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These images have been chosen for their uniqueness. Subject matter ranges from
historic events, to really cool phenomena in science and engineering, to relevant
place, to ingenious contraptions, to interesting products (which now has its own
dedicated Featured Product
old-fashioned lab bench work - a breadboard for
measuring nanoamps in a watch crystal. Linear
Technology photo.
Circles? Nein. This is an aerial view of the former
Bell Labs, on 472 acres in Holmdel, NJ. It
is slated for destruction.
Peck of Cornell U. is working on a plan to send many thousands of microchip spacecraft throughout the solar system
using the Earth's Lorentz to propel the devices on their way to their targets. Check back in 2030 for progress.
scientists showed a new nano printing technique they developed. The recreation of Robert Fludd's 17th century drawing
of the Sun (the alchemists' symbol for gold) was created by precisely placing 20,000 gold particles, each about
60 nanometers in diameter.
circa 2007, taken by Japan's Kaguya spacecraft - reminiscent of the famous Apollo 8
Earthrise photo from
1968. Very cool.
A rocket trailing
a thin, grounded copper wire was launched into a thundercloud, triggering a series of lightning bolts that followed
the path of the wire. Wind has separated the individual bolts.
is the very unique open framework of the National Stadium in Beijing, designed by Swiss architectural firm Herzog &
de Meuron's.
is a scan of RF Cafe's first appearance in Microwaves & RF magazine, in the October 2000 edition. Alan "Pete"
Conrad, their Special Projects Editor, who had a few years earlier done me a huge favor by promoting my TxRx Designer
software (now RF Workbench), did the review. Thanks to Pete for being a good guy.
photo of the full moon - Mars conjunction (≈3/8°), taken December 23, 2007, captures the northernmost (highest in
the sky) full moon of the year. Earth will pass between Mars and the sun tomorrow. Mars will not come this close
to Earth again until the year 2010.
has to be the worst case of tin whiskers I have ever seen. This is a 1960s era, tin-coated switch assembly.
#2 on HP's CRT recycling center website. "Items collected by HP, like these cathode ray tubes from monitors, are
sent directly to a smelter because they contain mercury bulbs, which are considered hazardous to the environment."
Mercury in CRTs? Not. From the
EPA site: "The mercury emitted from the generation of power consumed by the CRT during manufacturing and
use (7.75 mg), is slightly greater than the entire amount of mercury emissions from the LCD..."
rebuilt version of Britain's famous Colossus codecracking computer (entered service in 1944) was recently
pitted against an amateur cryptographer from Bonn. The German gentleman beat Colossus' time of three hours and 35
minutes for deciphering a message which was originally sent in 1938 using Nazi code.
CREE's outdoor lighting before and after installing white LED arrays in the parking lot fixtures. This is good for
visibility, but bad for astronomers who cannot filter discrete spectral lines like those of gaseous light sources.
Holmes is a rare naked-eye visible comet. It is easily seen as what looks like an extra star in Perseus. Binoculars
reveal it to be a big smudge - not a star. See my photo.
is the atrium area of Rohde & Schwarz's new (2005) Technology Center, in Munich, Germany - must be a nice place
to work. The building is heated and cooled using a complex underground water system. Still, all that glass area
must be very inefficient compared to insulated walls.
EverLED TR bulbs are drop-in replacements for 4-foot fluorescent bulbs. They feature an array of LEDs and circuitry
to convert the normal high supply voltage into regulated DC. EverLED claims a 20% reduction in energy usage, a 10-year
life, works in cold environments, does not flicker, is instant on, and has no hazardous chemicals. A bargain at
only $149 apiece.