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KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers

Please Support RF Cafe by purchasing my  ridiculously low-priced products, all of which I created.

RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF Workbench

T-Shirts, Mugs, Cups, Ball Caps, Mouse Pads

These Are Available for Free

Espresso Engineering Workbook™

Smith Chart™ for Excel

TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe

Cardboard Engineering & Science Slide Rule Calculators
The Original Mobile Apps™

Long before there were smartphones and software "apps," engineers and scientists carried around portable "apps" of another kind. These apps were made from printed heavy cardboard stock and typically had either a sliding section sandwiched between two outer layers, or a rotating layer on a fixed base layer. They even sported rivets to hold them together - like the original Levis dungarees. I and guys much older than me [ ;-) ] routinely carried them in our shirt pockets, securely snugged behind our plastic pocket protectors. You definitely always wrote your name on them in indelible ink since there was a tendency for those cardboard slide rules to sprout legs and walk away while you were at lunch or in the can.

These cardboard slide rule calculators used to be included on the Traditional Slide Rules page, but thanks to generous RF Cafe visitors who either sent me hard copies or high-res photos, the number has grown so large that they required their own page. You are invited to submit examples of your own collection for inclusion in the informal Cardboard Calculator Museum.

ARRL Lightning Calculator- Type B Modified

ARRL Lightning Calculator Type B Modified, front (Joseph Birsa) - RF CafeARRL Lightning Calculator Type B Modified, back (Joseph Birsa) - RF Cafe

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) sold a variety of these "Lightning Calculator" slide rules in the days before electronic calculators. This "Type B" version (copyright 1932, W.P. Koechel) calculates Ohm's Laws values for resistance, voltage, current, and power. As shown here, it indicates an alignment of 1 V, 1 A, and 1 Ω. The Lightning Calculators" were rather large at 8½" wide by 11" high. Being the size of a sheet of paper, it is surprising they did not come with holes for a 3-ring binder. There were six varieties of "Lightning Calculators," as shown in the 1939 QST magazine advertisement.
Thanks to Joe Birsa (N3TTE) for the donation - Added October 19, 2020

Shure Brothers Reactance Slide Rule

Shure Brothers Reactance Slide Rule - RF Cafe

Instructions Shure Brothers Reactance Slide Rule - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(copyright 1957)  Added July 6, 2017

JFD Mfg. Co. Stroboscopic Disc

JFD Mfg. Co. Stroboscopic Disc - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(circa 1950s)  Added July 6, 2017

itron Reciprocal Calculator

itron Reciprocal Calculator - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(copyright 1968)  Added July 6, 2017

Naval Surface Warfare Center: Electric Field Slide Rule

Naval Surface Warfare Center: Electric Field Slide Rule (side 1) - RF Cafe

Naval Surface Warfare Center: Electric Field Slide Rule (side 1) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(copyright 1991)

Honeywell: Signal Level Conversion Slide Rule Wheel

Honeywell Signal Level Conversion Slide Rule Wheel - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(Annapolis, MD, was my childhood home town)

Flam & Russell: Radar Cross-Section Cardboard Slide Rule

Flam & Russell: Radar Cross-Section Cardboard Slide Rule (side 1) - RF Cafe

Flam & Russell: Radar Cross-Section Cardboard Slide Rule (side 2) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(copyright 1968)

muRata: Dial-a-Bead Selector Wheel

muRata: Dial-a-Bead Selector Wheel (side A) - RF Cafe

muRata: Dial-a-Bead Selector Wheel (side B) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation

HP: HP 9000 Series 200 Memory Configuration Wheel

HP 9000 Series 200 Memory Configuration Wheel - RF Cafe

Thanks to Joe Cahak for the donation

HP: HP 9000 Series 300 Memory Configuration Wheel

HP 9000 Series 300 Memory Configuration Wheel - RF Cafe

Thanks to Joe Cahak for the donation

AILTECH: Noise Slide Rule

AILTECH: Noise Slide Rule (front) - RF Cafe

AILTECH: Noise Slide Rule (back) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Joe Cahak for the donation
(copyright 1973)

Andrew: Heliax Slide Rule

Andrew: Heliax Slide Rule - RF Cafe

Thanks to Joe Cahak for the donation

inmet: Gain Equalizer & Conversion Calculator

inmet: Gain Equalizer & Conversion Calculator (front) - RF Cafe

inmet: Gain Equalizer & Conversion Calculator (rear) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Joe Cahak for the donation
(copyright 1999)

Miteq: Mixer Spur Analyzer Calculator

Miteq: Mixer Spur Analyzer Calculator (front) - RF Cafe

Miteq: Mixer Spur Analyzer Calculator (rear) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Joe Cahak for the donation

Tektronix: Time Domain Reflectometer Slide Rule

Tektronix: Time Domain Reflectometer Slide Rule (front) - RF Cafe

Tektronix: Time Domain Reflectometer Slide Rule (rear) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Joe Cahak for the donation
(copyright 1972)

Ohmart Corporation: Radiation Measurement Calculator 

Ohmart Corporation Radiation Measurement Cardboard Calculator - RF Cafe 

Thanks to Joe Birsa (N3TTE) for the donation
(copyright 1991)

Daniel Industries, Inc.: Air-Gas Orifice Flow Calculator

Daniel Industries, Air-Gas Orifice Flow Calculator - RF Cafe 

Thanks to Joe Birsa (N3TTE) for the donation
(copyright 1977)

EM Laboratories: U.S. ↔ Metric Conversions

EM Laboratories: U.S. ↔ Metric Conversions - RF Cafe

Thanks to Gary Steinhour for the donation
(copyright 1975)

FXR (now Microlab/FXR): Smith Chart Slide Rule

RF Cafe - FXR (Microlab/FXR) Slide Rule / Smith Chart (this is the Smith Chart side)RF Cafe - FXR (Microlab/FXR) Slide Rule / Smith Chart

Smith Chart Side

RF Cafe - FXR (Microlab/FXR) Slide Rule / Smith Chart (this is the slide rule side)RF Cafe - FXR (Microlab/FXR) Slide Rule / Smith Chart

Slide Rule Side
Thanks to Gary Steinhour for the donation)

Sage Wireline/Wirepac Calculator

Sage Wireline/Wirepac Calculator

Sage Wireline/Wirepac Calculator

Sage Wireline/Wirepac Calculator
(copyright 1992)
I have a spreadsheet available for the Wireline Calculator.

Andrew Microwave Antenna System Computer

Andrew Microwave Antenna System Computer

Andrew Microwave Antenna System Computer

Andrew Microwave Antenna System Computer
(copyright 1994)

Nuclear Bomb Effects Computer

Nuclear Bomb Effects Computer - RF Cafe

Thanks to Ken H. for the photos of his Nuclear Bomb Effects Computer (likely the original 1957 version), produced by The Lovelace Foundation and EG&G. "This Nuclear Bomb Effects Computer has been compiled in cooperation with the Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Biology and Medicine, and Lovelace Foundation for Civil Effects Test Operations AEC-Biology And Medicine Contract AT(29-1)1242." Quickly and handily calculates Max. Fireball Radius, Height for Minimal Fallout, Apparent Crater Radius and Depth, and even Radiation Levels with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree burns! Who wouldn't have wanted one of these back in the 1960s while hunkering down in an underground bunker or beneath your school desk while thermonuclear ordinance was exploding overhead? Added April 11, 2022

Varian Power Amplifier Calculator

Varian Power Amplifier Calculator - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(copyright 1991)  Added July 6, 2017

Tecom Industries Antenna Calculations Slide Rule

Tecom Industries Antenna Calculations Slide Rule - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(copyright 1976)  Added July 6, 2017

Scientific Atlanta Antenna Communications Systems Calculator

Scientific Atlanta Antenna Communications Systems Calculator - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(copyright 1977)  Added July 6, 2017

REA Magnet Wire Co. Heavy Formvar Magnet Wire Slide Chart

REA Magnet Wire Co. Heavy Formvar Magnet Wire Slide Chart - RF Cafe

Instructions REA Magnet Wire Heavy Formvar Magnet Wire Slide Chart - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(circa 1950s)  Added July 6, 2017

The Helipot Corporation Electrical Slide Rule

The Helipot Corporation Electrical Slide Rule - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(copyright 1951)  Added July 6, 2017

Scientific Atlanta: Antenna Calculator Slide Rule

Scientific Atlanta: Antenna Calculator Slide Rule (side 1) - RF Cafe

Scientific Atlanta: Antenna Calculator Slide Rule (side 2) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(copyright 1968)

Pacific Automation Products: Copper Wire Slide Rule

Pacific Automation Products: Copper Wire Slide Rule (side 1) - RF Cafe

Pacific Automation Products: Copper Wire Slide Rule (side 2) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(looks a little like the Starfleet Command logo)

Hughes Electron Dynamics Division: Millimeter Wave System Calculator

Hughes Electron Dynamics Division: Millimeter Wave System Calculator (side 1) - RF Cafe

Hughes Electron Dynamics Division: Millimeter Wave System Calculator (side 2) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(copyright 1975)

Instrument Specialties Company: Shielding Design Guide "sticky fingers" Slide Rule

Instrument Specialties Company: Shielding Design Guide (side 1) Slide Rule

Instrument Specialties Company: Shielding Design Guide (side 2) Slide Rule

Thanks to Neil Blaho for the donation
(copyright 1982)

MegaPhase: Watts & Voltage Conversion Slide Rule

MegaPhase: Watts & Voltage Conversion Slide Rule (front) - RF Cafe

MegaPhase: Watts & Voltage Conversion Slide Rule (back) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Joe Cahak for the donation
(copyright 2009)

HP: Reflectometer & Mismatch Error Limits Calculator

HP: Reflectometer & Mismatch Error Limits Calculator (front) - RF Cafe

HP: Reflectometer & Mismatch Error Limits Calculator (back) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Joe Cahak for the donation
(copyright 1976)

Amphenol RF Division: Smith Chart Slide Rule

Amphenol RF Division: Smith Chart Slide Rule (front) - RF Cafe

Amphenol RF Division: Smith Chart Slide Rule (rear) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Joe Cahak for the donation

Concise: Chemical Element Slide Rule

Concise: Chemical Element Slide Rule - RF Cafe

Thanks to Joe Cahak for the donation
(copyright 1968)

Microwave Development Labs (MDL): Rigid Waveguide Data Calculator

MDL: Rigid Waveguide Data Calculator (front) - RF Cafe

MDL: Rigid Waveguide Data Calculator (back) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Joe Cahak for the donation
(copyright 1995)

Rogers Corporation: High Frequency Substrate Selector

Rogers Corporation: High Frequency Substrate Selector (front) - RF Cafe   Rogers Corporation: High Frequency Substrate Selector (rear) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Joe Cahak for the donation
(copyright 2010)

Roos instruments: RF & Reactance Calculator

Roos instruments: RF & Reactance Calculator (front) - RF Cafe

Roos instruments: RF & Reactance Calculator (rear) - RF Cafe

Thanks to Joe Cahak for the donation
(copyright 1995)

Control Components: Valve Sizing Calculator

Control Components Valve Sizing Cardboard Calculator - RF Cafe 

Thanks to Joe Birsa (N3TTE) for the donation
(copyright 1986)

The Ballentine Rule: dB <--> Ratio Conversion | Volts <--> dB Power Level

The Ballentine Rule - RF Cafe

Thanks to Gary Steinhour for the donation
(copyright 1953)

Tel-Instrument Electronics Corp.: AC Power Slide Rule

Tel-Instrument Electronics Corp. AC Power Slide Rule - RF Cafe

Thanks to Gary Steinhour for the donation
(copyright 1964)

M/A-COM: VSWR Calculator

M/A-COM VSWR Calculator

M/A-COM VSWR Calculator

(copyright 1983)

APN-85 Pressure Reduction Computer

RF Cafe - APN-85RF Cafe - APN-85

I. Sea-Level Reduction (left), II. Altimeter Setting (right)
These were used by air traffic controllers back in the Stone Age This particular model was auctioned off when the Bedrock Airport closed.
Thanks to Don Hicks for the donation

GE Mobile Radio Range and Transmitter Power Calculator

GE Mobile Radio Range and Transmitter Power Calculator - Front Side

GE Mobile Radio Range and Transmitter Power Calculator - Back Side

GE Mobile Radio, Range and Transmitter Power Calculator
(copyright 1977)
Thanks to Alan Kealey for the donation!

Classic Format Slide Rules

Pickett N600 ES Log-Log Slide Rule

Pickett N600 ES Log-Log Slide Rule - the same model that the Apollo astronauts took to the moon with them

Original Pickett N600 ES Log-Log Slide Rule Box

Pickett N600 ES Log-Log Slide Rule Certificates

Pickett N600 ES Log-Log Slide Rule
(this is the same model that went to  the moon w/the Apollo astronauts)

Skala Wilcza 32 Wooden Slide Rule

Skala Slide Rule - markings on leather case include "SP-NIA"  "PRACY" "WARSZAWA" "WILCZA 32"

Skala Slide Rule LogoSkala Wilcza 32 Wooden Slide Rule (Poland)
Thanks to Alan Kealey for the donation!

Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rule

Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rule, made by Pickett

Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rule, made by Pickett

Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rule, made by Pickett

Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rule (made by Pickett)
Send me an e-mail if you want a PDF file of a partial (10 pages) copy of the instruction manual.
[Buy the complete manual set here]

Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rula Advertisement, August 1967 Electronics World - RF Cafe

This advertisement appeared in the August 1967 edition of Electronics World magazine. The unique slide rule, leather case, and 4-course instruction booklet was "...deliberately underpriced at less than $25."

Cleveland Institute of Electronics

Cleveland Institute of Electronics, Slide Rule Product Feature, January 1965 Popular Science

Cleveland Institute of Electronics Slide Rule Product Feature
January 1965 Popular Science

Texas Magnum Slide Rule

Texas Magnum - World's Longest Slide Rule

Texas Magnum, World's Longest Slide Rule
(352 feet long, 300 pounds)

Projection Slide Rule

From the Slide Rule Guy website

Projection Slide Rule

K&E Model N4080-3 Log Log Duplex Trig

K&E Model N4080-3 Log Log Duplex Trig S/N 467192, Copyright 1947

K&E Model N4080-3 Log Log Duplex Trig, S/N 467192, Copyright 1947 Slide Rule
(wooden frame & bar w/metal ends)

K&E Model 4081-3 Slide Rule

K&E Model 4081-3 Slide Rule S/N 087105

K&E Model 4081-3 Slide Rule, S/N 087105
(wooden frame & bar w/metal ends)

Sterling 684 White Plastic Slide Rule

Sterling 684 White Plastic Slide Rule

Sterling 684 White Plastic Slide Rule
(I bought this for my first algebra class in 1976)

Pickett N1010-T Slide Rule

Pickett N1010-T Slide Rule - RF Cafe

Pickett N1010-T Slide Rule
(found in my father-in-law's basement)

K&E Beginner's Slide Rule

K&E Beginner's Slide Rule Model 4058C

K&E Beginner's Slide Rule Model 4058C

K&E Beginner's Slide Rule, Model 4058C
(all-wood frame & bar)

Lawrence Slide Rule Instruction Book

Lawrence Slide Rule Instruction Book

Lawrence Slide Rule Instruction Book
(copyright 1952)

Other Interesting Slide Rule Configurations

From the International Slide Rule Museum website

Gong Se He Ying
Metalworking calculator for Iron materials

Slide Rule Wallpaper

Slide rule wallpaper

Slide Rule Wallpaper
Click on the image to open it in a new window, then right-click on it and choose Set as Background

Soviet Slide Rule Watch

From the International Slide Rule Museum website

Soviet Slide Rule Watch

TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe
Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe

Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe