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E-flite Mini Pulse XT - Brushless ESC Waveform

RF Cafe: E-flite Mini Pulse XT  - Kirt Blattenberger

This is me with the Mini Pulse just prior to its maiden flight. I left the wheel pants off since I was flying from relatively tall grass.

RF Cafe: E-flite Mini Pulse airplane flight - by Kirt BlattenbergerHere is a short takeoff and landing sequence of my new E-flite Mini Pulse XT. This airplane will climb straight up on a full charge, and with a little energy management, will routinely fly for more than 20 minutes on a charge.

RF Cafe: RF Cafe electronics workbench

The official RF Cafe electronics bench setup. 

RF Cafe: Brushless motor ESC waveformThe video below is of the Mini Pulse's an electronics speed controller (ESC) output. Its complex waveform is a composite of a trapezoid composed of pulse-width-modulated rectangular waves with approximately an 80 microsecond period. E-flite EFLA311, 20 A ESC feeding an E-flite 450 brushless outrunner motor. 

RF Cafe: E-flite 450 Brushless Motor and ESC - test clips attached

Here are the test clips attached to two of the three output terminals of the electronic speed control.

RF Cafe: ESC slow speed waveform

This waveform shows the square waves that drives one of the three phases at a relatively low throttle setting (coming from the brushless speed controller). The peak amplitude is constant for all speeds.

RF Cafe: E-flite 450 Brushless Motor and ESC - high speed waveform

Shown is the display for one of the phases at full throttle. The waveform gets really complex at this point, and there are a lot of spikes that cannot be seen clearly in this image.

Much more than just a self-serving video of my new R/C airplane flight agility, this model represents a plethora of modern electronics. Although the radio control system in this plane is a standard narrow band FM variety on 72.170 MHz (as opposed to my 2.4 GHz, spread spectrum system), the motor is a state-of-the-art 3-phase brushless model (E-flite 450)with a sensorless electronic speed control (E-flite EFLA331, 20 A). Power for both the radio and the motor is supplied by a 3-cell (11.1 V) lithium polymer (Li-Po) battery rated at 2,100 mAh with a 15C discharge current capacity. There was a time not so long ago when no one though that electric power could ever provide a equivalent to the nitro methane gulping internal combustion engines, but the time has come. This all-electric setup is fairly small in size, but there are much larger motors and batteries available for large airplanes (and helicopters).

The video at the top right is a demonstration of the ease with which these all-electric models can be operated. Literally turn on the transmitter, plug in the battery, and you are ready to go. The extreme power-to-weight ration for this model is apparent in how quickly it takes off (not even full throttle) and pulls a high-G turn, goes around the short pattern, and then floats in for a perfect landing. Note the near absence of noise - which goes a long way toward keeping people from booting you out of flying locations once you find them.



Air Hogs R/C Helicopter Internals

Here are some photos of the inner workings (aka guts) of one of the Air Hogs remote control helicopters. There's a lot of electronics and mechanical wizardry built into these little $30 wonders!

RF Cafe: Air Hogs electronics

RF Cafe: Air Hogs electronics

RF Cafe workshop - electronics and models

RF Cafe: Air Hogs electronics


RF Cafe workshop - woodworking



Posted May 5, 2020

Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe
Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe