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Module 13 - Introduction to Number Systems and Logic
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS)
Chapter 1:  Pages 1-61 through 1-69

Module 13 - Introduction to Number Systems and Logic

Pages i, 1-1, 1-11, 1-21, 1-31, 1-41, 1-51, 1-61, 2-12-11, 2-21, 2-31, 3-1, 3-11, 3-21, 3-31, 3-41, Index



BCD Conversion - RF Cafe


In this case, the higher order group is invalid, but the lower order group is valid. Therefore, the correction factor is added only to the higher order group as shown:


BCD Conversion - RF Cafe


Convert this total to decimal to check your answer:


BCD Conversion - RF Cafe


Remember that the correction factor is added only to groups that exceed 910  (1001BCD). Convert the following numbers to BCD and add: 




     BCD Conversion Problem - RF Cafe



     BCD Conversion Problem - RF Cafe




     BCD Conversion Problem - RF Cafe







     BCD Conversion Problem - RF Cafe



Now that you've completed this chapter, you should have a basic understanding of number systems. The number systems that were dealt with are used extensively in the microprocessor and computer fields. The following is a summary of the emphasized terms and points found in the "Number Systems" chapter.


The UNIT represents a single object.


A NUMBER is a symbol used to represent one or more units.


The RADIX is the base of a positional number system. It is equal to the number of symbols used in that number system.


A POSITIONAL NOTATION is a system in which the value or magnitude of a number is defined not only by its digits or symbol value, but also by its position. Each position represents a power of the radix, or base, and is ranked in ascending or descending order.




The MOST SIGNIFICANT DIGIT (MSD) is a digit within a number (whole or fractional) that has the largest effect (weighing power) on that number.




The LEAST SIGNIFICANT DIGIT (LSD) is a digit within a number (whole or fractional) that has the least effect (weighting power) on that number.








The BINARY NUMBER System is a base 2 system. The symbols 1 and 0 can be used to represent the state of electrical/electronic devices. a binary 1 may indicate the device is active; a 0 may indicate the device is inactive.




The OCTAL NUMBER System is a base 8 system and is quite useful as a tool in the conversion of binary numbers. This system works because 8 is an integral power of 2; that is, 23  = 8. The use of octal numbers reduces the number of digits required to represent the binary equivalent of a decimal number.

The HEX NUMBER System is a base 16 system and is sometimes used in computer systems. a binary number can be converted directly to a base 16 number if the binary number is first broken into groups of four digits.


The basic rules of ADDITION apply to each of the number systems. Each system becomes unique when carries are produced.


SUBTRACTION in each system is based on certain rules of that number system. The borrow varies in magnitude according to the number system in use. In most computers, subtraction is accomplished by using the complement (R's or R's-1) of the subtrahend and adding it to the minuend.


To CONVERT a WHOLE Base 10 NUMBER to another system, divide the decimal number by the base of the number system to which you are converting. Continue dividing the quotient of the previous division until it can no longer be done. Extract the remainders - the remainder from the first computation will yield the LSD; the last will provide the MSD.








To CONVERT DECIMAL FRACTIONS, multiply the fraction by the base of the desired number system. Extract those digits that move to the left of the radix point. Continue to multiply the fractional product for as many places as needed. The first digit left of the radix point will be the MSD, and the last will be the LSD. The example to the right shows the process of converting 248.3210  to the octal equivalent (370.2438).




BINARY numbers are converted to OCTAL and HEX by the grouping method. Three binary digits equal one octal digit; four binary digits equal one hex digit.


BINARY numbers to OCTAL and HEX - RF Cafe




To CONVERT binary, octal, and hex numbers to DECIMAL use the PowerS of the base being converted.


CONVERT binary, octal, and hex numbers to DECIMAL - RF Cafe


BINARY-CodeD DECIMAL (BCD) is a coding system used with some microprocessors. a correction factor is needed to correct invalid numbers


Answers to Questions Q1. Through Q110.


A1.     Unit


A2.     Number


A3.     Arabic


A4.     The number of symbols used in the system


A5.     17310


A6.     103, 102, 101, 100


A7.           Radix point




    (a)  MSD - 4, LSD - 0


    (b)  MSD - 1, LSD - 6


    (c)  MSD - 2, LSD - 4


    (d)  MSD - 2, LSD - 1


A9.     111112


A10.    111012


A11.    1000012


A12.    1011112


A13.    10002




A14.    110111102


A15.    100002


A16.    10112


A17.    111012


A18.    112


A19.    11102


A20.    111112


A21.    22110


A22.    011000112


A23.    -00012


A24.    108


A25.    608


A26.    10158


A27.    223068


A28.    1518


A29.    248


A30.    3218


A31.    368


A32.    3368


A33.    3778


A34.    1048


A35.    77678


A36.    DD8D16


A37.    11FDB16


A38.    125F16


A39.    1202016


A40.    191AB16


A41.    1AA816


A42.    33516




A43.    93516


A44.    953116


A45.    36B316


A46.    10ABC16


A47.    42F0F16


A48.    10010002


A49.    11000012


A50.    111100112


A51.    0.11102


A52.    0.01012


A53.    10001.011012


A54.     78


A55.    538


A56.    7638


A57.    0.74678


A58.    0.002038


A59.    374.1278


A60.    2A16


A61.    5316


A62.    B016


A63.    1EB16


A64.    0.B89316


A65.    28


A66.    128


A67.    578


A68.    0.148


A69.    0.638


A70.    67.258


A71.    216




A72.    B16


A73.    2F16


A74.    0.316


A75.    0.CC16


A76.    37.5416


A77.    1110112


A78.    1010010102


A79.    1000000112


A80.    0.1001011102


A81.    0.1110112


A82.    11110.1012


A83.    3C16


A84.    14A16


A85.    0.0C16


A86.    C.8816


A87.    1000112; 438


A88.    110112; 338


A89.    0.1110012; 0.718


A90.    1000101.1012; 105.58


A91.    1810


A92.    12410


A93.    8510


A94.    0.312510


A95.    0.62510


A96.    109.937510


A97.    1510


A98.    5210


A99.    25310


A100.    0.510




A101.    0.76562510


A102.    8.2812510


A103.    3610


A104.    16510


A105.    21910


A106.    998.312510


A107.    1000BCD


A108.    1001BCD


A109.    0001 0001BCD


A110.    0010 0010BCD




NEETS Modules
- Matter, Energy, and Direct Current
- Alternating Current and Transformers
- Circuit Protection, Control, and Measurement
- Electrical Conductors, Wiring Techniques, and Schematic Reading
- Generators and Motors
- Electronic Emission, Tubes, and Power Supplies
- Solid-State Devices and Power Supplies
- Amplifiers
- Wave-Generation and Wave-Shaping Circuits
- Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines, and Antennas
- Microwave Principles
- Modulation Principles
- Introduction to Number Systems and Logic Circuits
- - Introduction to Microelectronics
- Principles of Synchros, Servos, and Gyros
- Introduction to Test Equipment
- Radio-Frequency Communications Principles
- Radar Principles
- The Technician's Handbook, Master Glossary
- Test Methods and Practices
- Introduction to Digital Computers
- Magnetic Recording
- Introduction to Fiber Optics
Note: Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS) content is U.S. Navy property in the public domain.
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