When I first saw an
Erie Resistor Corporation advertisement in the December 1958 issue
of Popular Electronics magazine, I decided to research its history here
in Erie, Pennsylvania, where I live. Click on the above hyperlink if you are interested
in what I discovered - including a note from a former Erie Resistor Corporation
engineer. This particular advertisement appeared in the January 1952 issue of
Radio & Television News magazine, so I figured I'd post it as well.
See also the
Erie Resistor Corporation advertisement in the January 1952 issue
of Radio & Television News and the December 1958
Popular Electronics, and
Erie Technological Products in the October 18, 1965 issue of
Electronics magazine.
Erie Resistor Advertisement
The Erie 413 "Universal" HV filter Ceramicon® for TV solves a basic problem
for the service man.
You stock one body type of Ceramicon. An assortment of terminals such as illustrated
at the left enables you to replace anyone of a multitude of terminal combinations
as found in receivers of different manufacturers.
With a fraction of the inventory otherwise required you are able to service practically
any receiver on the market rated at 20 KV or lower quickly and profitably.
Order through your jobber.
Erie Resistor Corp., Erie, PA
Ctiffside, N.J. • Philadelphia, Pa. • Buffalo, NY
Chicago, Ill. • Detroit, Mich. • Cincinnati. Ohio • Los Angeles, Cal.
Posted October 8, 2022 (updated from original post
on 1/24/2016)