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Videos for Engineers - Solar Death Ray: Power of 5000 Suns!
Videos for Engineers

RF Cafe Videos for Engineers - Solar Death Ray: Power of 5000 Suns!Budding teenage scientist Eric Jacqmain has created a YouTube sensation with his "Solar Death Ray." Per Eric, "The R5800 is my latest and greatest solar creation. Made from an ordinary fiberglass satellite dish, it is covered in about 5800 3/8" (~1cm) mirror tiles. When properly aligned, it can generate a spot the size of a dime with an intensity of 5000 suns! This amount of power is more than enough to melt steel, vaporize aluminum, boil concrete, turn dirt into lava, and obliterate any organic material in an instant. It stands at 5'9" and is 42" across." The performance is pretty amazing, especially given its low-tech approach. It would be interesting to know whether Mr. Jacqmain has sustained any flesh burns while holding objects in the focal point. I would not be holding anything in my fingers while searching for the hot spot. Ironically, the shed used for storing the R5800 burned down; maybe it was facing a window with a southern view?

Videos for Engineers - RF CafeThis archive links to the many video and audio files that have been featured on RF Cafe.

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Posted February 1, 2011

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