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RF Cafe Engineering Crossword Puzzle w/Weekly Headlines
November 12, 2017

For the sake of avid cruciverbalists amongst us, each week I create a new technology-themed crossword puzzle using only words related to engineering, science, mathematics, chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc. At least 10 clues in this puzzle with an asterisk (*) are pulled from this past week's (11/6 - 11/10) "Tech Industry Headlines" column on the RF Cafe homepage. Enjoy!

cruciverbalist: [noun]  cruci- ("cross") +‎ verbal ("words") +‎ -ist ("agent, person") -- A person who constructs crosswords.

Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words

RF Cafe Engineering Crossword Puzzle w/Weekly Headlines November 12, 2017

1. Qorvo Announces ______ 2018 Q2 Financial Results - Up 28% QtQ *

5. Centimeter (abbr.)

7. Chemical symbol for beryllium

9. Creating a corona

13. Automated Test Equipment (abbr.)

14. System for underwater navigation (pl.)

15. Person responsible for program spending (abbr.)

16. Once around a circuit

19. Unit of admittance

21. Unit of inductance (abbr.)

22. Workplace safety group (abbr.)

23. Unit for 1,000,000 watt-seconds (abbr.)

26. Beaver's last name, and one who cuts crystals

29. Interpreted encoded data

32. Type of flip-flop

34. Hub of the solar system

35. One port on a FET

36. Science of assuring operation amid dense EM background noise (abbr.)

37. Chemical symbol for selenium

40. Local Oscillator (abbr.)

42. Configuration __________, design group that tracks product revisions

46. Chemical symbol for lithium

47. Heatsink feature (pl.)

48. Chemical symbol for cadmium

49. A BPF specification (abbr.)

50. Part of a FOR loop

51. Sharp bend in I-V curve

52. European equivalent to the U.L.

53. Meter/1000

56. Army-Navy specification prefix

59. Switch position

60. A common battery cell size

63. The ringed planet

65. Nuclear explosion byproduct harmful to electronics (abbr.)

67. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors

69. Electronically imaged a document

71. Boingo Has Carrier _______ on 13 Military Bases, Testing Multicarrier Small Cells *

73. Chemical symbol for argon

74. Light

75. Small unit of capacitance (abbr.)

76. Test document for verifying proper function (abbr.)

79. Powers pneumatic devices

80. Total radiated power (abbr.)

82. Its chemical symbol is In

84. Design for Manufacturability (abbr.)

86. 5G: The Beginning of the End for ______ *

87. European equivalent to the U.L.

88. Chemical symbol for manganese

89. Type of microwave oscillator

1. Electronic component for passing certain frequencies and blocking others

2. Chemical symbol for calcium

3. System for guiding aircraft (abbr.)

4. Front edge of a wing (abbr.)

5. Chemical symbol for cesium

6. Cell phone (sold to Google) and IC manufacturer

7. ________ Reportedly Plans $100B Bid for Qualcomm *

8. Chemical symbol for einsteinium

9. Type of current flow (abbr.)

10. Straight line emanating from a point source

11. Centimeter (abbr.)

12. Users Express Anger After Glitch Blocks ______ Docs File Access *

17. Ultra High Voltage (abbr.)

18. Science of assuring operation amid dense EM background noise (abbr.)

20. Family of ICs with a certain component density level (abbr.)

21. Cooling device

24. ___ Spier, K6WAO, Ascends to AMSAT-NA Presidency *

25. ____ Giants' Profits Hit by Exceptional Circumstances *

27. Chemical symbol for europium

28. Chemical symbol for einsteinium

30. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors

31. Decimeter (abbr.)

33. Q3 2017 _______ Wafer Shipments Hit Another Quarterly Record *

37. HamSCI Workshop for Collaboration Between Hams and Space _______ / Weather Researchers *

38. Walmart Jumps into _____ Top 5 *

39. Microprocessor vendor

41. Exponent that returns the original number

42. Wire diameter unit (abbr.)

43. Ground fault interrupter (abbr.)

44. Electronic warfare defense (abbr.)

45. Telex-Over-Radio (abbr.)

46. Low Noise Amplifier (abbr.)

54. Plot through a family of characteristic curves the shows the operating point for a device (2 wds.)

55. Its chemical symbol is Eu

57. Could the UK Be Left in the Dust in the European ____ to 5G? *

58. Longitudinal shape-forming structural element

59. An arc of a circle equal to one eighth of its circumference

61. A common battery cell size

62. Automatic network analyzer (abbr.)

63. Chemical symbol for selenium

64. A measure of receiver quality (abbr.)

65. 30 Hz to 300 Hz

66. Chemical symbol for molybdenum

68. 1st Direct Measurements of High ______ Electrons in Space *

70. The design component of total product cost (abbr.)

72. Fast Fourier transform (abbr.)

77. Ham's code for "Shall I increase power?"

78. Colorado Springs military school (abbr.)

80. Coefficient of temperature (abbr.)

81. Unit of time (abbr.)

82. Multifunctional silicon devices (abbr.)

83. Chemical symbol for manganese

84. Type of current

85. 1e3 uV

See solution below


2017 Crosswords Archive

Visit the Crossword Express website - RF CafeTake a well-deserved break and try your hand at some of these goodies. Every word in the RF Cafe crossword puzzles is specifically related to engineering, mathematics, and science. There are no generic backfill words like many other puzzles give you, so you'll never see a clue asking for the name of a movie star or a mountain on the Russia-China border.

All of these crossword puzzles were created using the fabulous Crossword Express (now called "Magnum Opus") software.

2024 | 2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000


A cruciverbalist is a person who is skilled at creating or solving crossword puzzles. The term is a combination of "cruci-" from "crucifix," meaning cross, and "verbalist" from "verbal," indicating a person who deals with words. cruciverbalists are often responsible for designing crossword puzzles, and they possess a deep knowledge of wordplay, vocabulary, and the techniques used in constructing and solving crosswords. They aim to make puzzles that are both challenging and enjoyable for crossword enthusiasts.

December 31

December 24

December 17

December 10

December 3

November 26

November 19

November 12

November 5

October 29

October 22

October 15

October 8

October 1

September 24

September 17

September 10

September 3

August 27

August 20

August 13

August 6

July 30

July 23

July 16

July 9

July 2

June 25

June 18

June 11

June 4

May 28

May 21

May 14

May 7

April 30

April 23

April 2

March 26

March 19

March 12

March 5

February 26

February 19

February 12

February 5

January 29

January 22

January 15

January 8

January 1
















RF Cafe Engineering Crossword Solution w/Weekly Headlines November 12, 2017

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe
Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

Temwell Filters

Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe