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Sangamo Electric Company Advertisement
September 1949 Radio & Television News

September 1949 Radio & TV News
September 1949 Radio & Television News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

This advertisement from a 1949 issue of Radio & Television News magazine would never pass muster with the politically correct crowd of today! Even though, as with the Washington Redskins* football team, Red Man chewing tobacco, Indian Motorcycles, Land O'Lakes food company (see a huge list of official company trademarks with Indians in them), American Indians are without exception used as a depiction of strength, high quality, high integrity, and beauty, there is a very, very, very tiny minority of rabble rousers who are having their way with the vast, vast, vast majority (there seems to be a lot of that these days). Somehow that has become the norm in society today. If the goal is to upset everyone and to pit good people against each other, then it has been a resounding success. For the record, I reject the idiocy and buck their efforts whenever possible... like right now.

* Due to relatively newly concocted concept of "cultural appropriation," they are now known as the Commanders. The original www.redskins.com website now redirects to the commanders.com domain, which I won't even bother linking to. Instead, I link to the Redskins website stored on Archive.org.

Here are a few more examples of Samgamo advertisements in the September and December 1949, May 1950, April 1954, and June 1956 issues of Radio & Television News.

Sangamo Electric Company Ad

Sangamo Electric Company Ad, September 1949 Radio & Television News - RF Cafe"Get out of the woods" with the Sangamo Pathfinder*

*The Service Proved Molded Paper Tubular

The Sangamo Pathfinder. Type 30 Molded Tubular. The better, trouble-free, thoroughly service-proved plastic paper tubular capacitor.

Introduced by Sangamo in 1946 as the first tubular paper capacitor to be molded in a thermo-setting plastic, the Type 30 is thoroughly service-proved!

Used extensively by television manufacturers - preferred by service men - the Type 30 offers these proven advantages ... Especially designed flexible leads that resist breakage and can't pull out! ... No wax to run when heat is applied ... Element is never damaged in fabrication (less heat and pressure is used in molding the thermo-setting plastic case) - this means greater dependability - no "hot spots."

Try these stable, '" rugged, long-lived paper tubulars - you'll like them! See your Jobber. If he can't supply you, write us for folder No. 820.

Your Assurance of Dependable Performance

The Sangamo Tribe

Paper Mica Silver Eletrolytic Capacitors

Sangamo Electric Company

Springfield, Illinois

In Canada: Sangamo Company Limited, Leaside, Ontario

50th Anniversary


1899 - 1949



Posted March 25, 2022
(updated from original post on 7/17/2015)

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