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Android, WinPho7, iPhone4... What Grills Faster?

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RF Cafe Video for Engineers - Android, WinPho7, iPhone4... What Grills Faster?It evidently wasn't enough to disgrace the world's most advanced smartphones to handfuls of powder in a household blender. Now we have someone barbequing them on a grill to see which will function longest when exposed to a flame. Although it could be argued that the temperature distribution is not controlled, and that the flames appear to be skewed somewhat to the left from a slight breeze, overall it probably is a fair indicator of survivability. An iPhone 4, an Android G2 and an HTC Surround vie for the title of most likely to give its owner one final phone call from the afterlife if he/she winds up in... that hot place. Which won? You'll have to watch the video.

RF Cafe Video for ENgineers - EZ Grille Disposable GrillJust as Blendtec created a sensation with its productions using a safety glasses-wearing scientist in a white lab coat, this is looks like a similar attempt by the EZ Grill company to exploit a video-gone-viral on YouTube. It worked.

Posted November 16, 2010

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