January 1941 QST
Table of Contents
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles
QST, published December 1915 - present (visit ARRL
for info). All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
This full-page advertisement by the National's
Company (not sure why the apostrophe was included) wished a Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year to QST magazine readers. National manufactured a lot of amateur radio
equipment at the time, along with some commercial gear for mobile and home radio. Evidently
no fewer than 41 licensed Hams worked at the company since their names are listed. That
helps to explain the huge popularity of National's products in the hobby. National Company
went to the expense of having a
1940 Christmas Seals stamp affixed in the upper left corner of the
page. I was surprised to see the stamp and at first thought maybe the previous magazine
owner had put it there, but you can see the outline of a rectangle target for the stamp.
Christmas Seals. The
American Lung Association was the main purveyor of Christmas Seals
in their effort to solicit donations for lung disease research. Apparently, Christmas
Seals ended after the 2012 issue. That was at about the time the big push for legalizing
pot was going full steam. Suddenly, the anti-smoking ads have all but disappeared from
the public service ads. It must just be a coincidence.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from National's Company - which includes

Samuel Samour W1AMB, Lester Harris W1AOP, Thomas P. Leonard W1AUJ, Rufus Turner W1AY,
Herman S. Bradley W1BAQ, James A. Ciarlone W1BHW, Dana Bacon W1BZR, Calvin F. Hadlock
W1CTW, Seth Card W1DRO, Gene Simms W2DXD, John F. Bartlett W1EU, Donald E. Hinds W1FRZ,
Robert Murray W1FSN, Claude W. Darling, Jr. W1GDI, Richard Minichiello W1HBR, Wallace
Battison W1HE, Richard Chaloff W1HME, Robert Moses W1HMH, David Smith W1HOH, Vicent Messina
W1HRW, Jack Ivers W1HSV, Earle D. Benson W1HXF, Matthew Sokolowski W1ISR, Joseph Homan
W1IYA, Sumner Herrick W1JDF, Edmund Harrington W1JEL, Kenneth Nagle W1JGD, Delbert Hood
W1LD, Richard Ireland W1LDT, Richard Gentry W1LEN, Walter McMillen W1LIS, T. M. Ferrill,
Jr. W1LJI, F. A. Waden,Jr., Edward Mallumian W1LOE, Walter Lannan W1LOQ, R. Johnson W1LZG,
Richard Heileman W1MWT, William S. Doyle W1TV, Arthur H. Lynch W2DKJ, Myrl B. Patterson
W5CI, Herbert Becker W6QD.
Posted December 20, 2017
Here are all the National Company advertisements I have:
- National's Company:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, January 1941
- National Company:
Noise Limiters, September 1950
- National Company: Modulators, April
- National Company: Switches,
May 1939
- National Company: TMS Condenser, March 1939
- National Company: TVI, October
- National Company:
Amateur Radio Activity, December 1952
- National Company: HRO-50
Receiver, May 1951
- National Company:
Noise Limiters, September 1950
- National
Company: Modulation, October 1947
- National Company:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, January 1942
- National Company:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, January 1941
- National Company: Switches,
May 1939
- National Company: AC Power Strip,
April 1939
- National Company: TMS Condenser,
March 1939
- National Company Catalog: NC80X
/ NC81X Receiver Advertisement, September 1937
- National Company:
IF Circuits, September 1935