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Electronics Poetry: A Radioman's Nightmare
March 1945 QST Poetry

March 1945 QST

March 1945 QST Cover - RF CafeTable of Contents

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from QST, published December 1915 - present (visit ARRL for info). All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

A Radioman's Nightmare, March 1945 QST - RF CafeJust in time for Halloween: "A Radioman's Nightmare" - another sampling of electronics poetry, circa 1945...

BTW, for those unfamiliar with "Mairzy Doats," the song is a comical slurring of words that make new, nonsensical words in the process. 'Mairzy Doats', for instance, is a slurring of 'Mares Eat Oats,' 'And Liddle Lamzy Divey' is really 'And Little Lambs Eat Ivy." "Mairzy Doats" was written in 1943.

Here are a few other electronics-themed poems: A Radioman's Nightmare, The Day Before Christmas, Sonnet of a Ham, Unpopular Electronics, Ode to a New Rig, Power Supply, More "Tower" to You, Requiem, Pre-Radio, What Is It?, Ravin

A Radioman's Nightmare

Gary, Indiana Editor, QST:


The following poem was written by S. W. Scott of Los Angeles. It is intended to be sung to the tune of "Mairzy Doats" - if you haven't forgotten that one by now:


A.C. volts

And D.C. volts


And little ohms and amperes.

A little inductance, too,

Wouldn't Q.


With micromhos And E.C.O.'s

And little microfarads,

I'm more than a little nuts.

Aren't you?


If these terms sound queer

And screwy to your ear,

A bit off resonance and freaky,

Say LCR and A.V.C.,

I think my condenser is leaky.


Ohmzy's Laws

And Kirchoff's bores

This is a little crazy.

Radio's crazy, too.

Aren't μ.?

- Anton Varga,jr. RM1c, W9WIB


"Mairzy Doats" Song



Posted October 23, 2020
(updated from original post on 5/29/2011)

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