Breaking News: The Arctic Icebergs Are Melting - circa 1922! Kirt's Cogitations™ #289
"Factoids," "Kirt's Cogitations," and
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are all manifestations of my ranting on various subjects relevant (usually) to the
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Note: Newspaper clips on this page were obtained using my paid subscription
to, which I
use often when writing articles for RF Cafe and other venues.
We have all been treated to a seemingly
endless series of headlines portending rising ocean levels and the ensuing drowning
of costal cities due to melting ice in the polar regions. This phenomenon ostensibly
is brought on by the exponential increase in carbon emissions from developing third-world
countries as well as established first-world countries in the post World War II
era ... or was it post Vietnam, or maybe post Gulf War? The reference keeps changing,
but it definitely began occurring since at least 1990, right?
There is a problem, though. In the early and mid 1970s climate scientists began
warning us of an approaching new mini ice age. Newsweek ran a story in
its April 28, 1975 edition titled, "The Cooling World." The Chicago Tribune
printed "Ice age coming? Chilling thought for humanity," on June 2, 1975. Five years
earlier, on December 11, 1970, The Washington Post News Service circulated
a story titled, "Colder Weather May Last For Centuries." It was a very-well-documented
half decade where a consensus of top scientists agreed that we all had better stock
up on firewood and heavy clothing.
Sometime in the 1990s, however, that bit
of settled science got unsettled and all the research grants shifted to people with
a vested interest showing that the Earth was actually warming and not cooling. A
stick shaped temperature curve proved the trend, and only a hayseed nincompoop
would dare challenge its veracity (#sarcasm). Since then, many scientists and celebrities
have predicted certain catastrophes like rising ocean levels and ensuing flooding
of costal cities. Some have even been dumb enough to cite deadline dates as do end-times
religious preachers - all proven wrong with the passage of time. They no longer
specify a target year and have even changed the cause's title from global warming
to climate change. Remaining fuzzy helps keep the movement alive by removing measurable
goals. Good strategy.
When searching for old news stories about melting arctic ice, I found reports
going back into the late 1800s. The early 1920s produced quite a few articles warning
of rising sea levels because of melting arctic ice. Amongst them was this December
3, 1922, The Washington Times full-page spread titled, "Strange Things
Happen in the Frozen Arctic." That was half a century before those scientist's scholarly
progeny would be declaring them wrong and predicting Earth was on the verge of a
new ice age. Then, everyone change his/her mind again by 1990. Am I the only one
who thinks I'm being scammed?
I do a fair amount of reading about anthropogenic
global warming (AGW), global climate change (GCC), and related topics. I have followed
such things from both sides of the argument since before they became a cause célèbre
for money - and attention-seeking causes and celebrities. The pro warming side's
biggest distractor, IMHO, are the pompous donkeys who insult and berate anyone who
disagrees with them. The loudest are those who have no formal scientific training
in meteorology and/or earth science and are self-appointed experts - does any past
VP who lives in a 10,000 ft^2 house and flies around the
world on private jets come to mind?
Personally, after having considered a lot of evidence for and against it, I have
concluded that the entire concept is so tainted with personal biases that possibly
nobody really knows what the truth is. A lot of evidence has come out recently exposing
institutional fraud on the part of individuals and governments.
Dismissing out-of-hand all possibilities of any warming of the Earth is outright
moronic. The building up of cities with all their heat-absorbing asphalt for roads,
parking lots, and rooftops undeniably increases temperatures in those regions. Industrial
processes, indoor heating and cooling, all forms of transportation (yes, electric
cars, too), and even the existence of all mammals are
processes that convert essentially room temperature fuel into heat via chemical
reactions. Have you ever been in a room full of people when the air conditioning
breaks? All the friction generated by manmade machinery that does not go into useful
work adds to the net heat content. Ever felt the center hub of your car wheel immediately
after coming to a quick stop from high speed? Almost nothing we do results in a
lower net temperature (an
process). In fact, the only process that can remove accumulated heat from the planet
is radiation into the cold of space at night, and that happens pretty much at a
constant rate that is governed by the heat transfer equation ΔQ = mcΔT
(it stuck with me from a thermodynamics class). All the schemes to reduce global
temperatures involve minimizing the generation of new heat so that the net heat
production is less than the net heat dissipation.
The real question is whether the Earth's natural process can compensate for mankind's
addition to net heat content. Maybe it can. Maybe a warmer Earth is better overall
for the long term existence of mankind (for the record, I hate hot weather). Who's
to say that the most perfect average global temperature was best when it was 0.2 °C
cooler than now? Maybe 0.5 °C warmer is better; Greenland was at one time green
due to warming, hence its name. The fact is nobody knows for sure. I'm a big proponent
of reducing wasteful energy, but declaring anyone who disagrees with the views of
extremists (more often than not hypocrites as well) to be criminals is beyond the
pale. If recent history is any predictor, in another couple decades the newspaper
headlines will probably once again be shouting warnings of an impending mini ice
Leonard Nemoy "Mr. Spock" narrates about the coming
ice age.
8/9/2017 Update: An RF Cafe visitor sent me this link to a September
1958 Harper's magazine story titled, "The
Coming Ice Age." Here is an interest excerpt that postulates how melting arctic
ice could cause a new ice age -
"It is this melting of Arctic ice which Ewing and Donn believe will set off another
Ice Age on earth. They predict that it will cause great snows to fall in the north
— perennial unmelting snows which the world has not seen since the last Ice Age
thousands of years ago. These snows will make the Arctic glaciers grow again, until
their towering height forces them forward. The advance south will be slow, but if
it follows the route of previous ice ages, it will encase in ice large parts of
North America and Europe."
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design engineer. The World Wide Web (Internet) was largely an unknown entity at
the time and bandwidth was a scarce commodity. Dial-up modems blazed along at 14.4 kbps
while tying up your telephone line, and a lady's voice announced "You've Got Mail"
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