These articles are scanned and OCRed from
old editions of The Wireless World magazine.
As the old saying goes, "The more things change, the more things stay the same."
Incredibly, back in 1931 people were complaining about shrinking office cubicle
sizes. To wit: "At 'Broadcasting House' rooms measuring 8ft. x 6ft. are being coveted
by the many people who will be condemned to labour in cubicles 7ft. x 5ft. The Civil
Engineer himself, who helped to design and erect the building, works in a compartment
in which, as the American said, 'You couldn't cuss a cat without getting hair on
your teeth.'" ...and whoa!, dig this statement by the author regarding the demise
of "local oscillators" in the UK (noisy regenerative Rx LO interference*): "Steps
might be taken to ensure the survival of a few specimens, perhaps by the founding
of a national reservation similar to those which accommodate the Red Indians in
America. The few remaining squealers and their squaws could then re-radiate to their
hearts' content."
* Thanks to RF Cafe visitor Tim D. C. for the info: "Regarding the
recent Broadcast Brevities from March 1932, where in it says 'regarding the demise
of 'local oscillators' in the UK,' it's a reference to regenerative receivers when
they spill over into oscillation and interfere with neighboring sets. This was common
in the early days and the article was implying that the regens of old were slowly
being replaced by newer technologies."
Broadcast Brevities
Misgivings at Savoy Hill.
THE B.B.C. staff must fight their own battles," remarked a genial listener to
whom I had said that nearly everybody in Savoy Hill is dreading the day of removal
to Broadcasting House. He added that staff discomforts, although regrettable, do
not really concern the general public.
Poor Accommodation at " B.H."
Most readers will probably agree that he is wrong. A discontented staff is not
likely to be efficient, and inefficiency on the staff side is bound, sooner or later,
to affect the programmes and, consequently, listeners' enjoyment.
So that, looking at the question from a purely selfish angle, I am sorry to find
that the grumbles are growing. at Savoy Hill over the pitiful shortage of accommodation
in the new building.
On Board the Lugger.
Months ago, when people were making jocular allusions to the ship-like appearance
of Broadcasting House, it was hinted that space would be at a premium, and now that
the stage has been reached when rooms are being allocated to the various departments,
it is becoming only too evident that the ship idea has been carried through to the
bitter end.
At "Broadcasting House" rooms measuring 8ft. x 6ft. are being coveted by the
many people who will be condemned to labour in cubicles 7ft. x 5ft.
The Civil Engineer himself, who helped to design and erect the building, works
in a compartment in which, as the American said, "You couldn't cuss a cat without
getting hair on your teeth."
A Mistake.
To put it candidly, the B.B-.C. have made a mistake in attempting to cram into
Broadcasting House all those extra departments which were formerly "farmed out"
in various odd buildings ill the neighbourhood of the Strand. The next move, I suppose,
will be the demolition of the houses adjoining the new building to provide for the
construction of annexes.
Plenty of Echo.
It is at least comforting to know that there has been no cheeseparing in regard
to studio space. Indeed, the size of most of the studios is such that very little
use will he made of the auxiliary echo rooms. In most cases the engineers have found
it necessary to introduce damping to cut down resonance effects, and Mr. Ashbridge
promises that the general effect of transmission from the new studios will show
a great improvement over those from Savoy Hill.
Guessing Game.
The change-over begins on March 15th with the first broadcast of Henry Hall and
the B.B. C. Dance Orchestra from Studio SA, and thereafter the new studios will
come into use one by one.
There is material here for a good guessing game if the B.B.C. could be persuaded
to tell us at the end of each programme whether the studio used was new or old.
Henry Hall Explains.
R. HENRY HALL, the new B.B.C. dance band conductor, made a statement last Friday
which should reassure those who feared that his programmes would be of a very restricted
kind, " A lot of fuss has been made," he said, "over a chance remark of mine last
January that I favoured 'sweet' music. It appears to have been interpreted as meaning
that I intended to exclude other forms of dance music such as ultra-syncopated 'hot'
jazz and the Vaudeville type."
A Varied Repertoire.
"This is quite wrong," explained Mr. Hall. "While my mandate is to provide dance
music, listeners will probably find that there is no form of music played in the
past by dance orchestras that the B.B.C. band will exclude from its repertoire."
That Oboe.
Talking of dance bands, many readers have reproved me more or less gently for
daring to assert a fortnight ago that Henry Hall's would be the first dance band
to include an oboe, Apparently oboes have been pressed into service since 1923 or
thereabouts, and I must apologise to all concerned.
And one reader suggests that the artiste whom I mentioned would feel far more
flattered if referred to as a vocalist rather than as a singer. I had no idea that
dance vocalists were so modest.
A Gangster and Others.
STILL determined to make our flesh creep (and I am glad of it) the B.B.C. will
begin in May a Saturday night series of talks, under the general title of "Hazard,"
in which notable adventurers will give us first-hand descriptions of their experiences.
The subject seems as promising as "Escapes," which provided such an engrossing collection
of true yarns a few months ago.
The contributors will be famous sailors, soldiers, flying men, an Arctic explorer,
and, also, if it can be arranged, a real gangster. I assume he will be on the retired
England v. Scotland Rugger.
RUNNING commentary on the England v. Scotland Rugby International match will
be given by Captain H. B. T. Wakelam on March 19th, and relayed from Twickenham.
Where are the Oscillators?
ONLY 6,910 letters of complaint regarding local oscillation reached the B.B.C.
during 1931, as compared with 7,023 in 1930.
This is not a big drop, but it is significant of the fact that oscillators are
a slowly dying race. I hold no brief for the squealers, but there is always something
sad in the decline of a popular movement. Steps might be taken to ensure the survival
of a few specimens, perhaps by the founding of a national reservation similar to
those which accommodate the Red Indians in America. The few remaining squealers
and their squaws could then re-radiate to their hearts' content.
People old and young enjoy waxing nostalgic about and learning some of the history
of early electronics. The Wireless World was published in Great Britain
from April 1913 through March 1922. Thereafter it ran under the name The Radio
Review, and then finally Electronics and Wireless World. For all of
the articles posted a page is created with a cover image and the table of contents.
As time permits, I will be glad to scan articles for you. All copyrights are
hereby acknowledged.
Vintage "The Wireless World" Magazine Articles
Posted October 2, 2023 (updated from original
post on (original 4/18/2011)