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Icicles Falling from Transmission Tower
Videos for Engineers

RF Cafe Video for Engineers - Icicles Fall from a Transmission Tower at WJTV in MississippiIt seems like every year we see videos posted of icicles falling from television station transmission towers, crashing into vehicles in the parking lot. This one from WJTV News Channel 12, in Jackson, Mississippi, stands out because it shows people actually running toward their cars while the icicles are falling from a 491-meter high tower. They apparently are so concerned about damage to their vehicles that they discount the potential for mortal harm if one of those gigantic icicles happened to hit them. You can hear the people laughing as they run into harm's way. One day we'll see one of them in the annual list of Darwin Award winners. Sad, but true.

Ice Falling from Broadcast Tower

Videos for Engineers - RF CafeThis archive links to the many video and audio files that have been featured on RF Cafe.

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Posted January 25, 2011

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