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Saturday Night Live Mocks Verizon 4G Advertisements
Videos for Engineers

Saturday Night Live Mocks Verizon 4G Advertisements - RF Cafe Video for EngineersThe SNL (Saturday Night Live) crew recently did a parody on Verizon's new 4G LTE commercial. A lot of people have been critical of the confusing, non-committal commitments to the glorious features of their new service. Of course most 4G LTE users have no idea what either 4G or LTE stands for, so that doesn't help matters. Good luck finding a succinct explanation of 4G LTE on the 3GPP website (there is no 4GPP, BTW). Even that global governing body cannot seem to provide a clear definition, so it's no wonder the carriers' messages are so garbled and obfuscatious. For the record, 4G stands for 4th generation cellphone standards, and LTE stands for Long Term Evolution, which is self-explanatory (if not excusatory). Verizon offers a web page for an OWS-level introduction to 4G LTE. Basically, 4G LTE boils down to "blazingly fast speeds." Truthfully, that's all the average user wants or needs to know. Well, there is one more thing he/she needs to know - the potentially very high phone bill when he/she chooses to ditch all other media services, including TV and wired Internet, to do everything via his/her smartphone.

This video has been removed by the copyright owner.

Saturday Night Live Mocks Verizon 4G Advertisements

Samsung has produced a few of its own 4G LTE commercial poking fun at the iBots that camp out for days waiting for the next release of the iPhone. Here is an example.

Samsung Urban Camping Commercial

Videos for Engineers - RF CafeThis archive links to the many video and audio files that have been featured on RF Cafe.

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Posted February 22, 2012

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