, oscilloscopes, and signal generators to troubleshoot and align equipment. In fact, I would guess that most such shops do most of their business based on customers who find their services as the result of a Google search. You can find lots of cool videos of technicians demonstrating (and showing off) their collection of test equipment and solder rework stations - mostly for fixing vintage audio and video gear. Nowadays the smartphone screen replacement dude / dudette working from a kiosk in the shopping mall is considered an electronics 

Stepped-Notch Airborne Sense and Avoid Radar Panel

Stepped-Notch Airborne Sense and Avoid Radar Panel - RF Cafe"An antenna designed for sense-and-avoid systems for unmanned aircraft may not only help open the national airspace to unmanned air vehicles but also transform the design of wide-bandwidth radar systems. The Airborne Sense and Avoid Radar Panel is seen during installation on a Twin Otter aircraft. Although unmanned aerial systems (UAS) have proven increasingly useful in a variety of applications - disaster response operations, land and crop surveys, aerial photography, and critical infrastructure protection "

Saelig Introduces GW Instek GPM-8213 AC Power Meter

Saelig Company has introduced the GW Instek GPM-8213 AC Power Meter, which has been designed specifically for power measurements on single-phase AC power supplies. This instrument offers high-accuracy voltage, current, and power measurement capabilities from both front- and rear-panel inputs, presenting users with clear, convenient, and accurate AC power measurements. The GPM-8213 provides 2 display modes in order to maximize its measurement usefulness. In the Standard Mode it simultaneously displays 8 measurement parameters; this is ideal for R&D and engineering 

Carbon Nanotubes Bring Background Noise to Computation

Carbon Nanotubes Bring Background Noise to Computation - RF Cafe"Key to the stochastic-resonance device's constant buzzing of movement is the use of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) in parallel and spanning chromium electrodes, and phosphomolybdic acid (PMo12) molecules [red and blue clusters]. It seems counterintuitive that background noise - like a white noise - could actually be used to help detect faint signals. But that's what happens in an unexpected phenomenon known as stochastic "

Thursday 12

Pasternack Introduces New Cross Guide Couplers for C to K Bands

Pasternack, a leading provider of RF, microwave and millimeter wave products, has introduced a new line of cross guide waveguide couplers with 4 port, 3 port and 2 port with coax interface that work across C to K bands. Typical applications include instrumentation, test benches, product development and characterization. Pasternack's new line of cross guide couplers consists of 160 parts in three sub-categories: cross guide couplers (4 waveguide ports), cross guide couplers with terminations (3 waveguide ports) and cross 

Zero-Index Waveguide for Infinitely Long Wavelengths

Zero-Index Waveguide for Infinitely Long Wavelengths - RF Cafe"Researchers at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) developed the first on-chip metamaterial with a refractive index of zero, meaning that the phase of light could be stretched infinitely long. The metamaterial represented a new method to manipulate light and was an important step forward for integrated photonic circuits, which use light rather than electrons to perform a wide variety of functions. Now SEAS researchers have "

More Great Engineering Website Articles for October

More Great Engineering Website Articles for October - RF CafeOne article by Danny Rockett introduces an approach to selecting the most suitable battery for a mobile device. I have posted many of my own commentaries on the importance of critical battery selection based mainly on my use of various technologies in my flying models. Kickstarter and other startup funding websites are full of gizmos people have invented that are battery-powered, so it is not just the "big boys" who need to be concerned. Back in the early days of Bluetooth, I jokingly said that I should invest in battery company stocks because if the scheme took off, I would be rich in a couple decades due to all the wireless devices. Well, I didn't - but it did - and now I'm still not 

Triad RF Systems Intros a 6.4-7.1 GHz, 5 W SSPA for COFDM

Triad RF Systems announces the TA1167, a compact 5 W amplifier suitable for COFDM video links in the UAS and DTV broadcast space, covering 6,400 to 7,100 MHz. It's compact, efficient, design allows for camera-back installations or other applications that are SWaP constrained. The amplifier is capable of 1 W COFDM meeting -30 dB ACPR. Features include: Over / under / reverse voltage protection, optional heatsink, high speed On/Off control, and thermal shutdown 

Color Code Charts

Color Code Charts, October 1969 Electronics World - RF CafeIt has been over a year since I have worked on any old electronics gear, so the need for hand-dandy color code charts has not been at the top of my list for publishing. My bad. Every day there are untold thousands of people hard at work - although most wouldn't consider it work - restoring and maintaining a bit of world history. If you do a search on the RF Cafe website, you will find many types of color code charts that were published over the decades by the likes of Electronics World, Popular Electronics, Radio & TV News, Short Wave Craft 

Memristor-Driven Analog Compute Engine Uses Chaos

Memristor-Driven Analog Compute Engine Would Use Chaos to Compute Efficiently - RF Cafe"When you're really harried, you probably feel like your head is brimful of chaos. You're pretty close. Neuroscientists say your brain operates in a regime termed the 'edge of chaos,' and it's actually a good thing. It's a state that allows for fast, efficient analog computation of the kind that can solve problems that grow vastly more difficult as they become bigger in size. The trouble is, if you're trying to replicate that kind of chaotic computation "

Wednesday 11

8 Handy MATLAB Shortcuts That Will Save You a Ton of Time

8 Handy MATLAB Shortcuts That Will Save You a Ton of Time - RF Cafe"If you haven't discovered MATLAB shortcuts yet, you really should. Shortcuts are very useful and could save you a ton of time and effort. For instance, if you find yourself typing the same lines of code everyday why not store them as a shortcut? Think of the amount of time and effort this will save you in the long run. It really will pay dividends. We've gathered together a few commonly used ones that, we hope, will make your MATLAB experience a little bit more enjoyable. This list is clearly not "

The Origin of Ohm's Law

The Origin of Ohm's Law, May 1972 Popular Electronics - RF CafeGeorg Simon Ohm's eponymous "law," i.e., Ohm's law, is perhaps the best-known formula in the realm of electricity and electronics. Although Mr. Ohm did not know it at the time, his conclusion holds up in both the macro and micro scale worlds of electron behavior. Voltage is equal to the product of a resistance and the current flowing through it, E = I * R. It is hard to believe that we have only had his result, announced in 1825, at our disposal for less than 200 years. A thorough grasp of Ohm's law is a minimum requirement for entry into the fields of electrical and electronics work; fortunately, only a fundamental grasp of algebra is required. Kirchhoff's law is a relatively easy next step. The big hurdle comes with wanting 

Please Thank Anatech Electronics for Continued Support of RF Cafe!

Anatech ElectronicsAnatech Electronics manufactures and supplies RF and microwave filters for military and commercial communication systems, providing standard and custom RF Anatech Electronics RF Filtersfilters, and RF products. StandardRF filter and cable assembly products are published in their website database. Custom RF filters designs are used when a standard cannot be found, or the requirements dictate a custom approach. Please take a moment to visit Anatech's website to see how they might be able to assist with your current project

everythinRF Providing Coverage of the EuMW Show

everythinRF Providing Coverage of the EuMW Show - RF CafeeverythingRF is once again this year providing on-the-scene coverage of the European Microwave Week show. The 20th European Microwave Week (EuMW 2017), in Nuremberg, Germany, October 8 to 13, will bring industry, academia and commerce together during a 6 day event that will consist of three conferences and one exhibition. The event expects to see over 4000 visitors and will have in more than 300 exhibitors. Keep up to date at everythingRF 

Keysight's Corporate HQ Impacted by Northern California Fires

Keysight Technologies today announced that its corporate headquarters, located at 1400 Fountaingrove Parkway, Santa Rosa, California, is  due to the wildfires burning in the area. Contrary to some news reports, as of 3 p.m. PT, a Keysight representative confirmed that all four main buildings are intact, although there appears to be some minor damage. Two modular structures and several automobiles suffered more extensive damage. The company will provide further information after they are granted full access to the facility 

Single Chip 25 GHz mmWave Circulator w/o Magnets

Single Chip 25 GHz mmWave Circulator w/o Magnets - RF Cafe"Researchers at Columbia University in New York have created an RF circulator that works at 25 GHz. It uses a non-reciprocal structure - one whose physical characteristics differ depending on the direction of flow. In this case, seen as the straight section in the double ring circulator in the diagram, it is a pair of transmission lines that are either directly-connected or cross-connected by switches at the ends. If the length of the section is just right, and the switches at one end are 90° out of phase "

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe
Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe