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TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe

ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

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Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs - RF Cafe

Homepage Archive - January 2021 (page 5)

See Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 of the January 2021 homepage archives.

RF Engineering Theme Crossword for January 31st

RF Engineering Theme Crossword Puzzle for January 31st, 2021 - RF CafeThis RF Engineering Theme crossword puzzle for January 31st contains only words and clues related to engineering, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and other technical words. As always, this crossword contains no names of politicians, mountain ranges, exotic foods or plants, movie stars, or anything of the sort unless it/he/she is related to this puzzle's technology theme (e.g., Hedy Lamarr or the Bikini Atoll). The technically inclined cruciverbalists amongst us will appreciate the effort. You will need to print out a hard copy. Enjoy!

Friday the 29th

A "Ham's" Wife Confesses

A "Ham's" Wife Confesses, August 1938 Radio News - RF CafeA little while back I mentioned that Melanie, my XYL of 38 years, out of the clear blue sky announced that she might like to earn her amateur radio operator's license. If I'm not mistaken, it was after she OCR'ed this article entitled, "A 'Ham's' Wife Confesses," from a 1938 issue of Radio News magazine where Mrs. Dorothy Hagerty decided to earn her ticket. Over the many years of performing such duties for articles I select from my many hobby and professional magazines to post here on my RFCafe.com and AirplanesAndRockets.com websites, Melanie has seen a score or more of similar articles where a wife decides to join in on her OM's pastime. Some have learned to build and fly model airplanes and helicopters, to skipper R/C sailboats, race drones, and to outfit and operate Ham shacks. Melanie is still working through the Level 1 Technician ARRL Ham Radio License Manual. We've been working on test equipment usage (o-scope, analog and digital VOM...

ConductRF Connectors and Coaxial Cables Available from Digi-Key

ConductRF Connectors and Coaxial Cables Available Individually from Digi-Key - RF CafeBuild Your own Assemblies using ConductRF high performance RF connectors and coaxial cables. Raw components and cable now available for the first time, with solutions up to 50 GHz. ConductRF high performance RF connectors and coaxial cable are now available from Digi-Key for customers to self customize their own constructions. Our industry standards are great solutions for a wide range of applications that require extra performance, as we know, Results Count!

Electric-Powered Warship

Electric-Powered Warship - RF Cafe"The first full-electric power and propulsion surface combatant, the USS Zumwalt, has been delivered to the US Navy. The electric propulsion solution delivers efficiency, survivability, cost-of-ownership reductions, and system redundancy for enhanced vessel safety. In addition, machinery layout is more flexible and configurable. GE's Power Conversion business was the designer and provider for the high-voltage system (HV), propulsion drive trains consisting of multiphase converters and Advanced Induction Motors (AIM) for the DDG 1000 class of futuristic destroyers. 'Delivery is an important milestone for the Navy, as the DDG 1000 continues more advanced at-sea testing of the Zumwalt Combat System..."

Post Your Engineer & Technician Job Openings on RF Cafe for Free

Engineering Job Board - RF CafeRF Cafe's raison d'être is and always has been to provide useful, quality content for engineers, technicians, engineering managers, students, and hobbyists. Part of that mission is offering to post applicable job openings. HR department employees and/or managers of hiring companies are welcome to submit opportunities for posting at no charge (of course a gratuity will be graciously accepted). 3rd party recruiters and temp agencies are not included so as to assure a high quality of listings. Please read through the easy procedure to benefit from RF Cafe's high quality visitors ...

Them Wuz the Good Old Days

Them Wuz the Good Old Days, July 1944 QST - RF CafeFor some reason, making people speak like country bumpkins was deemed good humor back in the early to mid twentieth century. To wit, Li'l Abner, Snuffy Smith, Barney Google, et al, had characters that made the Beverly Hillbillies look like Rhodes Scholars by comparison. This fun story entitled, "Them Wuz the Good Old Days..." in the July 1944 edition of QST is no exception. Enjoy.

Seeed Discount on Nordic Bluetooth Module

Seeed Studio Offers Discount on Nordic Bluetooth Module - RF CafeBluetooth modules have always been popular and fundamental to the field of IoT. As a keen advocate of IoT, Seeed understand the importance of Bluetooth and realize the potential benefits that can be passed onto the Seeed Fusion users. MDBT50Q-1MV2 is a popular Bluetooth module suitable for applications not limited to LE audio, professional lighting, connected wearables and more complex IoT applications. To assist developers, especially in these financially troubling times, Seeed Fusion have added MDBT50Q-1MV2 to the Seeed OPL at a special discounted rate only available to Seeed Fusion PCBA users. As well as the cost savings, by stocking the module in the Seeed OPL...

Please Thank Withwave for Their Support!

Withwave RF & Microwave Components - RF CafeWithwave manufactures an extensive line of metrology quality coaxial test cable assemblies, connectors (wave-, end-, vertical-launch, board edge, panel mount), calibration kits (SOLT), a fully automated 4-port vector network analyzer (VNA) calibrator, between- and in-series connector adaptors, attenuators, terminations, DC blocks, torque wrenches, test probes & probe positioner. Special test fixtures for calibration and multicoax cable assemblies. Frequency ranges from DC through 110 GHz. Please contact Withwave today to see how they can help your project succeed.

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Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs - RF Cafe

Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe

LadyBug RF Power Sensors