This full-page advertisement
by CBS Tubes caught my eye because of the vast array of vacuum tube shapes and sizes.
Most people, even back in the era of tube-based electronic equipment, think of the
standard 12AX7 type rounded top, cylindrical glass package with a plastic or phenolic
base and some metal pins sticking out of the bottom. Television and radio sets were
full of them, and those are what you or your parents or grandparents would yank
from the chassis and take to the local drug store or electronics shop to plug into
the big tube tester that was commonplace back then. However, as this photo shows
there was a great variety of special glass and inner electrode configurations. If
you have ever attended the MTTS (IMS) show, you might have seen the equipment display
provided by the National Electronics
Museum. It has an amazing collection of tube types. I was going to post a photo
of a lamp I made out of a thyratron tube that was used in the
AN/MPN-14 airport surveillance radar
I worked on in the USAF, but alas, I cannot find it. I can't even remember
at this point what happened to it - probably broke in one of our many household
CBS Tubes Ad
CBS-Hytron offers you over 400 industrial
You will find CBS-Hytron's expanded industrial tube line the most comprehensive
and the most dependable. See it at your distributor's. Ask him or write us for the
CBS-Hytron catalogs you need: Power Tubes, E-290T ... Military and Special-purpose
Tubes, E-290S ... Gas Tubes and Power Rectifiers, E-290C ... Phototubes and Photocells,
E-290P. More reliable products through Advanced-Engineering CBS-HYTRON, Danvers,
Massachusetts • A Division of Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.
Posted October 7, 2019