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AN/MPN-14 (13) ASR/PAR Mobile Radar Shop - Robins AFB, GA
(unofficially the * USAF Radar Technician Hall of Fame *)

Attn: If you have a set of schematics and/or alignment procedure tech orders (TO), please let me know if you are willing to donate them or lend them to me for scanning and posting (TO numbers could be wrong).
31P5-2MPN14-26WC-1TP-2 | Periodic Maintenance
31P5-2MPN14-23TP-3 | Schematics

If you seek technical information on radar, try the Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Engineering Handbook.

AN/MPN-14 mobile radar (RAPCON not shown) - RF Cafe1978 through 1982 marked my years spent in the U.S. Air Force as an Air Traffic Control Radar Technician, AFSC 303x1. After nine months in technical school at Keesler AFB, MS, I moved on to my permanent duty station at Robins AFB, Georgia.

Air Force Logo; Past and Present - RF Cafe

There, I was part of the 5th Combat Communication Group (5CCG), aka 5th MOB (MOB = mobile). Most of my early knowledge of electronics was learned as a result of the experience gained there. To be truthful, I was not overly thrilled with being part of a mobile communication group, because my goal was to work on an engineering degree, and the propensity for deployment was great enough to limit me to a total of about three semesters of college classes. After many years of part-time and full-time coursework after the Air Force duty, I finally completed my BSEE at the University of Vermont, of all places.

Click here to visit the 9th Air Force website - RF CafeUSAF AFSC 303x1 Radar Maintenance Occupational Survey Report - RF CafeThe AN/MPN-14 was a mobile radar system that consisted primarily of an Equipment Trailer (all of the radar electronics), a Maintenance Trailer (workbench, AC/Heat, UHF/VHF radios), and a big RAPCON Trailer (ASR and PAR displays and controls). A 60-mile Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) and a 10-mile Precision Approach Radar (PAR) provided the primary radar, and a 200-mile Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system provided the synthetic (secondary) radar. This IFF system contained a 1 kbyte magnetic core memory with the four read, write, sense and strobe lines threaded by Pygmies.

Click here for a link to the current 5th Combat Communications Group webpage. When I was there, we were part of the Air Force Communications Command (AFCC - established NOV 1979); in fact, if I'm not mistaken, when I first arrived in 1979 it was part of the Strategic Air Command (SAC). Correct me if I err.These pictures were dug out of a photo shoebox and posted for your viewing pleasure. A search on Google for the MPN-14 radar turned up no pictures at all, so maybe this is now the only one on the Internet.

Due to the huge amount of interest in the 5CCG (5th MOB) both my 5th members and by members from other Mobs, the scope of this page has been expanded to include all the MOBs, the first through the 5th. If you or someone you know was a member, please contact me with your service information and I will include it here. Photos are welcome; I can scan originals or Kirt & Melanie with Don's cool presents from Hulburt Fieldnegatives and return them to you if you do not have digital versions.

Thanks to my good buddy Don Hicks for sending this USAF cap and coffee mug from Hulburt Field!  - Kirt Blattenberger

Tobyhanna Reporter article on an AN/MPN-14K transformer modification to prevent arcing.

RF Cafe: 5th CCG coffee mug with "Communigator" logo

This was the official 5th CCG "CommuniGator" coffee mug back in the early 1980s.

Kirt Blattenberger - Honorable Discharge from the USAF

Honorable Discharge from the USAF

RF Cafe: AFCS patch in camouflage scheme (on my field jacket)

AFCS patch in camouflage

(subdued) scheme

RF Cafe: 5CCG patch in camouflage scheme

5CCG patch in camouflage

(subdued) scheme

RF Cafe: Combat Crew patch in camo

5CCG Crew patch in camouflage (subdued)

Kirt Blattenberger - 5CCG Certificate of Mobility Training

5CCG Certificate of Mobility Training

Kirt Blattenberger - Veteran's Administration letterClick here to learn how to find patches and other paraphernalia from your military history.

Here is a friendly letter I received from the VA. The GI Bill had been suspended during my enlistment era, so I had to pay into the college fund. Turns out, the VA had it wrong, and I did not owe the $15.93.

Here is the official 5CCG Alumni Association website. Sign the guest book and have a look around.

MOB Locations (current)

MOB histories are quite extensive, and most have been moved around over the years. The links below take you to the most useful sites I could locate. If you know of better ones, please let me know.

1st MOB: Ramstein AB, Germany (LinkedIn)

2nd MOB: Patrick AFB, Florida, USA (LinkedIn)

3rd MOB: Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, USA (LinkedIn)

    aka "The Third Herd" shut down in 2012

4th MOB: Clark AB, Philippines and Andersen AFB, Guam

5th MOB: Robins AFB, Georgia, USA (LinkedIn)

Air Force Communicators & Air Traffic Controllers Association Website - Formerly called "The AACS Alumni Association"

Radar System Designations & Descriptions

ITT-Gilfillan MPN-14K brochure

MPN-14K Digital Radar DisplaysITT/Gilfillan (then Exelis and now Harris) has "resurrected" the MPN-14. It appears from their brochure that they have gutted the shell and re-fitted it with modern electronics and software - very nice!. I just hope they have significantly improved the air conditioning system as well; that old design used to fail continuously. Thanks to Angelo V for the info.

MIL-HDBK-162A - Military Standardizations Handbook United States Radar Equipment (see p375 for AN/MPN-13, p379 for AN/MPN-14)

RF Cafe - ID Plate from an AN/MPN-14 from the 1st MOB website (click)

Here is an identification plate form an AN/MPN-14 radar trailer. It comes from the 1st MOB website

Operations Trailer nearest in photo, Maintenance trailer inline and connected to the rear, RAPCON separate and to the right. ASR & IFF antennas toward center of trailer, PAR Elevation antenna nearest - circa 1979-82. 

Maintenance Trailer nearest in photo, Maintenance trailer inline and connected to the rear, RAPCON separate and to the right. ASR & IFF antennas toward center of trailer, PAR Elevation antenna nearest. (circa 1979-82) Backing up the tractor to hitch up the MPN-14 RAPCON for a deployment. (circa 1979-82)

Backing up the tractor to hitch up the MPN-14 RAPCON for a deployment - circa 1979-82.

"Healthy Strike" deployment cantonment area, Herbert Smart Airfield, Macon, GA. (circa 1979-82)"Healthy Strike" deployment cantonment area, Herbert Smart Airfield, Macon, GA. - circa 1979-82.

Inside the MPN-14 Equipment Trailer. ASR display nearest the door with IFF control box next to it. PAR display near the arm protruding by door. (circa 1979-82) 

Inside the Operations Trailer. ASR display nearest door with IFF control box next to it. PAR display near the arm protruding by door - circa 1979-82.

5CCG Maintenance Shop, Robins AFB, GA - RF Cafe

5CCG Radar Shop - circa 1979-82. (Kirt B photo)

5CCG Radar Shop  (circa 1980-82, Don Hicks photo)

5CCG Radar Shop - circa 1980-82. Corner of Robins Parkway and 10th Street. (Don Hicks photo)

Red Worthington (Don Hicks photo)

Red Worthington (Don Hicks photo, right)

Chuck Powell (circa 1981, Don Hicks photo)

Sgt. Chuck Powell - circa 1981. (Don Hicks photo, above)

Joe Hoover Assembles Lights atop the MPN-14 (circa 1987,  Don Hicks photo)


Joe Hoover assembles Lights atop the MPN-14 - circa 1987. (Don Hicks photo, right)


Page | 1 | 2 | 3 |  - lots more photos

- New page added just for the TPN-19 radar

- Read e-mails from radar shop members

- Photos of RF Cafe service members

MPN-13 GCA Radar Unit Scale model by Elbert Cook - RF CafeUSAF radar tech Elbert Cook has completed his scale model of the MPN-13 GCA (Ground Control Approach) mobile radar system that he worked on. It has an incredible amount of detail, including the ASR (airport surveillance radar) and PAR (precision approach radar) antennas, the VHF and UHF radio antennas, navigation hazard light, and even the gin poles that stabilize the trailers against wind forces. Elbert's modeling skills are impressive indeed! Hopefully, this model will someday end up in a USAF museum - maybe at Wright-Patterson AFB. 

For lack of a better place to post it for, here is a photo I took of a Lockheed C-130 Hercules "Hurricane Hunter" on August 29, 1979, while stationed at Keesler AFB, MS for technical school. It was part of the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron (WRS) and was on its way into the eye of Hurricane Frederic (CAT4), came ashore on September 15th on the state line between Mississippi and Alabama. I processed out out of Keesler AFB the day before it hit. It passed tore up Biloxi almost exactly 10 years from when Hurricane Camille (CAT5) devastated the base and surrounding areas.

"Old radar troops never die, they just 'Phase Array'" - Ronald L. Fate

B&W photo of ASR display (PPI) (circa 1979-82)B&W photo of ASR display (PPI, top right) - circa 1979-82. AN/GPA-131 Analog Video Mapper overlay display can barely be seen on the monitor. 

B&W photo of PAR display (bottom right) showing Elevation display at top and Azimuth display on bottom. Yes, it is in dire need of alignment - circa 1979-82.

Members of our radar shop assembling the MPN-14 (one of two we maintained, left). In the picture are Chuck Powell, Ron Dames, Don Hicks, Linda(?), Ed Nugent, Allen Coker, Scott Breen(?) and Supreme Commander TSgt. "Red" Worthington. I welcome feedback from anyone that wants to correct my identifications - circa 1979-82.

B&W photo of PAR display showing Elevation display at top and Azimuth display on bottom. Yes, it is in dire need of alignment. (circa 1979-82)Members of our radar shop assembling the MPN-14 (one of two we maintained). In the picture are Chuck Powell, Ron Dames, Don Hicks, Linda(?), Ed Nugent, Allen Coker, Scott Breen(?) and Supreme Commander TSgt. "Red" Worthington. I welcome feedback from anyone that wants to correct my identifications. (circa 1979-82)


Kirt Blattenberger & Sgt. Ed Nugent inside the RAPCON performing a display alignment (or at least pretending to) (circa 1979-82)

Yours truly and Sgt. Ed Nugent (right) inside the RAPCON performing a display alignment - or at least pretending to - circa 1979-82.

Joe Hoover (my OJT trainer) (circa 1979-81, Don Hicks photo)





Joe Hoover (my OJT trainer) - circa 1979-81. (Don Hicks photo, left) 


John Rackley (circa 1981, Don Hicks photo)




John Rackley - circa 1981. (Don Hicks photo, right)

Comments from Radar Troops (see other notes):

Gary Thomas <service> - I was inducted in the Air Force March 1968, after Lackland (now merged with Randolph AFB into Joint Base San Antonio) I was sent to Keesler for for 303x1 training and then assigned to the 1926 Comms Sq. at Robins in Dec 1969 and stayed there for the rest of my term of service 1971. We had a FPN/16 on a turntable and worked out the FAA Rapcon bldg. The TSgt. was Victor Sharp, SSgt. Calvin Oberg, Sgt. Ronald Vaughn. Soon we were joined by Nathan Lemmon, and Larry Gulley. Not long after I arrived Gilfillan came and did a complete rebuild of the unit including turntable. We then had a very light work load for the remainder of my time there, due to all new equipment.

Rich France <service>- Radar unit#5 was assigned to me.. gulp!... either you guys could train on it or I caught Hell!. FPN-47 (there were two units in the same room that fed one antennae out by the trailers. I was one of the few that trained on the BRITE system – that came to Keesler before ANY other site in the world (including the Pentagon) – we trained oh so many officers for a year or so then enlisted men – with two maintenance staff on 24 hour stand-by- when anything was ordered for that system, it was flown directly to Keesler and delivered to me by the pilot! I welcome a contact from other radar guys from the 1960s/1970s. 

Rick Tenney -  The Commander was Col. Madera, and the Radar shop NCOIC was MSGT Richard Jolley. Other RADAR Maint personnel I worked with were Larry Gulley, John Peysur, Norman Cole, Wayne Sutton, and Bruce Blackburn. I found Bruce Blackburns' listing on this web page so most of the data is the same. I was sent to King Salmon Alaska in 1972. It's good to hear about long lost buddies.

Thanks to Don Hicks and other former Radar Techs for many of these names. The list originally reported only 5CCG Radar Shop members, but has been expanded to include any AFSC 303x1 Radar Techs who care to send in their information for a listing. Send me an e-mail to have your name removed, or to add others to the ever-growing list. 

(Page | 1 | 2 | 3 |)

Col. John Kopsick, Jr., 5CCG commander, Mar 78 - May 81 - RF CafeUSAF Communications Command - RF CafeIf you were ever a member of the 5CCG radar maintenance shop, please send me an e-mail and let me know the dates you were there. I would like to use this space as a group gathering for all the graying heroes of yore. Thanks! 

Col. John Kopsick, Jr., was the 5CCG commander from Mar 78 - May 81. His photo looks like the hero star of a WWII movie.

Past and Present USAF Radar Technicians

  • Bob Abbott
  • Jim Alderdice (read Jim's e-mails)

    - 2068th Sq. of AFCS, Hurlburt Field (Field #9), Eglin AFB, FL, MPN-13, Apr 1967 to Nov 1968

    - 1930th Comm. Sq., Detachment 2, King Salmon AFS, AK, MPN-13, Nov 1968 to Nov 1969

    - Civilian: AT&T Long Lines and other divisions as well as IBM

  • Garry Alexander
  • Bill (?) Arrington

    - Kadena Air Base, Okinawa

  • Maynard Babcock

    - 52CCS, OCT 1990 to NOV 1992

  • Stafford Bailey
  • Evelyn Baker
  • Tom Bathurst

    - Kwang-Ju AB, ROK, 1988 to 1990. Unit designation changed from 4th CCS to the 4th CCG, radars with units in Japan (441th CCS), Korea (442nd CCS), and the Philippines (443rd CCS).

  • Renante Bautista
  • Dan Behrens (MSgt)

    - RAF Lakenheath, UK, NCOIC of Radar Maintenance, Jan 2001 to ?

    - 54CBCS, Mar 1994 to DEC 2000

  • Jeremiah Belanger (aka BUDDHA)

    - 51CCS, OCT 1998 to AUG 2000

    - 18th CS PICP, Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Aug 2000 to Aug 2002

    - Student (EE transfer to UCSB), Ventura College, 2003 to present

    - TECOM Industries, Inc., Microwave Lab test technician, FEB 2006 to present

  • Mick Bellew

      - 5CCG

    - Currently with FAA

  • Robert Bennett ("Gatorbob" - see photos)

    - 485th Griffiss AFB, NY, FPN-16, Brite-II

    - 1st MOB, Radar "Leper Colony" Mainz-Kastel, Lindsey AS, Germany, MPN-14

    - Site Alpha (1979), MPN-14

    - 2155St McConnell AFB, KS, MPN-13

    - 2048th Carswell AFB, TX MPN-13, GPN-22

    - 2004th Sondrestrom Air Base, Comm-TQE

    - Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, GPN-22

    - 3rd MOB, Tinker AFB 3rd/31st, OK, MPN-14

    - Det 2 JTF Bravo, Soto Cono Honduras, MPN-14/TPN-19

      - 5th CCG Robins AFB, GA/Group LAN

  • Ahmed Al Jaber AB, Kuwait

    - Lan Manager-Base Comm

      - Retired Feb 1997, MSgt.

    - Northrop Grumman, Network Security Engineer

  • Joe Berry

    - Kadena Air Base, Okinawa

  • David M. Biles

      - 5CCG Radio Maintenance MPN-14 & TPN-19,  Jan 1986 to Jan 1989

    - 4CCSG Radio Maintenance Shop,

    Jan 1989 to Dec 1989

  • Frank Black
  • J.D. Black

    - Williams AFB in AZ, in 1980s

    - Soto Cano AB, Honduras for a 4 month TDY to give the Mob some relief maintaining the MPN-14.

    - TDY to Panama from Honduras. Retired from USAF in MAR 94 after over 21 years

    - Worked as a cable installer, then in a motorcycle shop for a few years

    - Now permanently retired in CA -  lovin' every minute of it.

  • Joe Black

    - Aviano Air Base, Italy

  • Bruce Blackburn

    - 5CCG (then the MCG - Mobile Comm Group) Nov 1970 to Nov 1973. Three MPN-13's (sn#s 154, 162, 192) and one MPN-14 with Rapcon trailer sn#127. The Commander was Col. Madera, and the Radar shop NCOIC was MSGT Richard Jolley. Other radar maintenance personnel I worked with were Larry Gulley, John Peysur, Norman Cole, and Wayne Sutton.

  • Kirt Blattenberger

    - 5CCG, Sep 1979 to Jan 1982, MPN-14

  • Ed Bonfiglio
  • Greg Boone

    FPN-47, FPN-16, FPN-62, GPN-20, Brite-II, GPA-133 Mapper, TPX-42, MPN-13, MPN-14,T-4 trainer, TPN-19, assorted radios, the old 302 phone system and ancillary equipment.

    - Keesler AFB, Oct 1978 to Jun 1979

    - Spangdahlem, Germany (2137CS), 1979 to 1982

    - Scott AFB, IL (1974 TPG), 1982 to 1985

    - Lindsey AS (1st Comm), Germany, 1985 to 1989 (See BMW motorcycle pic)

    - Bitburg , Germany (2139CS/36 CS), 1989 to 1992

      - Hill AFB, UT, 1992 to 1994

    -- - Currently a United Airlines aircraft dispatcher

  • Ronnie Boswell
  • Sandy Branciforte

    - Kadena Air Base, Okinawa

  • Damon Brantley
  • Scott Breen

    - 5CCG, Jun 1977 to Jun 1980

    - Currently contractor for U.S. Navy at Pearl Harbor, HI, working on the AN\FYK-17B FACSFAC Air Control Tracking System

  • Carol Brown
  • Tim Brown
  • Mike Broxterman
  • FAA
  • Greg Bucchieri

    - MPN-13, MPN-14 and a one of a kind MPN-17 developed for use in Vietnam at Phan Rang AB. The MPN-17 had 2 Search frequencies at different phases so as to eliminate excess ground clutter.

    - Laughlin AFB, TX

    - Aviano AB, Italy. 1966-1970 (see photos)

  • Terrence (Terry) L. Butman, MSgt(Ret 1986)

      - Brookley AFB, AL, FPN-16, FPN-62, FAA provided the ASR services, 1966 to 1969

      - Osan AB Korea, CPN-4, MPN-13, MPN-14, FPN-16, 1969 to 1970

    - Keesler AFB, MS, 3380th Maintenance, CPN-4, MPN-13, MPN-14, FPN-16, FPN-47, FPN-62, TPX-42, GPX-8, GPA-131, 1970 to 1977

    - Elmendorf AFB, AK, TPX-42, FPN-62, FAA provided the ASR services, 1977 to 1981

    - Wheeler AFB, HI 1981 to 1984

    - Seymour Johnson AFB, NC, FPN-62, GPN-12, Brite II, 1984 to 1986

  • Orlando Carr
  • Jim Carthew

    - 2029 Comm Squadron, Ellsworth AFB, 1971-1974, AN/FPN-47 and AN/FPN-16

  • William Yancy Chastain

    - 5CCG, AUG 1980 to OCT 1983, AN/TPN-19

  • Marvin Clark
  • Shirley Clark

    - Kadena Air Base, Okinawa

  • Philip R. Coffin Jr. (MSgt, ret.)

    - 3CCG, 1972 to 1976, TPN-1

  • Allen Coker (CMSgt, ret.)

    - 5CCG, May 80 to Jul 81

    - 1CCG, Jul 81 to Jul 84

  • Jeff Coleman
  • Lemuel Compton (TSgt, ret. '94)

      - TPN-19 civilian contractor in Iraq

    - FAA

  • Elbert Cook (ret 1988) TPN-19 photos

    - Keesler AFB for GCA Radar training, Apr 1968

      - Sheppard AFB, TX, Apr 1969 to Jun 1973, AN/MPN-14 B, FPN-47, FPN-16, GPX-8, GPA-70, GPA-30 and Brite-II

    - 3CCG, Tinker AFB, OK, Jun 1973 - Apr 1979. "I thought I must be in for a good deal. Boy was I wrong. "MPN-13, MPN-14, TPN-19 (qty. 10) and all the equipment that went along with them. Went to TPN-19 school and factory in 1975. "What a mess. There are some war stories about them."

    - Shemya AS, Apr 1979 - Apr 1980, MPN-13 w/o a 301 key system, T3 Trainer. There was all kinds of room in that power trailer. Our UPX-6 was not restricted to 60 miles.

    - Holloman AFB, NM, Apr 1980 - Dec 1984, FPN-47, FPN-16, Brite-II, GPA-131. Then to Quality Control.

    - Langely AFB, VA, Dec 1984 - Jul 1988, Air Traffic Control Radar Functional Manager for TPN-19s. Dec 1984 ~ Jul 1988.

      - Retired 1988, got two degrees, worked for OKC hospital for 14 years then retired there.

    - Build model airplanes and working on scale MPN-13 model.

  • John Cope

    - 3CCG 1990 to 1993, AN/TPN-19

  • Steve Cote
  • Dave Court
  • Leslie Court
  • Jim Cuilla
  • Chris Daly

    - Currently works for FAA

  • Ron Dames
  • Rick Dahlke
  • Marty Davis 

    - 5CCG April 1994 to March 1996 (51CCS)

  • Paul Davis

    - Kadena Air Base, Okinawa

  • Mike Delp
  • Jesse Deluna
  • Dave Denman
  • Ken Dixon
  • Ron Dufek

    - 3CCG, 1982 to 1985, TPN-19

      - 4CCG, 1988 to 1989, MPN-14G

    - Present - ATC radar technician for Army at missile range on Kwajalein Atoll in Marshal Islands, DASR-11 aka AN/GPN30, 2 tracking radars that started out as AN/MPS-36

  • Joseph "Pat" Dunagan

    - 2037CS Luke AFB, 1964CG at Ramstein AB, HQ TCD Special Maintenance Team

    - Reserve assignment 55 CBCS, Robins AFB (Chief of Maintenance) and HQ SOCEUR

    - Civilian AFET & Comm Staff at Langley for 10 years, WX radar, NEXRAD, MPN-13 (pre baseline mod), MPN-14 and 14k, TPN-19

  • Stephanie Eddy
  • Nichole Egger

    - MPN-14 & TPN-19 PAR, Aug 1994 to Dec 1997

    - Graduated w/BSME in May 2006 - congrats!

  • Scott Eichfeld

    - 3CCG, Tinker AFB, OK, TPN-19, 1981-1992

    - TDY to 5CCG, Robins AFB, GA for tech order (TO) write

    - TDY to Holloman AFB, NM, and Travis AFB, CA

  • Eugene Embry
  • Ronald L. Fate

    - TPN-19 Shop, 1982 to 1983

    -- "Old radar troops never die, they just 'Phase Array'"

  • Jim Flaviani
  • James (Jim) L. Flinn (SSgt.) <see photos>

    - 2001st Communications Squadron – K.I. Sawyer AFB, Michigan Aug 1979 to Aug 1982, FPN-47, FPN-16, FPN-62, TPX-42, T4 ATC Trainer, BRITE II

      - Currently owner of Flinn Engineering, Flinn Video Marketing, and co-owner of 11 Software

  • Sean Forman
  • TPX-42 IFF Equipment Rack - RF CafeTPX-42 Interrogator Identification Friend or Foe equipment rack. Image montage was assembled by Kirt Blattenberger using four images from the orneveien.org website.

  • Paul Fowler  <comments>

    - Sampson AFB ,NY Flt. 4552 Aug

    - 1955 Keesler AFB, Miss.3394th Training Sq 1955/56

    - Andrews AFB, MD 2045 AACS? 1956/58

    - Pepperrell, Newfoundland 1883 AACS Engineering & Installations Squadron 1958

    - Thule AFB, Greenland 1983rd AACS 1958/59

    - Davis Monthan AFB, AZ 1903rd AACS? 1959

    - Manhattan Beach AFS, Cal. 1959

      - Mather AFB, Cal. 2034th AACS? 1959

    - Tempelhof Central Airport, Berlin Germany 1946th AACS? 1962/65

    - Chambley, Fr. TDY to 1952nc AACS? Tan Son Nhut, RVN 1964th Comm. Gp 1965

    - Pleiku RVN, 1964th Comm. Gp. Det. 2 / 1978th Comm. Sq. 1965/66

    - Myrtle Beach AFB, SC 2066th Comm. Sq.1966/68

    - Na Trang RVN, 1979th Comm. Sq. 1968/69

    - Sewart AFB, TN 1969/70 Tinker AFB, OK 1984th Comm. Sq? 1970

    - Carswell AFB, TX 2048th Comm. Sq.? Fort Hood, TX Det. 1976

  • Bob Fox
  • Richie France (Sgt.) <comments>

    - Keesler AFB, Dec 1970 – Nov 1974, Radar unit S/N 1, 5, 19, 23

    - World's first BRITE system

  • Bobby Freuler (aka Rebel)

    - 5CCG, 1981 to 1989, TPN-19 Crew

    - Guam, 1989 to 1992

    - 3CCG, 1992 to 1995

  • Gary Frysinger
  • Mark Goodrich

    - Zaragoza AB, Spain, 1981 to 1984

      - Robins AFB, GA, 1984 to 1987

    - RAF Bentwaters, UK, 1987 to 1991

      - Torrejon AB Spain, 1991 to 1993

    - RAF Alconbury UK, 1993 to 1995

    - Ramstein AB Germany, USAFE Airfield Systems Program Mngr, 1995 to 2001

    - Retired: Zaragoza, Spain, 2001-?

  • Sean Greenwood
  • Ray Gressett

    - 248th ATCS, KMEI, or Meridian, MS, Key Field, 1996-2000 (read Ray's account)

  • Scott Gilbert

    - Scott AFB (3 yrs), GPN-20, FPN-62, FPS-77

    - Shemya Air Station (1 yr remote) GPN-20, FPN-62

      - RAF Lakenheath (4 yrs) GPN-20, GPN-22, FPS-77

    - Keesler AFB, MS (4 yrs) Teaching 3 level course

    - Tobyhanna Army Depot (civilian), MPN-14K

  • Keith Grimm
  • Steve Hanas

    - GPN-22 at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, 1979-1983

    - Field rep for Raytheon after separation, BSEE from U-Mass

  • Juan Harnett, Jr.

    - 5CCG, APR 1983, NCOIC of Communications Maintenance

    - 81st TCF Kadena Air Base, Okinawa. NCOIC of Communications Maintenance, 1986 to 1991

    - Electronic Security Group, Royal Air Force Base, Chicksands United Kingdom. Assistant NCOIC Radio Systems Maintenance, 1991 to 1992

    - Operation Desert Storm/ Desert Calm 6975th Electronic Security Squadron Prince Sultan Air Base, Saudi Arabia in Support of two no-fly zones in Iraqi airspace. Dec 1992 to Jan 1993

    - 838th Engineering Installation Squadron, Kelly AFB, 1994 to 1996

    - 31st Munitions Support Squadron, Ghedi Air Base, Italy, 1996 to 1998

    - 45th Mission Support Squadron Cape Canaveral AS FL/Patrick AFB Cocoa Beach, 1998 to 2000

    - Retired USAF, May 2000

  • Dave Hatfield
  • Steve Hay

    - 5CCG until 1989

    - 23rd CCSq, Andrews AFB, 1989 to 1991

    - FAA Radar Tech Support, 1991 to Present

      - CMSgt 245 ATCS, McEntire ANG Station, SC, will ret in FEB 2006

  • Steve Haynes (MSgt, ret)

    - 5CCG, Apr 1987 to Jul 2000, Radar Tech, Radar NCOIC, AN/TPN-19 Special Maintenance Team

      - 2000 - 2005 AFETS, 2005 - present FAA

  • Manley Head

    - MPN-1 GCA, San Angelo, TX and in Harlingen, TX, 1956 - 1959

  • Dick Heinz

    - Aviano Air Base, Italy

  • Randy Herrell

    - Air Traffic Controller (AFSC 27250), 4 years all as radar controller.

      - 3 years at Shaw AFB, MPN-13

    - 1 year at Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base.

      - 26 years at FAA as controller, at Huntsville, AL and Louisville, KY.

  • Don Hicks (MSgt, ret)

      - 5CCG 1978-1985

    - 1946th CS, Berlin, Germany 1985 to 1988

    - 5CCG 1988 to 1997 (5th and 52nd CCS)

  • Lloyd Hill (TSgt, ret)

      - ATC radar tech school Keesler AFB, MS, Feb 80 - Oct 80

    - 2052nd CS/School Maint., Nov 80 - Apr 81

    - 1946th CS Berlin Germany, Apr 81- May 86

      - 2066th CS, Myrtle Beach, SC, Jun 86 - Mar 93

    - 49th CS, Holloman, NM, Mar 93 - Apr 95

    - National Weather Service, presently

  • Floyd Hinkson (MSgt, ret. 1976)

      - Keesler AFB, MS, 30231 GCA Maintenance School - , MPN-1, CPN-6, TPN-1 radars, WWII types, 24 Jan 1950

    - Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, MPN-1, CPN-4, 1950-1952

    - Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada, MPN-1, CPN-6, new CPN-4, 1952

    - Ernest-Harmon, Newfoundland, AFSC changed to 30351, MPN-1.

    - MacDill AFB, FL, CPN-18, MPN-1 FPN-16, 7-level school, 1954-56

    - RAFS Molesworth, England, MPN-1, MPN-11 (modified to MPN-13), mod 3 other MPN-11 to MPN-13, 1956-57

    - Mildenhall & Lakenheath, England, MPN-13, 1957-59

    - Robins AFB, GA, TDY

    - Homestead AFB, FL, MPN-13, CPN-6, 1959-60

    - Hunter Field, GA, FPN-16, CPN-6, 1960-63

    - Toul Rosier, France, 2nd Mob, MPN-13, 1963-66

    - Hurlburt Field, FL, MPN-13, 1966-69

    - Da Nang Vietnam, MPN-14, 1969-70

    - Seymour-Johnson AFB, NC, MPN-14, attended FAA school on ASR-5 (GPN-12), 1971-74

    - Tinker AFB, 3CCG, NCOIC of largest radar section in AFCS, MPN-13, MPN-14 (& world's first 12, TPN-19s), 1974-76,retired MSgt 1976.

    - Worked 22 years for Waukesha Electric (now SPX Transformer Solutions) as senior applications engineer. Retired 1998, still living in Goldsboro, NC

    - Floyd has been one busy guy! [Kirt B.]

  • Joe Hoover

    - 5CCG 1974-1980, MPN-14

      - Western Electric, 1980 to 1983, Winston-Salem, NC, Quality Auditor

    - Bell Communications Research, 1984 to 1988, Senior Staff Technologist

      - Bell Communications Research, 1988 to 1994, Oklahoma City, OK, Member of Technical Staff Quality Engineer

    - Benchmark Electronics, 1994 to 1995, Clute, Texas, Quality Assurance Mgr.

    - Talon Inc., 1995 to 1998, Stanley, NC, Quality Assurance Manger

    - BellSouth Communications, 1998 to present, Charlotte, NC, Facility Technician

  • Merton Horne

    - 2026 Communications Squadron at Grand Forks AFB, ND, 1971-1973

  • Matt Howell

    - 1986-present, MIT Lincoln Space Surveillance Complex

    - 3CCG 82-83 TPN-19 school

    - 1CCG 84-86 TPN-19 shop

  • Jay Huehn

    - 2029th Comm Sq, Ellsworth AFB, SD, Sgt, 30351, Apr 1972 to Aug 1974

    - 1985th Comm Sq, Utapao Airfield Thailand, SSgt, Sep 1974 to Jul 1975

    - 1866th Facility Checking Squadron, TRACALS Radar Evaluation Technician, SSgt, 30371, Richards-Gebaur AFB, MO, Jul 1975 to Sep 1977

    - 1866th Facility Checking Squadron, TRACALS Radar Evaluation Technician, 30371, Scott AFB, IL, TSgt, Sep 1977 to Nov 1979

    - Separated from the USAF on 19 Nov 1980.

    - Civilian: ITT Gilfillan (Sr. Field Service Engineer), CFS Rep at HQ TCD, Langley AFB VA on AN/GPN-22 and AN/FPN-62, 1980 to 1985. Sr. Logistics Support Engineer, Van Nuys CA, Logistics Engineer directly supporting the Engineering Program/Project Manager on the AN/MPN-14K Pre-Production Development Team, 1986 to 1988

  • Michael Hutchinson (MSgt)

      - 3rd MOB, Tinker AFB 1984 to 1990

    - 31 CS Aviano Air Base, Italy 1990 to 1996

    - 39 CS Incirlik Air Base, Turkey 1997 to 1998

    - 1st Combat Comm, Ramstein AB Germany 1998 to 2001

    - 39 CS Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, 2001 to 2003

    - Hickam ABW PACAF CSS AF Technical Advisor to the 297th ATCS (AN/MPN-14K) 2003 to present

  • Jason Ives

    - Tempelhof, Germany and Beale AFB, CA, 1989 to 1997. GPN-12, FPN-62, GPN-22, and NEXRAD

    - Went through AECP and earned a commission in 2001

    - Retired July 2012

  • Jeff Jedinak

    - Vandenberg AFB, CA, 1977 to 1978, MPN-14H

    - Tempelhoff Berlin, Germany, 1978 to 1982

  • Terry Johnson

    - Aviano Air Base, Italy

  • Baker D. Jones "Donnie" (TSgt, ret.)

    - Keeler AFB, 1976

    - 3rd MOB, Tinker AFB, OK

    - 5th MOB, Robins AFB, GA

      - 1st MOB, Wiesbaden, Germany

    - Set up the 2nd MOB at Patrick AFB, FL

  • Wesley Jones

    - 5CCG, 1976 to Aug 1979

  • Sherman Jordian

    - Incirlik Air Base, Turkey

  • Kevin Killea (MSGt, ret. 1995)

      - 5CCG Sep 1979 to Nov 1980, MPN-14

    - JTF Bravo, Soto Cono, TPN-19, 1991

      - Civilian site Manager on TPS 70, Columbia, S.A., 2000 to 2001

    - Currently INCO Tech for Raytheon on DASR 11/GPN 30 radars

    - Installed DASR 11 at Baghdad Int'l Airport, Iraq, 2004-2005

  • Glen King

    - 5CCG 1973 to 1975 (NCOIC at the time was MSgt Frank Hale)

    - 2146th Comm. Group, Osan Korea 1975 to 1976

      - 2179th Comm. Group, Patrick AFB, FL (separated SEP 1976)

    - USAF Reserves, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, 1977 to ?

  • Michael Klein

    - 5CCG, JAN 1982 - OCT 1985

      - Keesler AFB, 3395 TTIC, GPN 22 Instructor,  Oct 85 - Dec 89

    - Spangdahlem AB Germany, 2137 CS (later to become 52CS in the early 90s), JAN 90 - JAN 97

    - 5 CS, Minot AFB ND, Jan 97 - Sep 97

    - Currently working at Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson AZ

  • Dave Knutson

    - Aviano Air Base, Italy

  • Ed Kopp
  • Bob Kovarik

    - TPN-19, 1980 to begin the original 5CCG TPN-19 shop

    - Now working for FAA in Oklahoma City.

  • Mark Lambert

    - Aviano Air Base, Italy

  • Taylor Lankford

    - TPN-19; 54 CBCS, 1994 – 98 / 2002 - 03, MSgt Ret.

  • Ken Lemke

    - MPN-13, 1976 Comm, Howard AFB, Canal Zone, 1971-1972

    - MPN-13, TPX-42, TPN-19 Instructor, Keesler AFB, MS, 1973-1978

    - MPN-13, 2155CS, McConnell AFB, KS, 1978-1980

    - TPN-19, GPN-22 Instructor, Keesler AFB MS, 1980-1982

  • Rick Leupold

    - TPN-19, 3rd MOB, Tinker AFB, 1983-1988

  • Wendel Littlefield
  • Bill Losinski

    - Kadena Air Base, Okinawa

    - FAA

  • Rudd (nickname) Mahoney

    - Kadena Air Base, Okinawa

  • Jim Mallick (TSgt Retired 3 Aug 1993)

    - Radar Maintenance School, 3410 Student Sqdn, Keesler AFB, MS

    - 2055 CS, Vandenberg AFB, MPN-14H w/UPX-6

    - 1913 CG, Langley AFB, VA, MPN-14H, GPN-12, TPX-42, Brite II, FPN-62 PAR, 15G14B Suitcase Simulator

    - 2064 CS, Shemya AFB, AK, MPN-13, UPX-6 2046 CG, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH,  PRC-66 CRA

      - 2042 CS, Plattsburgh AFB, NY, MPN-14G, TPX-42, Brite II

    - 2066 CS, Myrtle Beach AFB, SC, MPN-14, TPX-42, GPN-12, FPN-16 5th CCG

    - 52 CCS, Robins AFB, GA TPN-19

  • Kenneth Martin

    - 1965 BMTS, Lackland AFB, TX

    - Keesler AFB, MS tech school

    - Kingsley Field, , MPN-13 & MPN-14 1967-1968 (On )

    - 2nd MOB, Sembach AFB, Germany, 1968-1972 (2nd MOB was at Toul Rousiers Air Base, France until De Gaulle kicked us out in 1967. It then went to Sembach AFB, Germany. After I left it was moved to Wiesbaden and became 1st Combat Communications. At Sembach we had we had 3-4 MPN-13's. I went to Weathersfield, England which was closing and took their MPN-13 to Zaragosa, Spain which was reopening after we got kicked out of Wheelus, Libya. Also had other deployments. We had a couple TDY's to Nuremberg and one to Greenham Common in England in support of Operation Reforger.)

    - People I served with in the 2MOB were Pete Peterson NCOIC, Jerry Fisher, Ralph Swinney, George Berft, Kurt Gausel, Karl Bolin

  • Fred May

    - 1837 EIS Tachikawa AB (later Yokota AB) and the 1962nd at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa

    - MPN-14, 5CCG, Warner Robbins, GA, for three weeks

    - Sep 76 - Apr 79 and was the Maint. Control Facility Chief for MWTAB 501

    - 1946th at Tempelhof, Germany

    - 1943rd at Pope AFB, NC (I was the last Radar guy there)

    - 1843 EIG at Wheeler Airfield, HI

    - Finished up on Hickam AFB, HI, at Hq PACAF

  • Jim McCullough

    - Jim dates back the farthest of anyone in this list!

    - Radar Tech, 2nd Mob in Toul-Rosiere, France, 1962 to 1965

  • Rahn McCullough

    - 5CCG 1985 to 1992: AN/TPN-19 Shop & QA

  • John McConnohie II

    - 5CCG, 1994-?

      - 1st & 52nd CCS

    - TSgt, Retired 1 JAN 2001

  • John McKeller
  • Doug Meredith

      - 3CCG P/32CCS-TPN19, 1983 to 1994

    - 24 first ATC (ANG), MPN-14K, 1997 to 2004

    - FAA, 2005 to present

  • Jason Merrill

    - 77-81 Wilder RBS site, ID – MSQ-77, MPS-9, TLQ-11 (1CEVG)

    - 81-97 McClellan AFB Depot, CA – MPS-9, MPS-T1, MST-T1, TRTG, MSQ-43

    - 97-00 Buckley AFB, CO – MPN-14K + ATCALS shop (ILS, TACAN, UHF/VHF etc.)

      - 04-05 Tobyhanna Army Depot – Northrop Grumman – MPN-14K

    - 95-99 CA, WY, PA ANG MPN-14K – Joint Guard 97-98

    - 04-05 Reserves Global Hawk 3CO

      - 06-07 Boeing C-17 Avionics March AFB, CA

    - Present - 729th ACS Hill AFB, UT – Operation Iraqi Freedom 2008

  • Dan Miller

    - 1st CCG, Wiesbaden, Germany, MAR 1981 to MAR 1983

  • Roger Miller

    - 303x1, MPN-13, 2048 Comms Squadron,  Carswell AFB, TX, 1973-1976

  • Tom Moore
  • Craig Mull (MSgt)

      - 5CCG, Radar Maintenance, 54th Squadron, 1997-1999

  • MSgt. Nagel

    - Aviano Air Base, Italy

  • Auford Neal (MSgt, ret. 1987)

    - GEEIA squadron (later the 1831st EI group), Robins AFB, GA

      - Thule, Greenland

    - 1926th Comm Squadron, Robins AFB, GA, NCOIC, 1971 to 1975

    - Instructor, Keesler AFB, MS

    - See MPN-14 photos from Ubon, Thailand

  • Britt Neal

    - Norton AFB, MPN/13E Brite 2, Baseline Mod, T-2 trainer, 1972 to 1975

    - Tempelhof, Germany, 1975 to 1977

  • Don Nelson
  • Williams AFB, MPN-13 (ended up catching fire in the equipment trailer, allowing me the experience of getting another MPN-13 off a C-124), Aug 1966 to Feb 1968

    - Korat RTAFB, MPN-14 Mobile Rapcon

  • Bill Newhouse

    - Kadena Air Base, Okinawa

  • Ed Nugent
  • Bill Olson
  • Mike Parris

    - 5CCG 1987 to 1989, TPN-19

      - FAA (civ) NAS NOM, 1989 to Present

  • Dave Paschal

    - Now working on radar for the National Weather Service

  • John Pensko, SMSgt, ret.

    - Holloman AFB, AN/FPN-16, AN/FPN-47, GPX-8, UPX-6, AN/GPA-70, AN/GPA-131, AN/GPA-133, 1972 – 1976

      - Osan AB, AN/MPN-14, 1976 - 1978

    - Nellis AFB, AN/MPN-13, AN/GPN20, AN/GPN-22, AN/GPN-25, 1978 - 1981

    - Kwang Ju AB, AN/MPN-14, 1981 - 1984

      - Shaw AFB, NCOIC, AN/FPN-47, AN/FPN-16, 1984 - 1988

    - Shemya AFB, Logistics Support, Branch Chief, 1988 - 1989

    - March AFB, Chief Stan/Eval, Branch Chief, 1989 -1992

    - Scott AFB, HQ AMC, 2EOX1 Career Field Manager, 1992 - 1995

    - McClellan AFB, HQ ACC OL-B Logistics Support, 1995 – 1997

  • Joe Petersdorff
  • Chuck Powell

    - 5CCG

  • Joe Pranger

    - Aviano Air Base, Italy

  • Melvin R. Prell

    - MPN-14/13 radars, primarily at Keesler AFB (EIG, comm group, instructor), 1975 to1982

    - Short tour to Shemya Air Station, 1979 to 1980

    - ATCALS 1866 FCS, 1985 to 1989

  • Charles Pritt (see photos)
  • Keesler AFB, Biloxi, MS, Training, 1973

    - 1837th EIS, 1956th Communication Group, Yokota AB, Japan, with multiple TDYs to Kadena AB, Okinawa and to Clark AB, Philippines, 1973 to 1976

    - 3rd MOB (3CCG) OK, MPN-14 and TPN-19, 1976 to 1979

  • John Rackley

    - 5CCG

  • Doug Reed

    - MPN-13A (w/TPX-42A), BRITE II in tower, MacDill AFB, 1928 CG, 1976 to 1979

    - Electrical engineer at Kennedy Space Center

  • Tim Reed (MSgt, Ret.)

    - AFETS 3CCG

  • Jim Rice

    - Keesler AFB, MS 1968

    - Williams AFB, AZ 1969

    - Laughlin AFB, TX 1970

    - Mountain Home AFB, ID 1971

    - Shemya AS, AK 1973

    - McCord AFB, WA 1973 to 1974

      - 3CCG, Tinker AFB, OK 1975 to 1979

    - RAF Upper Heyford, England 1980 to 1984

    - 5CCG, Robins AFB,GA 1984 to 1988

    - Retired at Robins, spent 25 years as functional test inspector for Boeing. Retired and loving it.

  • Herb Rideout

    - Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan

  • Ron Roberson

    - 3CCG, Tinker AFB, OK, TPN-19 FTD/CHOT Training, Oct 86 to Jul 87

    - 5CCG and 53CCSq Robins AFB GA, Aug 87 to Nov 93 TPN-19 Shop (System 7)

    - 24OSS Soto Cano AB, Honduras Nov 93 to Oct 94 TPN-19 Shop

    - Currently Sr. Engineering Technician

  • Rick Robideau
  • Chuck Rogers (read his letter)

      - Keesler AFB, MS 1969 - there for hurricane Camille (and clean-up)

    - Goodfellow AFB, TX, 303x1 on MPN11, MPN13 w/ IFF/SIFATC, 1970-1972

  • Tim Rolen
  • Frank Rowell

    - 3CCG AN/TPN-19 #6, 1986 to 1989

    - 5CCG Robins AFB AN/TPN-19, 1980 to 1983

    - TSgt, Retired 1993 (lleworf@charter.net)

  • Michael Rush

    - 53CBCS Radar Shop, Robins AFB, GA, Aug 99 to Aug 07

  • James Rumage

    - 3CCG Tinker AFB, OK, MPN-14, 1985 to 1990

    - Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, TPN-19, 1990

    - 52CCS Robins AFB for TPN19 shop with Steve Haynes in 1994. Bright star in Egypt, and multiple trips to Prince Sultan.

    - Retired in 2001

    - Now working at MGTC, Electronics Instructor

  • Mike Rumrill

    - Aviano Air Base, Italy

  • Butch Salmon

    - NCOIC/Maintenance Sup, Apr 2005 to Aug 2007, MSgt retired

    - GS-11, DAF Air Force Engineering and Technical Services, ATC Radar 5th Combat Comm, Robins AFB, GA

  • Scott Sands
  • Bert Sappiano

    - Aviano Air Base, Italy

  • Roger Savorgino

    - Aviano Air Base, Italy

  • Dallas Sharp (MSgt, ret.)

    - Lindsey AS, Germany, 'Leper Colony' Mainz-Kastel, 1st Combat Comm, Radar Superintendent, 1983

      - Currently civilian U.S. Navy support

  • Thomas Sherrill

    - 5CCG, Ooc 81 to Nov 86

      - Shaw AFB, SC 1986 to 1990

    - Now working for FAA, Atlanta's Hartsfield International Airport

  • Michael Shipton (MSgt, on-duty '04)

      - 5CCG, JAN 87 to OCT 90


  • Mike Skees (see e-mail)

      - Keesler AFB - Tech School, '76-'77

    - Langley AFB, '77-'78

      - Kunsan AB, '78-'79

    - Vance AFB, '79-'82

    - Yokota AB, '82-'84

      - McClellan AFB '86-'92, with TDY to deliver radars to 1st MOB '84-'86, 2nd MOB, '92-'93

    - RAFB, GA, 5th Mob, '93-'98

  • Jeff Smith (MSgt, ret.)

      - Altus AFB, OK, 1974, fixed RAPCON w/FPN-47, FPN-16, TPX-42, GPA-131 mapper, GPA-133 BRITE system

    - Bitburg Germany (MPN-13), Dec of 81

    - 5CCG JAN 81 to NOV 82 (separated)

    - Re-joined in 1986, Beale AFB, CA, FPN-62

      - RAF Greenham Common, England, NCOIC,  MPN-13 shop

    - Whiteman AFB, MO, GPN-20

  • Ron Smith
  • Glenn Snedden (aka "Beaker")
  • Tony Spagnolia (see his letter)

      - 3402nd STS Keesler AFB, Jan 69-Jan70 (Camille hurricane veteran!)

    - 22017 Comm - McGuire AFB, Feb 70-Sep71 (FPN 16 & 47)

    - 1883 & 1881 Det 3 Phu Cat AB, Oct 71-Dec71 (MPN-13 & 14G)

    - 1881 Comm - Cam Ranh AB, Dec 71-Jan72 (MPN-14H)

    - 1876 & 1876 Det 2 TSN & Bien Hoa, Jan 72-Mar72 (MPN-14E)

    - 1998 Comm - Korat RTAB, Apr72-Oct72 (MPN-14H)

    - Civilian career as private investigator specializing in electronic surveillance

  • Janet Spells
  • Mike Stanford
  • Steve Stanphill (CMSgt, on-duty '04)

      - 3CCG Oct 82 to Mar 84

    - 5CCG Mar 84 to May 91 (52CCS)

    - 633CS May 91 to Oacct 92 Andersen AFB, Guam

      - HQ ACC Oct 92 to Oct 98 Langley AFB, VA (Radar SMT & IG ATCALS Inspector)

    - HQ AETC Oct 98 to Jun 02 Randolph AFB, TX (Command 2EXXX FAM)

    - HQ ACC Jun 02 to Present Langley AFB, VA (Command ATCALS Chief)

  • James Staton

    - 3CCG, Tinker AFB, OK, TPN-19, 1980 to 1986

    - Lajes Field, Azores (GPN-22), 1986 to 1988

    - James' TV and Audio Repair (currrent)

  • Mark Suchevich

    - Luke AFB 1975-1977

      - Tinker AFB, 3rd MOB, 1980 – 1984

    - Clark AB, Philippines, 1961st, 1984 – 1988

    - Scott AFB, Radar Evaluation Team, 1988 – 1993

    - Las Vegas, 1993 – 1997

    - Retired 1997, working as a Network Design Engineer for a defense contractor.

  • Tim Talbert (MSgt, ret.)

      - AN/TPN-19 all the way

    - 3CCG 1980 – 1885

    - 2CCG 1985 - 1993

      - 5CCG 1993 - 1994

  • Dean Taylor

    - 1946th Communications Squadron, Tempelhof Air Base Group, Germany, 1984-1987; 1880th & 2134th CS 1987-1989

  • Tom Taylor

    - 3CCG, Tinker AFB, OK, AN/TPN-19, 1978 - 1982

  • Rick Tenney

    - 5CCG (then the MCG - Mobile Comm Group) NOV 1970 to NOV 1972. Three MPN-13's (S/Ns 154, 162, 192) and one MPN-14 with Rapcon trailer S/N127. (see comments)

  • Harris Thacker
  • Gary Thomas

    - 1926 Comms Sq., Robins AFB, FPN/16 on turntable, worked out FAA Rapcon bldg., 1969

    - Read comments.

  • Wayne VanDenBroeke

    - T30351 Sets Instructor for TPX-42 IFF System, Keesler AFB, MS, 1975 to 1980

  • Rickey Vaughan (TSgt, on-duty '08)

    - Detachment 1 99th Electronic Combat Range Group, Dugway Proving Grounds, UT, 1993 to1995

    - 5CCG, 51st CBCS & 54th CBCS, TPN-19, Robins AFB, GA, 1995 to 2001

    - 3CCG (Third Herd), Tinker AFB, OK, 2001 to 2004

    - 607th CBCS (TPS-75), Camp Humphries, S. Korea, Apr 2004 to Nov 2004

    - 52nd CS, Spangdahlem AB, Germany, 2004 to 2007

    - HQ AETC/A6OL, Randolph AFB, 2008

  • Rodney Veal

    - 5CCG, MPN-14, 1974 to 1978

  • Paul Vitchkoski
  • Stephen White

    - 5CCG, 54th Radar NCOIC, May 2008 to May 2010

    - Retired Aug 2010 - currently, radar FAA Atlanta-Hartsfield Airport

  • Andrew Wilson, MSgt, Ret.

    - Sondrestrom AB, Greenland, Comm Sq. MPN-13 ASR, PAR, UPX-6 IFF/SIF, 1971 to 1972

    - 2053 Comm Sq., Reese AFB, Lubbock TX, same equipment as above but mounted on turntable, 1972 to 1974. Reenlisted as Vietnam was winding down and jobs on outside hard to come by

    - 2066 Comm Sq., Myrtle Beach AFB, SC, my BOP for re-enlisting, GPN-12, FPN-16, TPX-42 and BRITE II Tower display, 1974 to 1978

    - 2137 Comm Sq., Spangdahlem AB, Germany, FPN-47, FPN-16, TPX-42 and BRITE II. Lots of beer, brats and wine. 1978 to 1981

    - 1866 Facility Checking Sq. (Flight Check Sq), Scott AFB, IL, worldwide deployments to optimize and flight check radars, GPN-20 ASR and GPN-22 PARs, 1981 to 1985

      - KwangJu AB, Korea, 4th CCG Det 3 or Det 4, MPN-14, 1985 – 1986

    - 1972 Comm Sq., Eglin AFB, FL, GPN-12, FPN-16, TPX-42 and BRITE II, 1986 to 1990

      - FAA radar tech, Orlando Int'l, 1990 to 1999, and currently at Daytona Beach Airport

  • JP Wilson

      - 3396 & 3398 School Squadrons at Keesler (1976 - 1977)

    - 2001 CS, KI Sawyer AFB (1977 - 1979)

    - 1986 CS, Zaragoza AB, Spain, (1979 - 1982)

      - 2148 CS, Ellsworth AFB (1982)

  • Mark Wilson
  • Frank "Red" Worthington

    - 5CCG

  • Jerry (Sam) Wright

    - TPN-19, Tinker AFB, 1987 to 1992

  • Gordon G. Zagar

    - 5CCG, Robins AFB, GA, TPN-19, Jun 1981 to Jun 1983

    - Now ownsZagar Consulting

  • Earl Zonn

    - 5CCG, Apr 1980 to Jul 1983

      - Short tour to Galena, AK, Jul 1983 to Jun 1984

    - Retired Jan 1994

      - Presently a WG-2610-12 at Gyro Shop, Bldg 158, Robins AFB.

Related Pages on RF Cafe

- Introduction to Radar (Air University)

- Radar Equation, 2-Way (another)

- Radar Equation, 1-Way

- Radar Equation, Bistatic

- Radar Techniques - Primer (1945 QST)

- Radar Postage Stamps

- RF Cafe Quiz #7 - Radar Principles

- AN/MPN-14 USAF Radar Shop

- AN/TPN-19 USAF Radar Shop

- EW/Radar Handbook - Doppler Shift

- Doppler Shift Calculator

- Identification Friend or Foe (IFF)

- Radar Horizon / Line of Sight

- Radar Systems Vendors

- NEETS Radar Principles

- Radar System Vendors

- Who Invented Radar?

- Simple Modification Increases ATC Reliability

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