Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series
[Go to TOC]
Module 1 - Introduction to Matter, Energy, and Direct Current
Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution
is unlimited.
Although the words "he," "him," and "his" are used
sparingly in this course to enhance
communication, they are not intended to be gender driven or to affront or discriminate
against anyone.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is
By enrolling in this self-study course, you have demonstrated a desire to improve
yourself and the Navy. Remember, however, this self-study course is only one part
the total Navy training program. Practical experience, schools, selected reading,
and your desire to succeed are also necessary to successfully round out a fully
meaningful training program.
Course Overview: To introduce the student to the subject Circuit Protection,
Control, and Measurement who needs such a background in accomplishing daily work
and/or in preparing for further study.
The Course: This self-study course is organized into subject matter areas, each
containing learning objectives to help you determine what you should learn along
with text and illustrations to help you understand the information. The subject
matter reflects day-to-day requirements and experiences personnel in the rating
or skill area. It also reflects guidance provided by Enlisted Community Managers
(ECMs) and other senior personnel, technical references, instructions, etc., and
either the occupational or naval standards, which are listed in the Manual Navy
Enlisted Manpower Personnel Classifications and Occupational Standards, NAVPERS
The Questions: The Questions that appear in this course are designed to help
you understand the material in the text.
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Matter, Energy,
and Direct Current |
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Alternating Current and Transformers |
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Circuit Protection, Control, and Measurement |
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Electrical Conductors, Wiring Techniques,
and Schematic Reading |
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Generators and Motors |
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Electronic Emission, Tubes, and Power Supplies |
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Solid-State Devices and Power Supplies |
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Amplifiers |
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Wave-Generation and Wave-Shaping Circuits |
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Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines, and
Antennas |
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Microwave Principles |
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Modulation Principles |
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Introduction to Number Systems and Logic Circuits |
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- Introduction to Microelectronics |
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Principles of Synchros, Servos, and Gyros |
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Introduction to Test Equipment |
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Radio-Frequency Communications Principles |
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Radar Principles |
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The Technician's Handbook, Master Glossary |
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Test Methods and Practices |
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Introduction to Digital Computers |
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Magnetic Recording |
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Introduction to Fiber Optics |
Note: Navy Electricity and Electronics Training
Series (NEETS) content is U.S. Navy property in the public domain. |
Value: In completing
this course, you will improve your military and professional knowledge. Importantly,
it can also help you study for the Navy-wide advancement in rate examination. If
you are studying and discover a reference in the text to another publication for
further information, look it up.
1998 Edition Prepared by
FCC(SW) James L. Hicks
Published by
Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center
NAVSUP Logistics Tracking Number
Sailor's Creed
"I am a United States Sailor. I will support and defend the Constitution the
United States America and I will obey the orders those appointed over me.
I represent the fighting spirit the Navy and those who have gone before me to
defend freedom and democracy around the world.
I proudly serve my country's Navy combat team with honor, courage and commitment.
I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment all."
Table of Contents
1. Number Systems
2. Fundamental Logic
Circuits ......................................................................................
3. Special Logic Circuits
I. Glossary .....................................................................................................................
Index ...........................................................................................................................
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series
The Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS) was developed for use by personnel in many electrical- and electronic-related Navy ratings. Written
by, and with the advice , senior technicians in these ratings, this series provides
beginners with fundamental electrical and electronic concepts through self-study.
The presentation this series is not oriented to any specific rating structure, but
is divided into modules containing related information organized into traditional
paths instruction.
The series is designed to give small amounts information that can be easily digested
before advancing further into the more complex material. For a student just becoming
acquainted with electricity or electronics, it is highly recommended that the modules
be studied in their suggested sequence. While there is a listing NEETS by module
title, the following brief descriptions give a quick overview how the individual
modules flow together.
Module 1, Introduction to Matter, Energy, and Direct Current, introduces The
Course with a short history electricity and electronics and proceeds into the characteristics
matter, energy, and direct current (dc). It also describes some the general safety
precautions and first-aid procedures that should be common knowledge for a person
working in the field electricity. Related safety hints are located throughout the
rest the series, as well.
Module 2, Introduction to Alternating Current and Transformers, is an introduction
to alternating current (ac) and transformers, including basic ac theory and fundamentals
electromagnetism, inductance, capacitance, impedance, and transformers.
Module 3, Introduction to Circuit Protection, Control, and Measurement, encompasses
circuit breakers, fuses, and current limiters used in circuit protection, as well
as the theory and use meters as electrical measuring devices.
Module 4, Introduction to Electrical Conductors, Wiring Techniques, and Schematic
Reading, presents conductor usage, insulation used as wire covering, splicing, termination
wiring, soldering, and reading electrical wiring diagrams.
Module 5, Introduction to Generators and Motors, is an introduction to generators
and motors, and covers the uses ac and dc generators and motors in the conversion
electrical and mechanical energies.
Module 6, Introduction to Electronic Emission, Tubes, and Power Supplies, ties
the first five modules together in an introduction to vacuum tubes and vacuum-tube
power supplies.
Module 7, Introduction to Solid-State Devices and Power Supplies, is similar
to module 6, but it is in reference to solid-state devices.
Module 8, Introduction to Amplifiers, covers amplifiers.
Module 9, Introduction to Wave-Generation and Wave-Shaping Circuits, discusses
wave generation and wave-shaping circuits.
Module 10, Introduction to Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines, and Antennas,
presents the characteristics wave propagation, transmission lines, and antennas.
Module 11, Microwave Principles, explains microwave oscillators, amplifiers,
and waveguides.
Module 12, Modulation Principles, discusses the principles modulation.
Module 13, Introduction to Number Systems and Logic Circuits, presents the fundamental
concepts number systems, Boolean algebra, and logic circuits, all which pertain
to digital computers.
Module 14, Introduction to Microelectronics, covers microelectronics technology
and miniature and microminiature circuit repair.
Module 15, Principles Synchros, Servos, and Gyros, provides the basic principles,
operations, functions, and applications synchro, servo, and gyro mechanisms.
Module 16, Introduction to Test Equipment, is an introduction to some the more
commonly used test equipments and their applications.
Module 17, Radio-Frequency Communications Principles, presents the fundamentals
a radio- frequency communications system.
Module 18, Radar Principles, covers the fundamentals a radar system.
Module 19, The Technician's Handbook, is a handy reference commonly used general
information, such as electrical and electronic formulas, color coding, and naval
supply system data.
Module 20, Master Glossary, is the glossary terms for the series.
Module 21, Test Methods and Practices, describes basic test methods and practices.
Module 22, Introduction to Digital Computers, is an introduction to digital computers.
Module 23, Magnetic Recording, is an introduction to the use and maintenance
magnetic recorders and the concepts recording on magnetic tape and disks.
Module 24, Introduction to Fiber Optics, is an introduction to fiber optics.
Embedded questions are inserted throughout each module, except for modules 19
and 20, which are reference books. If you have any difficulty in answering any The
Questions, restudy the applicable section.
Although an attempt has been made to use simple language, various technical words
and phrases have necessarily been included. Specific terms are defined in Module
20, Master Glossary.
Considerable emphasis has been placed on illustrations to provide a maximum amount
information. In some instances, a knowledge basic algebra may be required.
Assignments are provided for each module, with the exceptions Module 19, The
Technician's Handbook; and Module 20, Master Glossary. Course descriptions and ordering
information are in NAVEDTRA 12061, Catalog Nonresident Training Courses.
Throughout the text this course and while using technical manuals associated
with the equipment you will be working on, you will find the below notations at
the end some paragraphs. The notations are used to emphasize that safety hazards
exist and care must be taken or observed.
An operating procedure, practice, or condition, etc., which may result in injury
or death if not carefully observed or followed.
An operating procedure, practice, or condition, etc., which may result in damage
to equipment if not carefully observed or followed.
An operating procedure, practice, or condition, etc., which is essential to emphasize.
Instructions for Taking The Course
The text pages that you are to study are listed at the beginning each assignment.
Study these pages carefully before attempting to answer The Questions. Pay close
attention to tables and illustrations and read the learning objectives. The learning
objectives state what you should be able to do after studying the material. Answering
The Questions correctly helps you accomplish the objectives.
Selecting Your Answers
Read each question carefully, then select the BEST answer. You may refer freely
to the text. The answers must be the result your own work and decisions. You are
prohibited from referring to or copying the answers others and from giving answers
to anyone else taking The Course.
Submitting Your Assignments
To have your assignments graded, you must be enrolled in The Course with the
Nonresident Training Course Administration Branch at the Naval Education and Training
Professional Development and Technology Center (NETPDTC). Following enrollment,
there are two ways having your assignments graded: (1) use the Internet to submit
your assignments as you complete them, or (2) send all the assignments at one time
by mail to NETPDTC.
Grading on the Internet: Advantages to
Internet grading are:
• you may submit your answers as soon as you complete an assignment, and
• you get your results faster; usually by the next working day (approximately
24 hours).
In addition to receiving grade results for each assignment, you will receive
course Completion Confirmation once you have completed all the assignments. To submit
your assignment answers via the Internet, go to:
Grading by Mail: When you submit answer sheets by mail, send all your assignments
at one time. Do NOT submit individual answer sheets for grading. Mail all your assignments
in an envelope, which you either provide yourself or obtain from your nearest Educational
Services Officer (ESO). Submit answer sheets to:
Answer Sheets: All courses include one "scannable" answer sheet for each assignment.
These answer sheets are preprinted with your SSN, name, assignment number, and course
number. Explanations for completing the answer sheets are on the answer sheet.
Do not use answer sheet reproductions: use only the original answer sheets that
we provide - reproductions will not work with our scanning equipment and cannot
be processed.
Follow the instructions for marking your answers on the answer sheet. Be sure
that blocks
1, 2, and 3 are filled in correctly. This information is necessary for your course
to be
properly processed and for you to receive credit for your work.
Completion Time
Courses must be completed within 12 months from the date enrollment. This includes
time required to resubmit failed assignments.
Pass/Fail Assignment Procedures
If your overall course score is 3.2 or higher, you will pass The Course and will
not be required to resubmit assignments. Once your assignments have been graded
you will receive course Completion Confirmation.
If you receive less than a 3.2 on any assignment and your overall course score
is below 3.2, you will be given the opportunity to resubmit failed assignments.
You may resubmit failed assignments only once. Internet students will receive notification
when they have failed an assignment--they may then resubmit failed assignments on
the web site. Internet students may view and print results for failed assignments
from the web site. Students who submit by mail will receive a failing result letter
and a new answer sheet for resubmission each failed assignment.
Completion Confirmation
After successfully completing this course, you will receive a letter completion.
Errata are used to correct minor errors or delete obsolete information in a course.
Errata may also be used to provide instructions to the student. If a course has
an errata, it will be included as the first page(s) after the front cover. Errata
for all courses can be accessed and viewed/downloaded at:
Student Feedback Questions
We value your suggestions, questions, and criticisms on our courses. If you would
like to communicate with us regarding this course, we encourage you, if possible,
to use e-mail. If you write or fax, please use a copy the Student Comment form that
follows this page.
For subject matter questions:
E-mail: n315.products@cnet.navy.mil
Phone: Comm: (850) 452-1001, ext. 1728
DSN: 922-1001, ext. 1728
FAX: (850) 452-1370
(Do not fax answer sheets.) Address: COMMandING FICER
For enrollment, shipping, grading, or completion letter questions
E-mail: fleetservices@cnet.navy.mil
Phone: Toll Free: 877-264-8583
Comm: (850) 452-1511/1181/1859
DSN: 922-1511/1181/1859
FAX: (850) 452-1370
(Do not fax answer sheets.) Address: COMMandING FICER
Naval Reserve Retirement Credit
If you are a member the Naval Reserve, you will receive retirement points if
you are authorized to receive them under current directives governing retirement
Naval Reserve personnel. For Naval Reserve retirement, this course is evaluated
at 5 points. (Refer to Administrative Procedures for Naval Reservists on Inactive
1001.39, for more information about retirement points.)
Student Comments
Course Title:
NEETS Module 13
Introduction to Number Systems and Logic
NAVEDTRA: 14185 Date:
We need some information about you:
Rate/Rank and Name: SSN: Command/Unit
Street Address: City: State/FPO: Zip
Your comments, suggestions, etc.:
Privacy Act Statement: Under authority Title 5, USC 301, information regarding
your military status is requested in processing your comments and in preparing a
reply. This information will not be divulged without written authorization to anyone
other than those within DOD for official use in determining performance.
NETPDTC 1550/41 (Rev 4-00)