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Instructional Shorts on How to Initiate the Patent Process
Videos for Engineers

RF Cafe Videos for Engineers - Instructional Shorts on How to Initiate the Patent ProcessEvery engineer wants a patent. Go ahead, admit it. I would like to own a patent, but probably never will unless I buy the rights to one... but even that would technically only make me an assignee, not an inventor. Some people are prolific inventors and patent awardees. If you work for a large company, you probably know one of those Thomas Edison types. Others have equally good ideas but either lack the opportunity to develop the notion into patentable form, lack the knowledge of how to initiate a patent, or both. A key part of the effort is determining whether or not your invention is even patentable. Fortunately, intellectual property attorney Eric Hanscom, of law firmInterContinental IP (ICIP), has created a series of short videos that explain various aspects of patent application process. Topics like "What is Intellectual Property: An Introduction," "Design Patents: The Basics," "Is My Invention Patentable?," "Utility Patents vs. Design Patents," and "Need A Patent Quickly? Learn About Accelerated Examination" are among more than two dozen videos that run 2 to 3 minutes each.

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation whatsoever with ICIP, and have never been in contact with anyone there as of this writing. This is not an endorsement of their services, although if you have to start somewhere, you might as well begin with someone who has already provided you a free service.

What is Intellectual Property: An Introduction



Design Patents: The Basics



Is My Invention Patentable?



Utility Patents vs. Design Patents



Need A Patent Quickly? Learn About Accelerated Examination



Videos for Engineers - RF CafeThis archive links to the many video and audio files that have been featured on RF Cafe.

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Posted June 6, 2011

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