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RF Cafe Video for Engineers - World's First Cellphone Spotted in Charlie Chaplain Movie?For the last few months, a clip from the Charlie Chaplain movie "'The Circus," filmed in 1928, has been somewhat viral within the techie world because it includes a short segment where there appears to be a strolling woman talking on a cellphone. Of course, that cannot be what she is doing, can it? It sure does appear like she's talking on a phone. Only a very few explanations are possible. 1: She is a space alien amongst the human population. 2: She is merely an early adopter of oblivion-like behavior. 3: (and this is the most likely) She is part of a vast government conspiracy that has had advanced technology for decades and unintentionally walked into a movie shoot, thereby exposing the devious scheme. I will be filing a Freedom of Information Act request later today.


The scene is 20 seconds into the film.


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