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VSWR - Return Loss - Γ  Conversions

These are the standard set of equations for converting between VSWR, return loss, and reflection coefficient (Γ). A table of convenient values are presented at the bottom.

Here is a JavaScript calculator for VSWR / Return Loss / Reflection Coefficient / Mismatch Error / Improvement

Complex Impedances:   Impedance (Z) to reflection coefficient (gamma) conversion equation - RF Cafe        Cascaded VSWR - RF Cafe

Return Loss Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Reflection Coefficient

VSWR to return loss to conversion equation - RF Cafe

Reflection coefficient (gamma) to return loss to conversion equation - RF Cafe

Return loss to VSWR to conversion equation - RF Cafe

Reflection coefficient (gamma) to VSWR to conversion equation - RF Cafe

Return loss to reflection coefficient (gamma) conversion equation - RF Cafe

VSWR to reflection coefficient (gamma) conversion equation - RF Cafe

Note: VSWR values were used to calculate the other two related values (rounded to 3 significant places)

RL (dB) VSWR Γ   RL (dB) VSWR Γ   RL (dB) VSWR Γ   RL (dB) VSWR Γ
46.1 1.01 0.00498   25.7 1.11 0.0521   18.0 1.29 0.126   8.0 2.32 0.398
40.1 1.02 0.00990   24.9 1.12 0.0566   17.0 1.33 0.141   7.0 2.61 0.447
36.6 1.03 0.0148   24.3 1.13 0.0610   16.0 1.38 0.158   6.0 3.01 0.501
34.1 1.04 0.0196   23.7 1.14 0.0654   15.0 1.43 0.178   5.0 3.57 0.562
32.3 1.05 0.0244   23.1 1.15 0.0698   14.0 1.50 0.200   4.0 4.42 0.631
30.7 1.06 0.0291   22.6 1.16 0.0783   13.0 1.58 0.224   3.0 5.85 0.708
29.4 1.07 0.0338   21.7 1.18 0.0826   12.0 1.67 0.251   2.0 8.72 0.794
28.3 1.08 0.0385   20.8 1.20 0.0909   11.0 1.78 0.282   1.0 17.4 0.891
27.3 1.09 0.0431   20.0 1.22 0.100   10.0 1.92 0.316   0.5 34.8 0.944
26.4 1.10 0.0476   19.0 1.25 0.112   9.0 2.10 0.355   0.0 Infinity 1.00

Related Pages on RF Cafe

- VSWR - Return Loss - Γ  Conversions

- VSWR <--> Return Loss <--> Γ  Conversion Calculator

- VSWR Mismatch Errors

- VSWR Reduction by Matched Attenuator

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