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Steve Jobs Mosaic of Apple Pics - RF Cafe Cool Pic

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These images have been chosen for their uniqueness. Subject matter ranges from historic events, to really cool phenomena in science and engineering, to relevant place, to ingenious contraptions, to interesting products (which now has its own dedicated Featured Product category).

Steve Jobs worship is such an established religion that I'm surprised Apple Computer never received 501(c)(3) status with the IRS. Buying Apple products could have been deductible as a charitable expense if the accountants on staff had put a little effort into it. Just like with the over-zealous religious fanatic in the office break room, I have always felt a little embarrassed for the person who dotes over his new iPhone or has to constantly remind us infidels how our PCs running Windows (excuse the bad language) pale in every aspect compared to his Mac-this, or i-that. When a new version of the MacOS is released, it is as if a new chapter of the Bible had just been discovered in a cave in Jerusalem. Now, I wish the best of health for Mr. Jobs, and truly admire his accomplishments, but let us admit here and now that a large part of his success is due to the unwavering dedication of iBots. Prosecuted computer hackers are on record for specifically targeting PCs and sparing Macs in order to foster a preference among users for Apple products (although the tide has been turning lately). Applemania has caused what essentially is a consumer-created monopoly in the computer and phone world for people who cannot conceive of doing without. The FTC could never prosecute such a case against Apple because 1) all the computers in the FTC offices are probably Macs, 2) all the psychologists would could certify excessive compulsive behavior in iBots are themselves iBots, and 3) the judges and lawyers all use iPads and iPhones in the courtroom. The enemy is within the gates.

All that said, the mosaic of Steve Jobs created with images of his company's products is pretty cool.



Posted September 19, 2011

Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe