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LadyBug LB5954L Power Sensor with LAN Option - RF Cafe

Technical Services - Consulting, Training

Due to the very large number of listings in the Technical Services page, they have been broken into the following major categories.

|Circuit & System Design Services | Expert Witness | Forensics | IC Design | Training |

| Assembly & Manufacturing | Installation, Test & Repair | Product Development | Everything Else |

Adrio Communications | adrio-communications.com | +44 (0) 1784 455511 | Staines, England

Expertise in technology from engineer and author Ian Poole. Technical journalism, training and electronics engineering services.

Besser Associates | besserassociates.com | 415-949-3300 | Los Altos, CA

Seminars on RF/Wireless technologies presented in San Diego, San Jose, Boston, Dallas, or your company facility. We offer significant discounts to unemployed IEEE members (we have no affiliation with IEEE)

ComTrain | comtrainusa.com | 608-329-4840 | Monroe, WI

Internationally recognized tower climbing safety & rescue certified training.

Gaddon Consultants | gaddon.co.uk | 0044 (0)1226 766999 | Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK

RF Training, RF ATE Specification and Design. Gaddon Consultants can help you in your RF, Avionics and ATE projects. Recently Gaddon Consultants have added a training aspect carrying out RF basic and specialist courses for engineers and management.

Gerotron Communications | gerotron.com | +49 89 8561072 | Graefelfing, Germany

Table top exhibitions and workshop on wireless, RF and microwave applications. Engineering consulting, classes, workshop and training. GEROTRON Communication GmbH organisiert und veranstaltet workshops, seminare und tagungen im Bereich Kommunikationstechnik. Speziell führen wir firmeninterne Schulungen und Training nach kundenspezifischen Forderungen durch.

Launch 3 Telecom | launch3telecom.com | 877-878-9134 | Garfield, NJ

An international distributor of new, used, and refurbished telecommunications equipment specializing in central office, switching, cellular wireless, fixed wireless, data networking, and other telecom equipment.

Micro-Contamination Consulting | micro-contamination.com | 585-544-6488 | Rochester, NY

Provides advanced contamination free cleanroom manufacturing services including cleanroom operations, personnel training, and custom technology solutions.

NanoMEMS Research | nanomems-research.com | 949-262-3258 | Irvine, CA

RF MEMS research, consulting and education.

Qualcad Semiconductors | qualcadsemiconductors.com | +91 9449017461 | Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Mask Design Services for design houses in India and abroad. The company boasts of experts in the field of Analog/RF layout design who have earned the reputation of being one of the best leaders in the industry in their respective area of expertise. Memory design, analog layout, RF layout, I/O ring layout, ESD protection scheme, full-chip layout, IP integration & verification, place & route. Corporate Training in Analog/RF layout design.

R.A. Wood Associates | rawood.com | 315-735-4217 | Utica, NY

Engineering consulting services, computer automated test design & development, engineering prototypes & low rate manufacturing, RF/Microwave system design & analysis, subcontract specifications, wireless system design, custom software program development, LabVIEW software development, lectures & training classes, computer consulting services. Software: SpurFinder®, TunerHelper®, RFSpecTest®, PathLossSolver®, Painless Extraction®. Equalizers on Demand - amplitude flatteners.

RelQual Associates | relqual.com | 707-793-1195 | Rohnert Park, CA

Offers product evaluation & qualification services and full-service environmental testing.

Radiofrequency Safety International Corporation (RSI) | rfcomply.com | 888-830-5648 | Kiowa, KS

RF safety training and environmental, RF hazard assessments, noise studies, live and online training, safety programs, MPE analysis, contractor audits and RF/ FCC signage.

RfTek | rftek.net | 919-622-4088 | Raleigh, NC

Consulting, training, and contracting services for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Electrostatic Discharge (ESD): design, test and compliance.

Scott Baxter & Associates | howcdmaworks.com | 800-890-0829 | Nashville, TN

Scott Baxter is a CDMA2000 network and RF performance consultant and trainer. Consulting continuously since 1995, he has delivered CDMA training and performance optimization services in 40 US states, 5 Canadian provinces, and eleven other countries around the world.

Six Sigma | 6sigma.us | 512-233-2721 | Austin, TX

Six Sigma training and lean process improvement resources for all organizations. Six Sigma has it's origins in manufacturing and service from Motorola, Allied Signal and GE.

Test Engineering Technologies | testengineeringtechnologies.com | 91-9496276116 | Kochi, India

Electronics manufacturing and test engineering consultancy. Design validation, manufacturing including DFM /DFT C, test engineering, fixtures, test line and test time optimization in mass production. RF engineering including wireless systems, telecom, avionics. Technical training for general electronics, digital electronics, RF, and EMI.

Wave Technology | wavetechnology.org | 513-265-5447 | Lebanon, OH

We do contract engineering in ALL phases of electronic engineering and electronic product development. We specialize in electronic product development... nearly anything! RF design, antenna design, antenna measurement, FCC consulting, microcontroller design (Atmel, Freescale, Microchip, Maxim, etc.), assembly & C software coding. Consumer, commercial and military electronics. Lectures, teaching classes and seminars PCB layout, including critical microwave and RF layouts! Initial prototypes to market your idea... need a "proof of principle" model to secure funding?

LadyBug LB5954L Power Sensor with LAN Option - RF Cafe
Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers