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Amateur Radio / Ham Radio
Manufacturers& Services

These EIA standard tube bases were derived from the 2003 ARRL Handbook. Built on the Visio grid system. Backward compatible through Visio 4. Only $10!

Tube Bases

This list includes both Ham operator and equipment supply websites. At some point after the list grows, I will break them into two separate pages - one for operators/clubs and another for equipment vendors.

Amateur Radio postage stamps | Amateur Radio Manufacturers & Services | Amateur Radio Postage Stamps | Radio & Electronics Restoration Projects

A-1 ServoMotor Repair | 888336-8430 | Irving, TX

AC/DC servo motor repair service specializing in the repair of AC servomotors, DC brushless and servo motors, spindle and stepper motors, encoders, and resolvers from many manufacturers.

ABC Vacuum Tubes | 407-761-7205 | Orlando, FL

3.5 Million products stocked. vacuum tubes, radio Tubes, audio tubes, electron tubes, valves, grid caps, sockets, capacitors and tubes for amplifiers. Buy, sell, and swap your tubes, ABC Vacuum Tubes is always buying vacuum tubes for our inventory.

Afreet Software | HF propagation prediction tool for Amateur Radio by Alex Shovkoplyas, VE3NEA

Ham CAP provides a COM/OLE Automation interface that 3-rd party programs can use to start Ham CAP, to set prediction parameters, and to run predictions. In a typical application integrated with Ham CAP the user will right-click on a call sign, and Ham CAP will pop up and display the point-to-point propagation chart. Incredible graphics!

AG6K | Amplifiers & accessories, articles.

Alinco Electronics | Radio parts & repair, online manuals, power supplies.

Alpha Delta Communications | Commercial quality products for effective RF management, quality accessories for commercial and amateur radio communications.

Aluma Tower Company | Manufacturer of lightweight aluminum towers, portable & mobile including telescoping, fixed & guyed, single section, meteorological, environmental, trailer shelter, vehicle mounted.

AMECO Publishing Corp | Text books relating to amateur radio (HAM radio), highpass and lowpass power filters, transmitter test loads (dummy loads), study tapes and disks to learn morse code, transceiver preamplifiers, antenna signal boosters.

Ameritron | 662-323-8211 | Starkville, MS

The high power specialist - amplifiers, antenna switches, tuners, watt meters, relay buffers, tubes & parts.

Amidon | 800-898-1883 | Costa Mesa, CA

Supplying the HAM radio community with ferromagnetic products.

Angle Linear | 310-539-5395 | Lomita, CA

Manufactures linear Radio Frequency (RF) products and peripherals for communications, specializing in preamplifiers, receiver front end filtering & receiver multi-couplers for virtually any communications application. Our specialty is high dynamic range, low noise figure receiver front ends to help you solve your communications problems.

Antique Electronic Supply | 480-820-5411 | Tempe, AZ

Large supply of new old stock and current production vacuum tubes, parts, supplies and literature for your vacuum tube equipment.

Array Solutions | 972-203-2008 | Sunnyvale, TX

RF Network Designer - provides a number of functions for the professional radio operator and the ham radio community. YagiStress™ - mechanical design software for building safe & reliable antennas, antennas, stacking & phasing devices, high power antenna switches, Baluns, impedanbce transformers, custom antenna arrays & switching systems.

Barker & Williamson Corp (B&W) | 321-639-1510 | Cocoa, FL

Manufacturer of the highest quality HF broadband antenna, air wound coil stock, and other radio parts for military, commercial, homeland defense and amateur use since 1932.

Bencher | 847-838-3195 | Antioch, IL

HAM radio and photographic equipment including paddles, keys, filters, antennas.

BlueSky Mast | 877-411-6278 | Tampa, FL

Light weight, portable mast systems from 2 - 20 meters, Designed for one-man portability and light weight, they easily deploy in the harshest of environments with no need for external supports such as shelters or vehicles.

Buckmaster Publishing | 540-894-5777 | Mineral, VA

Buckmaster produces HamCall - A comprehensive world wide amateur radio callsign database with over 1,700,000 listings.

Cheap QSLs | 209-847-6744 | Oakdale, CA

Quality low cost QSL card printing.

Cobham Antenna Systems | +44(0)1638 732177 | Suffolk, UK

High gain, printed circuit arrays, ultra wide-band spirals, multi-octave bicones and collinear omni-directional antennas between 100 MHz and 40 GHz. Custom designs. WLAN, RFID, WiMAX, TETRA, telemetry.

Communication Concepts (CCI) | 937-426-8600 | Beavercreek, OH

Provides components to amateurs who want to construct their own gear and to professionals who want to save money and time in prototyping their circuit design.

Communications & Power Industries, Eimac | Designs and manufactures a broad line of power grid tubes which are used in key markets including broadcast transmitters for AM Radio, FM Radio, VHF television, UHF television, & shortwave. These transmitters range from 100 watts to 500 kilowatts of RF power - and frequencies from audio to 2 gigahertz.

Communications Specialists
ManufacturersOf quality tone signaling equipment.

Corner Press | 425-286-5952 | Mill Creek, WA

Highest quality QSLs since 1962. Standard (over 70) designs & custom cards, and a full line of full-color custom business and personal printing services.

CW Touch Keyer | 508-285-7600 | Norton, MA

CW Morse code touch paddles, cables and parts.

Davis RF Co | Provides electronic and electrical wire, cable, RF connectors, DSP audio filters, rope, non-conductive guy cables for aerial or tower support; plus sundry aerial related parts.

Downeast Microwave | Amateur Radio equipment for 50MHZ and above.

Enigma Component Shop | +44 (0) 208 208 3150 | London, UK

An online shop specialising in electronics components for the hobbyist, with a bias towards RF technology.

EZNEC | Antenna software by W7EL.

Far Circuits | Manufacturer of Printed Circuit Boards for electronic projects that are used by the Amateur Radio and electronic hobby enthusiast.

GeoTool | 714-403-2026 | Newport Beach, CA

Rick Curtis, WA6JKH. Heavy duty pickup truck antenna mounts were developed to provide Amateur, CB, and commercial radio operators a very strong, easily installed antenna mount for several types of antennas. Eliminates the need to drill holes in the exterior body of your truck, and will maintain a mounting location optimal for long distance communications.

GlenMartin | 800 486-1223 | Boonville, MO

Your online home for towers & communications support structures.

Grove Enterprises | 800-438-8155 | Brasstown, NC

Ham radio equipment retailer - receivers, transmitters, antennas, scanners. WiNRADiO authorized service center.

Hal Communications Corp | 217-367-7373 | Urbana, IL

Building amateur products and developing communications equipment for over a quarter of a century.

Ham Radio Equipment Insurance Plan | Protection from loss or damage to your amateur station and mobile equipment by theft, accident, fire, flood, tornado, lightning, and other natural disasters. You can even insure antennas, rotators and towers!

HamRadioManuals | 516-671-1181 | Glen Cove, NY

Supplying vintage to modern HAM radio and related manuals.

Hamtronics | Hilton, NY

Commercial & amateur VHF & UHF radio equipment.

Hamware | Germany

Manufacturer of remote controlled RF antenna tuners. WW delivery.

Heathkit Educational Systems | 800-253-0570 | St. Joseph, MI

Develops and distributes technical education curriculum, courseware, and hardware to assist academic institutions, corporations, training centers, and 'self-study' users worldwide.

Heil Sound | 618-257-3000 | Fairview Heights, IL

Microphones, headsets, audio systems & accessories. The Heil PROLINE division brings some new and exciting Heil innovations to the commercial broadcast and recording studio.

Henry Radio | 800 877-7979 | Los Angeles, CA

RF Power Amplifiers & Exciters Communications equipment.

High Sierra Microwave | 530-644-3393 | Camino, CA

Designs and builds PLL signal sources, up/down converters, low noise amplifiers, and comb marker generators (weak signal sources). Also provides RF/microwave test/measurement services, such as phase noise measurements to 40 GHz.

HotPress | 800-862-1221 | Sumner, WA

Caters to Ham Radio hobbyists for hats, T-shirts, coats, mouse pads & more. Customizable with your name and call sign. Also POW-MIA items.

Icom | 800 872-4266 | Bellevue, WA

Makes amateur radio products for use in long & short-range communications, also makes advanced technology products allowing worldwide communication relayed through space satellites owned by amateur organizations & manufactures a series of short-wave receivers used for hobby, industrial and government applications.

Idiom Press | 541 956-1297 | Merlin OR

CW Keyers & kits, rotors, books, filters.

International Crystal Mfg Co | 800-725-142 | Oklahoma City, OK

Manufactures an extensive line of quartz crystals, oscillators, filters, and TCXOs/VCTCXOs.

Intuitive Circuits, LLC | 248 588-4400 | Troy, MI

Develops, manufactures, & sells video on-screen display, DTMF, GPS logging, miscellaneous OEM and standalone products, sells to hundreds of government agencies, businesses, and hobbyists each year.

Jan Crystals | 239-936-2397 | Fort Myers, FL

Crystals & oscillators.

JWM Engineering | Manufacture phased-locked oscillators for Amateur Radio equipment.

kc2sho.com | 609-217-7971

Electronic repairs -  Home, auto, DJ and professional audio equipment, transmitters, transposers, repeaters, amplifiers, power supplies, broadcast, amateur (ham) and 2 way communication equipment, computers, servers, network equipment, game systems; test and tune passive RF devices such as filters, duplexers and directional couplers.

Kenwood Communications Corp

High quality consumer electronics, test equipment, communications equipment, amateur radio, business radio, and land/mobile radio products.

KVG | +49 (0) 7263 | 648 – 0 | Germany

Manufacturer of quartz crystals and crystal components.

Manual Man

Specializes in vintage manuals for amateur, audio, and radio-related equipment.

Martronics | 805-239-1932 | Paso Robles, CA

7-1300 MHz, 13-1300 MHz, 30-1300 MHz discone antennas, PCB design, RF cable assemblies, BALUNS, UNUNS, mobile hitch antenna mounts, systems, and assembly services.

Modern Radio Laboratories | Minneapolis, MN

Exclusive Source, printing and publishing of all MRL® Handbooks and Literature by Paul Nelson and Elmer G. Osterhoudt. Tested Instructions and Plans.

Morcom International | 703-263-9305 | Chantilly, VA

The latest in wireless communications & advanced weather systems for commercial, security, government, & amateur use. Communications systems design, airport ground-to-air communications, weather information systems design, IT hardware support & management, repair & programming of radio transceivers, hydro-meteorological system design, airport weather observation systems (AWOS), export/import consulting services.

Nat Radio Co | Point Pleasant, NJ

Software for amateur radio and engineering.

New Sensor Corp |

Products for vacuum tube enthusiasts, guitar players, and repair technicians. We have also added new lines of capacitors, speakers, technician tools (including test equipment and soldering stations), Hammond transformers and enclosures, Duracell batteries, guitar amplifiers, and much more...

Northern Lights Software

Satellite Tracking Software -real time tracking of an unlimited number of satellites.

Oak Hills Research

Source for quality transceiver kits and accessories

Old Tech-Books & Things

Specializing in books and objects relating to early technology - radio, television, wireless, vintage synths, medical electricity, computation & more!


Wireless radio systems, equipment and accessories including Terminal Node Controllers (TNCs).

Palomar Engineers | Manufacturer of amateur radio equipment, also sells ferrite and iron powder cores for RFI suppression and prototypes.

Passion Radio Shop | Paris, France

A name including the word "Passion" is apropos for a company located in "The City of Love." A company run by Hams radio enthusiasts for Ham radio enthusiasts. Transceivers, antennas, cables, connectors, test equipment, and many other items are available for immediate shipment. Worldwide shipping on products.

P.C. Electronics | Amateur radio equipment, Ham radio equipment, amateur television equipment.

Peter W. Dahl Co Inc | Manufactures a wide variety of transformers and reactors for amateur radio and commercial radio & TV applications.

Philco Repair Bench | Dedicated to antique Philco radios from the 1928 through 1947 time period.

PK's Loop Antennas | +61 412 302 939 | Croydon, Victoria Australia
Manufacturersof RF converters, filters, amplifiers and loop antennas for longwave, mediumwave,   and shortwave radio reception.


Low cost web site hosting and classified swap ads for ham radio, amateur radio and others.


W9GR Digital Signal Processors.

Radio Adventures

Specializing in the design and manufacturing of ham radio equipment components, kits, & accessories for both the amateur radio and commercial communications markets.

Radio Bookstore & Radioware

Antennas, antenna wire/rope, coax cable, coax connectors, rilters - RFI/TVI grounding parts, KD9SV preamps, lightning protection, wire & cable.


Information, tutorials and books on all aspects of radio, cellular telecom and electronics from the historical aspects to today's latest technology.

Radio Shack

Consumer electronics specialty retailer of wireless communications, electronic parts, batteries and accessories as well as other digital technology products and services.


Manufacturer of electronic kits for the hobbyist as well as for education.

Recycled Radio | Active buyers of amateur radio & shortwave equipment - Estate liquidations are our Specialty.

Seaworthy Software

513-851-6834 | Cincinnati, OH

The CountyLogMobile program is a specialty logging program designed for mobile amateur radio operators. It has been designed to allow quick entry of important information regarding QSOs. The data from this program may be imported into your general logging software. Exports data in the ADIF (Amateur Data Interchange Format) and CSV.

Solder-It Co

Manufactures & distributes specialty low temperature solder pastes, butane powered torches, tools and a few other amazing products.

Spectral Isopole Antennas | 949-296-0360 | Santa Ana, CA

High-end VHF&UHF antennas for military, commercial and amateur applications.

Telex Communications

High performance professional audio and communications equipment, hardwired & wireless inter-communications products including microphones, amplifiers and loudspeakers.

Ten-Tec | 800-833-7373 | Sevierville, TN

Amateur & shortwave radio, commercial & government radio, cabinets & enclosures tool & die services.

Test Parts | 706-361-0825 | Thomson, GA

TestParts.com is America's RF-microwave super store. We sell both new and quality used RF-microwave communication parts. We routinely stock more than 35,000 'hard-to-find' parts.

TNT (TechNote Time) Electrical Trades Gift Store | 352-522-0415 | Dunnellon, FL

The premier Ohm's law and novelty gift store for electricians, the power lineman, electrical engineers, electrical contractors, apprentices/students and ham radio operators! - Hundreds of electrical themed gifts!

Unified Microsystems | 262-644-9036 | Slinger, WI

Products for radio amateurs who want to get the most performance out of their stations while contesting, DXing and other competitive activities.

US Tower Corporation | 559-564-6000 | Woodlake, CA

Manufacturer of the world's finest, state-of-the-art, steel telescoping towers.

W7FG | 812-932-3417 | Batesville, IN

Vintage Manuals.

Wavenode | Campbell, CA | 408-933-8059

Amateur Radio Station Monitoring System with computer interface which now includes Audio Announcing for RF power, SWR, and DC monitoring using remote sensors for local or remote operations. Personalized graphic display.

Wilderness Radio | 417-782-1397 | Joplin, MO

Kits aimed specifically at the outdoor QRP enthusiast.

Winegard | 800-288-8094 | Burlington, IA

Manufacturer of quality television reception products, manufacturing technology and sales of digital satellite antennas.


HF transceivers/amplifiers, receivers, rotators, VHF/UHF handhelds, mobile transceivers, WIRES Internet Linking products.

Temwell Filters

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe