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Radio at War, by RCA
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RF Cafe Video for Engineers - Radio at War, by RCA"Here is radio, performing swiftly and efficiently in the heat of battle," so says the narrator of RCA's promotional WWII film entitled "Radio at War." It follows brothers Joe and Jim Brown from their bedroom Ham radio set in Middletown, USA, to radio school with the Army Signal Corps and the Navy Communications Dept., respectively, and on into the field and onboard ship where they handle voice and Morse code operations. Jim is elated as he sews on his Radioman 3rd Class "crow" patch after graduating from communications school. Brother Joe departs for the battlefields of Europe as a sergeant earning "$98 per month" after his training (I earned $419/mo. as an A1C radar tech in 1979). He raves in a letter to home about the new walkie talkies that have a range up to 5 miles that will surely "play an important part after the war." Wireless communications was still in its infancy, where families gathered in front of the tube radio for news and entertainment - "The magic of radio bridging space faster than the most powerful plane."

Interestingly, the film showed a runner delivering a critical message when radio communications failed. That was the early 1940s. Now, here is a headline from March 14, 2011 - "Army Must Cure Mobile Radio's Dismal Failure Rate," where the story states, "GMR, which is part of the DOD's next-generation Joint Tactical Radio System, performed so poorly in secure voice mode that the combat unit employing it during tests at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., last year had to rely on the archaic means of communicating by runners." Sad

Here is a web page with info on the original walkie-talkie, the Motorola SCR-536. An interesting note from the site, "The SCR-536 was originally called the "Handie-Talkie" (meaning it could be carried in your hand) while the term "Walkie-Talkie" referred to man-portable backpack units like the SCR-300 (meaning you could walk and talk)."

Here is another website with lots of information on U.S. military portable radio models... and, Military Communications & Electronics.

Thanks to Paul A. for providing the link to the video and for the additional info.

Videos for Engineers - RF CafeThis archive links to the many video and audio files that have been featured on RF Cafe.

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