October 1969 Electronics World
Table of Contents
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles
Electronics World, published May 1959
- December 1971. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
This is the last of a series
of articles on printed circuit boards (PCBs) that appeared in the October 1969 issue
of Electronics World magazine, reporting on the latest and greatest
advances in printed circuit board technology. Author Gaetano Viglione, of
Sanders Associates
(bought by Lockheed Martin in the 1980s and now owned by BEA Systems), reported
on the state of the art of flexible printed circuit wiring. Multi-layer flexible
PCBs were limited to only a few. Sanders did a lot of aerospace and military electronics
systems and was a leader in the field. In those days, the larger electronics manufacturers
had their own in-house PCB design and fabrication capability. With most PCB fabrication
being done out-of-house nowadays, companies like
San Francisco
Circuits, who specialize in PCB fabrication, can be contracted to supply multi-layer flexible printed circuits for static and dynamic
3D applications.
Flexible Printed Wiring

The author is a graduate of Columbia University (Chemical Engineering).
He holds several patents in metal processing and chemical engineering. He has been
a consultant to industry and federal government in process engineering problems.
By Gaetano T. Viglione / Manager, Product R & D
Flexiprint Division, Sanders Associates, Inc.
This wiring can be preformed, folded and rolled, twisted and turned to fit any
conceivable irregular configuration. It is particularly useful in very dense electronic
Flexible printed circuitry consists of flat etched copper conductors bonded between
layers of pliable insulation. While this sounds simple enough, flexible printed
circuitry has had placed upon it many demands, some of which are due to the numerous
design features which appear to be attainable. The use of flexible circuitry as
an interconnection medium has begun to inspire the design engineer because of its
many advantages.
For example, the significant difference of less weight per unit of area coupled
with the reduction of volume over conventional cabling techniques, results in reductions
in mass of 2:1 and, in some cases, 8:1. The feature of flexibility allows circuits
to be preformed, folded and rolled, or twisted and turned to fit any conceivable
irregular configuration in the more dense electronic packages, especially those
typical of aerospace applications. Further, flexible printed circuitry is readily
shielded and inherently more reliable due to its design and the adaptation and use
of materials having exceptional physical properties.

Table 1 - Characteristics of the most commonly used insulation
material for flexible printed wiring.
The real dollar savings come at the time of assembly of the electronic package
because of a reduction in man-hours required for assembly. Another benefit is the
reduced possibility of error when connecting by flexible printed circuitry as compared
to the greater possibility of error when using point-to-point wiring.
Listing of Advantages
The benefits resulting from the use of flexible printed wiring and cabling include
the following:
1. Each circuit is a finished unit, ready for component assembly.
2. Handling of individual wires is eliminated because there is no need to measure,
cut, strip, tin, route, solder, and lace.
3. Circuits are custom-designed for each job; therefore, wiring errors are eliminated.
4. Each circuit of a particular design is mechanically and electrically identical
and completely repeatable.
5. Solder pads are in one place, rendering them ideal for automatic processing.
6. Wiring requirements no longer limit package geometry. Circuits can be run
flat, bent around sharp corners, folded, and twisted.
7. Conductor breakage is nil. High-reliability hinge, spring return, and extensible
interconnections can be readily designed.
8. Flexible printed circuitry can be bonded to rigid circuit boards to create
a complete, one-piece interconnection assembly, eliminating unnecessary solder joints.
9. Single and multilayer circuits are closely spaced and held to close tolerances;
therefore, high wiring and internal package densities are possible.
10. Flexible printed circuitry has a high volumetric efficiency. Close-tolerance
conductor location is possible because each circuit is a precision etched unit.
11. Material normally needed in the form of a relief loop for the bend radius
using standard wire cable can be eliminated, resulting in shorter wiring runs.
12. Thin, flat, two-dimensional geometry permits cable routing through narrow
slots and along smooth surfaces, eliminating the excessive bulk of round wire.
13. Depending on the specific application, flexible printed circuitry can save
approximately 75% of volume and weight over conventional round-wire cable.

Fig. 1 - Conductor widths and spacings for various thicknesses.
14. Foreign material, such as moisture, flux, and gases which could "wick" inside
the insulation of wire, cannot degrade flexible printed-circuit performance because
all conductors are completely encapsulated.
15. Tension loads are carried by the entire cable, not by individual wires; therefore,
each circuit part is a solid mechanical structure.
16. High reliability in demanding environments is inherent because the entire
circuit flexes as a unit under stress of vibration and shock.
17. Distributed capacitance and cross coupling do not vary from unit to unit
of a single design, resulting in constant electrical characteristics.
18. Circuits are easier to solder and inspect than a tangle of conventional wires;
therefore, quality-control operations are more accurate.
Design Criteria & Costs
When considering the use of flexible circuitry for interconnecting either printed-circuit
boards or black boxes, certain basic design criteria should be remembered. General
guidelines to keep the number of layers in flexible circuitry to a minimum are:
set-up pin address to reduce or eliminate crossovers; use the freedom of pin address
as a method of reducing layers; consider the use of narrower conductors and spacing;
and use fold-outs to increase density at the terminal area.
There are many factors that affect the cost of a flexible circuit. Major cost
advantages result if standard flexible-circuit materials and sizes are used and
if non-critical tolerances are loose enough to allow economical, automated production.
The following items will also serve to keep costs to a minimum:
1. Specify 0.0027" thick (2-ounce) copper conductors if possible. These are the
most economical because raw materials are purchased, handled, and stocked in large
quantities. Other sizes, such as 0.00135" (1 ounce) and 0.0040" (3 ounces) are available
should the need arise.
2. Specify enlarged punched-out areas in the covercoat at solder-pad areas rather
than tight-fitting, pad-sized individually punched areas. This eases registration
in manufacturing and thereby reduces cost.
3. Try to keep punched-out bare copper areas on the same side of the circuit.
If it is necessary to present bare copper on the reverse side of a circuit, try
to eliminate the extra cost involved in punching the base insulation by folding
the circuit.
4. Keep large punched-out areas in simple shapes to lower the cost of intricate
dies and/or to avoid excessive hand-cutting and punching.
5. Design terminal pads somewhat oversized to allow for slight drift.
6. Specify insulation as shown in Table 1. These are usually stocked in quantity.
7. It is recommended that conductor widths be specified larger than the minimum
shown in Fig. 1.
8. It is recommended that conductor spacing be specified larger than the minimum
shown in Fig. 1.
9 . Hold over-all flexible-circuit length and width to a minimum.
10. Use the fewest number of layers possible.

This complex flexible printed circuit, which is shown here along
with an 18-in rule for size comparison, demonstrates how a complicated interconnection
problem has been handled.

A multilayer flexible circuit with layer-to-layer interconnections
along with connectors attached is illustrated.
Terminating Methods
Another important design consideration is the selection of the termination method.
Recently, connectors for flat cable that accommodate circuits of 50-mil centers
have become available. The type and size of terminating pins and connectors and
the method of attaching the circuits to them is important in keeping down the size
and weight and permitting greater accessibility. The method of terminating using
a pad with a hole or a "lap" soldering technique utilizing pins from a connector
are two of the most commonly used fabricating techniques.
For reasons of greater economy and increased reliability, a new generation of
terminations welded to flexible circuitry has evolved. Materials such as tinned
copper, nickel, and gold-plated Kovar are being satisfactorily welded to flexible
circuits and potted as a substitute for specifically designed connectors. All of
these terminal lead materials are easily solderable and, in some cases. they are
also welded to weldable printed-circuit boards. The advantages here are: lower attrition
due to the fact that leads do not become unsoldered upon secondary soldering; faster
processing, reducing the possibility of process effects such as delamination due
to less time at high temperatures as when a solder joint is made.
Materials Used
The materials used in the fabrication of flexible printed circuitry depend upon
the application and environment in which the equipment will be expected to operate.
Normally, Kapton-F film, to which copper has been laminated, is used because of
its desirable high-temperature properties. (Kapton-F is the trademark of the duPont
Company for its plastic film consisting of a layer of Teflon FEP resin bonded to
one or both sides of a polyimide film.)
Covercoat materials can be varied depending on the humidity characteristics and
high-temperature properties expected in the system operation. To some extent, the
choice of materials is dictated by the amount of flexing anticipated prior to and
during assembly of the units. Generally. the polyimide materials are most popular
since the physical influences, mentioned above, are most easily overcome. However,
copper, due to its inherent nature when subjected to excessive flexing and vibration,
can eventually result in fatigue and electrical failure unless proper support of
the connector areas and the crucial bend radii are carefully observed and practiced.
Testing Flexible Printed Circuitry
While much information is available on the applications aspects of flexible circuits,
very little data has been presented about the environmental characteristics of the
finished product. Sanders, as well as other manufacturers of flexible printed wiring,
has set up test programs to run environmental checks on its products to make sure
they meet customer specifications. The following government and industry standards
have been used for such tests: MIL-T-5422E. MIL-STD-354, MIL-STD-202, MIL-P-55110A,
MIL-STD-810, MIL-E-5272, MIL-P-13949, IPC-CF-150 copper foil specification, ASTM-D-635,
and AST-1-D-150.
The parameters evaluated include: operating temperature; moisture absorption;
flexing and tensile strength; resistance to chemicals, abrasion, and fungus; aging
and weathering effects; distributed capacitance and require shielding; flammability;
dielectric constant and strength; conductor and insulation resistance; and current-carrying
The results of the test data will be supplied to customer - and potential customers
by the manufacturers of flexible printed wiring. Such test data, while considered
to be evidence of the present and potential quality of flexible circuitry, is really
only a start. Much testing of new material - and advanced processes is continuing,
insuring that advanced technology is made available to the user of flexible printed
circuitry as new materials are developed and placed on the market.
Posted May 30, 2024 (updated from original post
on 11/7/2017)